Replacing String Between two special charters in shell script - shell

I am trying to replace a string in my shell script from localhost:7101/RPAS to in my HTML file.
${myDeployment} =<\/td><\td width="0">http://localhost:7101/RPAS<\/td>
My output should be:
${myDeployment} =<\/td><\td width="0"><\/td>
The strings that are fixed are ${myDeployment} and </td> and localhost:7101 is not a fixed string.
http://occurs multiple times in document and the above mentioned string occurs at the last , but not at the end of the document.
Is there a way to extend this command to only change the string of the last occurring pattern in the file.
sed -e 's#>http://[^/]*/#>\/rpas/#' tst.html
Please let me know if there is a way to do it.

You can use this sed command:
sed 's#>http://[^/]*/#>' file
${myDeployment} =<\/td><\td width="0"><\/td>


Adding quotes to variating characters in bash

I am trying to use the sed function in order to add double quotes for anything in between a matched pattern and a comma to break of the pattern. At the moment I am extracting the following data from cloudflare and I am trying to modify it to line protocol;
I have already converted to this format from JSON output with a bunch of sed functions to modify it, however, I am unable to get to the bottom of it to put the data for clientIP and clientRequestPath in inverted commas.
My expected output has to be;
This data will be imported into InfluxDB, count will be a float whilst clientIP and clientRequestPath will be strings, hence why I need them to be in inverted commas as at the moment I am getting errors since they arent as they should be.
Is anyone available to provided to adequate 'sed' function to do is?
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -E 's/=([^0-9][^,]*)/="\1"/g' file
Enclose any string following a = does not begin with a integer upto a , in double quotes, globally.
here is a solution using a SED script to allow for multiple operations on a source file.
assuming your source data is in a file "from.dat"
create a sed script to run multiple commands
cat script.sed
execute multiple-command sed script on data file redirecting the output file "to.dat"
sed -f script.sed from.dat > to.dat
cat to.dat (only showing one line)

Replace a sting in shell with special character #shellscripting

Please help me to replace a sting with new updated stinging in multiple files.
New string:
Issue: when I'm trying to replace the sting by sed command it's being consider as a special character i.e. ($) . please suggest me the correct way to do this task
There doesn't seem to be a need to reference the $ in the file at all:

Delete a string in a file using bash script

We have a file which has unformatted xml content in a single line
<sample:text>Report</sample:text><sample:user name="11111111" guid="163g673"/><sample:user name="22222222" guid="aknen1763y82bjkj18"/><sample:user name="33333333" guid="q3k4nn5k2nk53n6"/><sample:user name="44444444" guid="34bkj3b5kjbkq"/><sample:user name="55555555" guid="k4n5k34nlk6n711kjnk5253"/><sample:user name="66666666" guid="1n4k14nknl1n4lb1"/>
If we find a particular string suppose "22222222", i want to remove the entire string that surrounds the matched string. In our case the entire portion around 22222222 i.e., <sample:user name="22222222" guid="aknen1763y82bjkj18"/> should be removed and the file has to be saved.
How can we do it? Please help
You can do it using sed utility by invoking it like this:
sed -i file -e 's/<[^<]*"22222222"[^>]*>//'

Sed keep original indentation and camel-casing a variable

I have a simple sed script and I am replacing a bunch of lines in my application dynamically with a variable, the variable is a list of strings.My function works but does not keep the original indentation.the function deletes the line if it contains the certain string and replaces the line with a completely new line, I could not do a replace due to certain syntax restrictions.
How do I keep my original indentation when the line is replaced
Can I capitalize my variable and remove the underscore on the fly, i.e. the title is a capitalize and underscore removed version of the variableName, the list of items in the variable array is really long so I am trying to do this in one shot.
Ex: I want report_type -> Report Type done mid process
Is there a better way to solve this with sed? Thanks for any inputs much appreciated.
sed function is as follows
sed -i "/name\=\"${variableName}\.name\" value\=model\.${variableName}\.name options\=\#lists\./c\\{\{\> \_dropdown title\=\"${variableName}\" required\=true name\=\"${variableName}\"\}\}" test
{{> _select title="Report Type" required=true name="" options=#lists.report_type}}
{{> _dropdown title="Report Type" required=true name="report_type"}}
sample input variable
Try this:
sed -E "s/^(\s+).*name\=\"(report_type)\.name\" value\=model\.report_type\.name options\=\#lists\..*$/\1\{\{\> \_dropdown title\=\"\2\" required\=true name\=\"\2\"\}\}/;T;s/\"(\w+)_(\w+)\"/\"\u\1 \u\2\"/g" input.txt > output.txt
I used "report_type" instead of ${variableName} for testing as an sed one-liner.
Please change back to ${variableName}.
Then go back to using -i (in addition to -E, which is for extended regex).
I am not sure whether I can do it without extended regex, let me know if that is necessary.
use s/// to replace fine tuned line
first capture group for the white space making the indentation
second capture group for the variable name
stop if that did not replace anything, T;
another s///
look for something consisting of only letters between "",
with a "_" between two parts,
seems safe enough because this step is only done on the already replaced line
replace by two parts, without "_"
\u for making camel case
Doing this on your sample input creates two very similar lines.
I assume that is intentional. Otherwise please provide desired output.
Using GNU sed version 4.2.1.
Interesting line of output:
{{> _dropdown title="Report Type" required=true name="Report Type"}}

Parse past all occurrences of a delimiter

I am new to Bash, but hoping this is simple to do. I have the following couple lines of code:
How do I parse past all the backslashes, go to the end of the path, extract the file name and assign it to $FILENAME (in this case 'chromedriver_2.29.exe') ?
This should do the trick:
See details on parameter expansion in Bash here.
