c3 js plotting multiple set of data on y axis w.r.t x axis, how to avoid same values not displaying on chart - c3.js

i am using c3.js to plot 3 set of data on y axis and time stamp on x axis. Is there any way to avoid same values overlapping on one another. Need to display all 3 set of data irrespective of same values. Thanks in advance


How to make a scatter plot not show all values instead of the top values only?

I have a scatter plot with a timestamp (aggregated by minute) for the X axis and a numerical measure for the Y axis.
The plot that I get shows only some of the values, with the text below the visual name saying "showing top 50 in [X] and top 43 in [Y]".
How do I make the scatter plot show all values?

Plot scatterplot without y-values in plotly.js

I would like to implement a scatterplot over timeline using plotly.js, similar to the image below.
Plotly takes in x and y values to plot the chart. But I will be plotting x-values(time) without any y-values. Is it possible to do so ? Or can I generate random values for y-axis ? Any suggestion or idea would be great.

SpagoBI charts: X axis values overlap when lot of values

I'm using SpagoBI to draw charts from values stored in a Database.
If there are a few values, chart is showing properly, but if I have a lot of values the X axis legend overlaps.
Few values
Lot of values
I want to know if is possible to define the number of values shown at the X axis keeping all the data in the chart.
For example: If I have 10 hours just show 0:00 1:00 2:00 .... 10:00 instead of all data in the X axis, keeping all the points in the chart.

D3js - Adding axes to small multiples chart

I'm trying http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/9490516 with some modifications.
I found this: D3js - adding yaxis to small multiples chart yields no or overlapped values
But it doesn't really help me.
What I would like is:
an x axis at the top of my page
an x axis at the bottom of the page
y axis for each chart with different domains
So far, I've been able to add x axis to each individual graph, but that's not what I want.
I'm able to add y axis to individual graphs, but the domain for all are the same.

Matlab: changing the axis

How can you rescale the range of the axis without changing what's on the plot itself? So I would like to keep the plot, but changing the values on the axis... Thanks for your help!
In the specific case you mention in the comments: instead of using something like
x = linspace(0,1,size(X,1));
y = linspace(0,1,size(X,2));
This changes the axis scale, and the axis labels are set correspondingly.
In general, to change tick labels of axes, use
set(gca,'xtick',[10 20]) %// values where you want the labels placed
set(gca,'xticklabel',{'label1','label2'}) %// desired labels
