Can gnuplot convert my temperature data on the fly? - converters

I have a column of numeric data that is temperature in Fahrenheit. How can I get gnuplot to display this on my y axis as Celsius? Can gnuplot recalculate the values for me? I can get plot to display the temperature nicely but only in Fahrenheit.

Instead of
plot 'temps.dat' using 1:2
I entered
plot 'temps.dat' using 1:(($2-32)*.55)
and my y-axis and values were now all in Celsius.


How to make a scatter plot not show all values instead of the top values only?

I have a scatter plot with a timestamp (aggregated by minute) for the X axis and a numerical measure for the Y axis.
The plot that I get shows only some of the values, with the text below the visual name saying "showing top 50 in [X] and top 43 in [Y]".
How do I make the scatter plot show all values?

Plot scatterplot without y-values in plotly.js

I would like to implement a scatterplot over timeline using plotly.js, similar to the image below.
Plotly takes in x and y values to plot the chart. But I will be plotting x-values(time) without any y-values. Is it possible to do so ? Or can I generate random values for y-axis ? Any suggestion or idea would be great.

c3 js plotting multiple set of data on y axis w.r.t x axis, how to avoid same values not displaying on chart

i am using c3.js to plot 3 set of data on y axis and time stamp on x axis. Is there any way to avoid same values overlapping on one another. Need to display all 3 set of data irrespective of same values. Thanks in advance

Rotating a heat map from a matrix in gnuplot

I'm trying to rotate 45ยบ a heat map coming from a matrix. The problem when rotating the discrete data is that the plot exceeds the window's size, reaching labels and tics place. Any idea or alternative to solve the problem?
Main code
set xrange[-20:20]
set yrange[30:50]
plot "test.txt" u ($2-$1+1):($2+$1):3 matrix with image notitle
And what I
obtain. The data file
I would suggest an alternative using splot with pm3d because the set pm3d has the option clip1in and clip4in which tells gnulpot which qudrangles to plot, but is available:
set pm3d map clip4in corners2col c1
set yrange[10:*]
splot 'test.txt' u ($2-$1+1):($2+$1):3 matrix with pm3d notitle
It will show some spurious triangles:
If you want to go for an interpolation, have a look at this question
Pay attention that splot [...] with pm3d will draw the colors of the quadrangles, so that if your matrix s NxM, you'll get (N-1)x(M-1). On the other hand using plot [...] with image you'll get NxM quandrangles. (see help image).

Matlab: changing the axis

How can you rescale the range of the axis without changing what's on the plot itself? So I would like to keep the plot, but changing the values on the axis... Thanks for your help!
In the specific case you mention in the comments: instead of using something like
x = linspace(0,1,size(X,1));
y = linspace(0,1,size(X,2));
This changes the axis scale, and the axis labels are set correspondingly.
In general, to change tick labels of axes, use
set(gca,'xtick',[10 20]) %// values where you want the labels placed
set(gca,'xticklabel',{'label1','label2'}) %// desired labels
