Azure Mobile Services Component not found in Xamarin Component Store - visual-studio

I'm working with Xamarin plugin in Visual Studio 2013.
I have an iOS app and I want to add the Azure Mobile Services client component to that app. But when I click "Get more components" and search for the component in the store, it is not found.
I tried doing the same from the Xamarin Studio on my mac and the component is there.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
The component is now available in the component store for unified api projects. It became available 1 day after I asked my question :-)

My guess is that you are trying to add it to an iOS Classic project on the Mac with Xamarin Studio but using an iOS Unified project on Windows with Visual Studio.
Looking at the Xamarin Component Store the Azure Mobile Services client is currently only available for iOS Classic projects. You can see that by the tags. It has an ios tag but not an ios-unified tag.
Xamarin Studio will not show the component when you click Get more components if it is incompatible with the current project.


unable to deploy UWP app built from website

I'm trying to convert my website into an UWP application to enable me to upload it into microsoft store. I found out an article: '' which helped me to build the uwp app from my website using visual studio 2019 successfully.
I followed the steps listed below to create my UWP app
Step 1:
I created a new project and selected Blank APP (Universal Windows) in Windows Universal section of JavaScript templates and chose windows 10 as target version
Step 2:
Opened the package.appmanifest > Application Tab and changed entry point to my web url:
Step 3:
Opened Content URI tab and pasted web in URI field.
Step 4:
Then i hit the local machine build button, which built the app successfully and launched it within minutes.
But the app showed a blank page instead of opening my website.
I do not know where i'm going wrong ?
which helped me to build the uwp app from my website using visual studio 2019 successfully.
During the testing, make WinJS blank app and edit package.appmanifest changed entry point with website address, then add Content URI. And it works well.
Visual Studio 2019 has removed WinJs Template. Please create and build the with VS 2017. And for this scenario we suggest you use PWA to replace WinJS blank app template.

UWP store build with Xamarin Forms

We are having trouble publishing our x86/x64 UWP Xamarin Forms app to the Microsoft Store.
The app got rejected because the certification team cannot test the .appxupload package because it crashes on startup.
The app only crashes when installed from the store built .appxupload package. The .appxbundle in _Test works fine and we are using it for in-house distribution and sideloading via HockeyApp.
At first we assumed that the crash was due to faulty packaging as our app uses the desktop-bridge feature to bundle a small WPF executable with it. Our first instinct was to remove the desktop bridge part and test the packaging again. After removing it, we had the same issue, the .appxupload crashed on start.
We took it one step forward and just created a new solution with a new Xamarin Forms Template project (VS 15.7.1). Without changing a single line of code we packaged the visual studio xamarin forms uwp template project for store upload. The surprise here is that the generated .appxupload also crashes exactly the same way on startup.
We decided to find out more by experimenting on the Visual Studio XF uwp template:
Update XF to 3.1 -> still crashes
Update .NETCore.UniversalWindows to 6.1.5 -? still crashes
Remove XF from the project completely (including Xamarin.Forms.Init(..)) -> no more crash, but also no more content without Xamarin forms ... :(
We have researched the following posts which seem to be related to this issue:
Could not load file or assembly 'System.Private.CoreLib...'
Some of the above posts were explaining that even though the .appxupload crashes when installed locally the when downloaded and installed from the Microsoft store the package will run without a problem. Our problem with this part is that our .appxupload package needs to be tested by Microsoft before the store publish because of the desktop bridge permission. Because it crashes when locally testing it cannot be published.
Based on our experiments with the Visual Studio Xamarin forms uwp template project this seems to be an issue of UWP and Xamarin Forms together.
We are not sure how to proceed. We need to get the app running from the .appxupload package so that it can be tested by the store team. Do you have any ideas/solutions for this issue?

Visual Studio App Center Android Build Project not finding Solution Files

I am trying out the new Visual Studio App Center for a mobile app I am writing.
I have three solutions checked into VSTS Git. The first solution named App.sln is a master solution that has 2 solution folders, Apps and Services. The Apps folder has 3 projects App.csproj which is a .NET Standard 2.0 library containing the Xamarin Forms shared code. App.iOS.csproj is the Xamarin Forms iOS project. Finally, App.Droid.csproj is the Xamarin Forms Android project. The Services folder contains project files written in ASP.NET Core 2. The second solution is a solution named App.iOS.sln containing just the iOS and App library projects. The last is a solution named App.Droid.sln containing just the Android and App library projects.
In App Center I have 2 Apps configured per the instructions for Xamarin Forms apps. The first is an App configured as iOS Xamarin app. The second App is configured as Android Xamarin app.
I configured the analytics and crash reporting which works. I then configured the builds and this is where I have run into an issue. Specifically the Android build configuration project drop down only sees the App.Droid project. The iOS App build configuration project drop down sees all three solutions but only the App.iOS project. I selected the App.Droid and App.iOS projects. It seems to work. However I'm concerned that in the future things might break. I rather select the App.iOS and App.Droid solutions. That way I know that the correct projects are compiled and nothing not need is compiled. This is especially true since I am trying to stay within the free compile time budget until the MVP is done. Any ideas how to accomplish ensuring only the right projects are compiled?
According to App Center team (on Jan 30, 2018):
Unfortunately we do not support the selection of sln's with Android
Xamarin, currently solution file is only supported for iOS.

Unable to see list of emulator devices for Xamarin Android in VS 2015

I am using VS 2015 enterprise update 3. After fresh installation, I created a new project--> cross platform tools--> Blank Xaml App(Xamarin.Forms Portable). then made Andriod project is default project from Solution explorer.
Tried select a device but none is available, altough when i open SDK Manager i can see 3 devices.
Andriod error
List of devices
Did you setup your android project as your startup project?
Werid because in your screenshot it shows your portable project as your startup project. This is how it looks like when i debug my android project.

Calabash by Xamarin Not Found on Component Store in Xamarin Studio

Have you removed this components from Components storein Xamarin Studio ? If yes then how to force load calabash framework in xamarin ios project. If any alternative option is available in place of calabash by Xamarin for iOS only(Except UI.Test Xamarin framework) in Components, then let me know. Looking forward to response from your side.
Try using TestCloudAgent from Nuget.
