customKeyboard in Swift is very slow to load when called into an application - performance

I've create an iOS 8 custom Keyboard in Swift language and it's doing what I ask it to do, but when i click on a TextField into an App to write the keyboard take a lot to load (2/3 second from when I tap to when it shows) and it's a very annoying problem. How can I solve this?
I also want to ask you: How can I show the accent windows near the button which it refers to when I do a long press on that UIButton? Is there something which can do it propgrammatically (not adding one view per view inside my xib file and hide/not ride them)?
Thank you very much for your help!


How can you modify the styling of a compiled macOS app without the Xcode project and without additional apps?

Does anybody know, how to change the appearance of the title bar and/or toolbar of a simple & small one-window cocoa macOS application without accessing the Xcode or installing third party applications? It's for a screen recording video project, I want to do.
I know, that there are possibilities within the applications info.plist (for example changing the app title inside the top macOS Menu Bar) but I would like to be able to change the apps window title itself and/or colors and/or fonts inside the window title bar or toolbar if possible.
Opening the app in another container window or via terminal or Applescript and adding custom parameters or even an overlay in the right position to change the styling would be okay if this is possible?
Can somebody point me in the right direction?
Thank you very much!
in short: Nibs
Nib File Viewer works until Xcode 10
saving, recompiling if possible
good luck

iOS 7 Back Button in Interface builder

I've been messing around with the new iOS7 SDK and I want to make a back button like there is in most of the other OS apps. Heres a screen shot of what I'm trying to do:
But I can't figure out how. I've never really messed with interface builder because I usually code with opengl apps, so any solutions would be much appreciated. Thanks.
That is is standard "back" button. You get this when you use a navigation controller and show one view controller then push a second. The "<" means "go back". The "September" part is the title of the previous view controller. You don't need to create one of these. Just make proper use of a navigation controller and a couple of view controllers and it will appear automatically.

How do I anchor controls to one side in Xcode?

Ok, so I come from programming in Visual Basic on PCs, and now I'm trying to remake my programs on OS X with Xcode, and so far I have been successful. One thing I have noticed, however, is that when I try to resize the window, controls either stay in the same place or stick to one side. In Visual Basic, I used the "anchor" or "dock" properties to decide whether controls would stretch as the window resized or if the stayed to one side. I was just wondering if there is an easy way to do this in Interface Builder. I am using Xcode 4.5.1 and any help I could get would be great.
Thanks in advance!
In IB, click on the file inspector (The first icon), then make sure auto layout is not checked. Then go to the size inspector (The 5th icon) and make your changes.

Tabbed application troubles in xcode

I am working with my first tabbed application in xcode. I am just testing with some stuff since I'm relatively new to programming. I am just using the 2 views already put into the template. I am putting a slider into the first view and am going to attach it to a text box with numbers. But that isn't the problem! This is probably really stupid and simple, but when i run the application just to see the stuff on the simulator, it is just showing a black screen. NO CLUE WHY! But its killing me and would love some help!
You are not suppose to make connections in AppDelegate. You should use a ViewController for each class. I.E. FirstViewController, SecondViewController. AppDelegate is usually only used for calling save/restore messages.
You are getting the error because the storyboard view is assuming you are assigning it to the correct view. When you create the storyboard say you named it TestApp. Then, you should have a few classes. TestAppDelegate, TestAppDelegateFirstViewController, TestAppDelegateSecondViewController. Or something along those lines. FirstViewController should connect to the first view on the tab view. The Second should attach to the second.
AppDelegate is almost never used for UI. I would suggest you find a book on the matter. I'll suggest "iOS Programming. The Big Nerd Ranch Guide". It helped me a lot when I started.
Photo Exmaple:
I did end up starting a new project. Weird that the black screen showed up.. not really sure why that error was popping up.. I'm not really that knowledgable about the different errors and bugs that a program can have yet! Getting closer though!

Minimize-in-place - Do I need a custom framework

I want to create a system wide minimize-in-place feature that occurs when double-clicking the title bar of any visible window in layer 0.
It seems that this would be a really simple feature to re-implement... When a title-bar is double-clicked, just draw the title bar only. That's it. The problem is implimenting it in all applications. I think it requires writting a custom framework to override the behavior in AppKit? Maybe NSApplication, NSWindow or NSView?
How can I recreate minimize-in-place?
Is a framework my only choice? If I create a framework, can I replace the behavior of minimize in 3rd party apps?
Which framework do I need to override in order to intercept and recreate the default behavior of the minimize button?
More about minimize-in-place:
I am familiar with WindowShade by Unsanity, this is exactly what I want to create. Supposedly unsanity is working on a Lion version, but their track record is bismal. Minimize-in-place was a system feature way back in the days of OS 7 or 8. I have tried other utilities that try to replace this feature, and there aren't any that do minimize-in-place at a core system level like it needs to be done. Please don't offer utitlity suggestions, I am going to build my own.
I have built an Application that recreates minimize-in-place, but it's not good enough.
My Application semi-successfully recreates minimize-in-place by putting "placeholder" windows (belonging to my app) in place of the 3rd party windows when they get minimized to dock. When my window (title bar only) gets double-clicked, I close my window and restore the real window from the dock.
My custom app works perfectly, but there is a lot of application switching going on. I have optimized the switching between apps to be nearly seamless, but the fact remains that there is application switching going on every time a window title bar is double-clicked. The result of application switching is that menu bars switch back and forth, pallets of 3rd party apps hide themselves when my app takes focus, and the list goes on.
So, although I've built a concept app, this method isn't going to work as I'd like it to. Minimize-in-place needs to be implemented using some other method than building an Application, and I need help understanding how to do it.
What I know think I need to do. Suggestions and assistance welcome.
I think I need to write a custom framework that replaces AppKit? This seems overwhelming even though I only need a super-tiny portion of the code to be overridden? i.e. the core _minimize function whatever that may be.
When a title-bar of 3rd party window is double-clicked, just clip to the title bar and let the rest of the system function as normal. On un-minimize (double click 2nd time), set clip back to full window.
Simple right?
Thanks for any assistance/suggestions,
