Unable to see list of emulator devices for Xamarin Android in VS 2015 - xamarin

I am using VS 2015 enterprise update 3. After fresh installation, I created a new project--> cross platform tools--> Blank Xaml App(Xamarin.Forms Portable). then made Andriod project is default project from Solution explorer.
Tried select a device but none is available, altough when i open SDK Manager i can see 3 devices.
Andriod error
List of devices

Did you setup your android project as your startup project?
Werid because in your screenshot it shows your portable project as your startup project. This is how it looks like when i debug my android project.


Microsoft visual studio doesn't show any android emulator or physical device for Xamarin project

I have a xamarin project and i want to debug it, but visual studio doesn't show any emulator or physical device.
this is the menu
I wanted to restart adb from tools > android but it's disabled. but when I open a non xamarin project (for example a web porject) this options is enabled.
I can see my device in cmd with command adb devices and in android studio, every thing is fine and I can deploy some java application to my phone.
do you have Any idea?
I created new project and in this new project, every thing is fine and I can debug with my phone or emulators.
but in my existing project which I'm currently working on, there is no device in list.
It happened to me just now using vs 2019, to fix this, manually remove obj and bin folders restart vs, and that's all :)

Flutter android studio in mac showing Please configure Android SDK in Logcat

I'm using mac os Mojave and android studio for flutter. whenever I create a new Flutter project in the android studio, it is showing that please configure Android SDK. Android SDK is already configured and flutter doctor checked it successfully. I invalidate the cache and restarted the android studio but nothing worked for me. I configured flutter using official flutter website
I had the same problem, the solution as follows :
Open a Flutter project in Android Studio.
Click on File -> Project Structure.
Select the Project tab, under Project Settings.
At the main screen, we should see No SDK in red under the Project SDK section.
Click on the dropdown menu and select an API version installed. Example: Android API 30 platform.
Click OK.
Restart Android Studio (I prefer to restart your mac)

Xamarin android hangs on start

Using visual studio 15.7.4
Xamarin forms project
compile version api level 26
target android version api level 26
release mode
sdk link assemblies only
using Xamarin forms 3.1.0
app starts fine (although long startup time) in debug mode. After installed to 2 different real phones the app splash screen shows on launch but hangs indefinitely
The solution for me was to enable "Zipalign" on the "Signing and aligning APK file(s)" task in my Xamarin Android build definition on Azure Devops (previously VSTS). I got the answer from here
This turned out to be something with the build definition in VSTS, as it worked when built right from Visual Studio

This project needs to be migrated xamarin project

I built a Xamarin simple app project for android device.
It's compiled and also run on my device, whereas after some times I faced an error.
the error is:
"This project needs to be migrated."
and also I couldn't create new android Xamarin project.
In fact, it's disappeared from new project section.
What can I do??
My issue was that "Mobile development with .NET" was not selected/installed in the Visual Studio Installer for VS2019 (coulda sworn I selected that when I moved from 2017 to 2019, but whatever). Once selected and installed, the migration warnings disappeared and I could run the projects.
I had this issue when running the visual studio in safe mode, suggesting that an extension is disabled/missing.

Designer not working for Android Xamarin app

I am 100% new to Xamarin seem to have done something wrong in Visual Studio 2015. I am just trying to view my Main.axml file however the designer is giving me the following error:
A valid Android SDK could not be found. An existing SDK with platform tool and at least one platform needs to be registered with the IDE.
Do I need to do soemthing specific to fix this?
As you can see I am targeting Android 4.1 API 16.
Another weird issue is that the Android SDK Manager is disabled is this normal?
visual studio -> tools ->options:
To launch Android SDK Manager I have to launch Android studio and click on Android SDK Manager :
I had same issue with my sdk on visual studio. I could not open sdk manager from visual studio and xamarin designer could not open even though i pointed to an sdk location. however, other things worked correctly. Updating sdk from android studio and upgrading jdk to 1.8.0_102. solved my problem.
While the Xamarin is updating, that error can see.
Solved is found the tools zip file:
C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\temp\tools_r25.2.4-windows (or your active last tools, doesnt matter. for ex. tools_r23.0.1)
-> Open that zip and unzip in "tools" folder.
-> Cut that folder and, paste parent folder (C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk)
Delete files from this path:
C:\Users\ ++ Your Windows Account Here ++ \AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\ComponentModelCache\
