Yammer Button quit working today - yammer

I have two different App IDs and they both stopped working today.
I am using the Login button and this has worked fine for 1 for over a year and the other on Azure for over month.
They are not working in Visual Studio either, which they both did until today.
Our Service Side Authentication is still working on the latest version of our app but we keep the old one up.
The button is:
<script type="text/javascript" data-app-id="(Removed For Security Reasons)" src="https://c64.assets-yammer.com/assets/platform_js_sdk.js"></script>
Has anything changed on Yammer's end in the last 48 hours?

There was nothing to fix, after 25 days Yammer finally did something and now it works again. I didn't change any code so now the issue can be closed.


Issues with deeplink with default message

We developed an app for MS Teams that utilizes a bot to interact with users.
One of the cards the bot sends includes a button that opens a chat with another person and fills in a default message. This is the form of the button URL:
It used to work well in the past year and in the last couple of weeks, all of the sudden, it seemed to have stopped working. What happens is, that a new chat is opened with the user as expected, but the message is not filled.
After a short investigation, we discovered that when inputting the URL above directly to the URL bar in the browser - it does work, and the default message appears. Moreover - if go and click on the button in the bot - it will now work as expected and fill the default message. This will continue working until we refresh the page - then it stops working again.
Feel free to watch this screen recording demonstrating the issue (sorry for the foreign language in the first 10 seconds 😅): https://myquestworld-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/roy_myquest_co/EWGmLFZ49r5KlurOsMBeXIYBU1gBmhHmL2n-Cbo144JsOQ?e=2lXKAW
We contacted Office 365 support, and they directed us to this forum. We believe this is a bug in MS Teams, but so far we're not able to get MS to do anything about it.
Does anyone else experience this issue? Anything we can do about it?
Any advice would be appreciated.

Bot Icon Not Updating

I've updated the icon for my bot in the Azure portal about 35 hours ago, but it's still showing the old one for new messages sent from the bot. Surely it should have changed by now? Is there any issue with this currently?
It's correct in the Azure portal in the "Test in Web Chat", but Teams is still showing the old icon, even for new messages.
It's been a few days now, and the image finally changed, but now it's totally corrupted. Is there a way to see what's wrong with my PNG? Is there an issue with the bot framework/Teams of some sort? See images below:
Original Icon (I don't know if SO changes the file in any way, but presumably not)
Update: I've now modified my bot in the Azure portal to use the exact same icon as another bot which is working fine, and it's still broken, so I'm thinking there is an issue with the bot framework/Teams in some way at the moment.
What I've encountered from experience is that when updating the bot's info in "Bot App Registration" such as icon and display name.
You can either wait a couple days and see if it fixes itself.
I've consistently been able to get it to update sooner by logging in and out of Teams as well as closing it.
I have a feeling that it's related to the cache since Teams is built with Electron. Some other post mentioned this and there's no "official" surefire way to do this. Playing with the manifest also does not seem to affect it to update sooner.
Log in and out of Teams, close it. If using web version, clear the cache. Log back in.
Good luck!
Try reinstalling the application on Teams, sometimes it takes time.

Microphone Permission on Firefox Mobile not permanent

I am facing an issue with our web tool that I am unable to solve. I already tried to google a solution but failed to find one.
We have a website where we use JavaScript to record audio from the users microphone via getUserMedia. The first time the user enters a html page on the https website, there is a notification popping up about permission rights. Thats fine, but on Firefox Mobile it doesn't matter if you gave your permission already, you will be asked on every single page again. Thats not the case for every other browser we tried.
So, is this some kind of our error or is it a limitation of Firefox Mobile?
Hope anyone solved that issue already in the past.
Best regards,
It's a limitation in Firefox for Android (fennec). It intentionally asks users each time.
It's being solved in the next generation version, available in beta as Firefox Preview (fenix). The prompt there adds this checkbox, similar to Firefox for desktop:
☐ Remember decision for this site

Bug with sharing via SLComposerSheet

So i use SLComposerSheet in my project for share text and image into Facebook. Today 27 April after update facebook application i have interesting problem, method setInitialText doesn't work!. I determined that if i deleted fecebook app from iPhone, method setInitialText works perfectly! Maybe someone know how to fix this bug? Or we must to wait update for Xcode?

My web page all of a sudden opens only partially and cannot be changed

Vista 32; IE9; FrontPage 2003. I've updated my web page for years on a daily basis. Today, after updating my web page only displayed less than half of the Home Page. All other pages of my web page worked. Other computers were able to open the web page normally.
I tried to change the Home Page and uploaded, but the result was the same. I refreshed the page, I restarted and new-started the computer,no difference. I've spent several hours trying to fix the problem myself, but to no avail.
Thanks for any help
Max Klepp
Unfortunately I realized too late that I was in the wrong forum. You're right, it's of course not a programming problem. PLUS: today everything works without any changes having been made. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,...
Thanks for all your efforts
Max Klepp
