DeferredResult in spring mvc - spring

I have one class that extends DeferredResults and extends Runnable as shown below
public class EventDeferredObject<T> extends DeferredResult<Boolean> implements Runnable {
private Long customerId;
private String email;
public void run() {
RestTemplate restTemplate=new RestTemplate();
EmailMessageDTO emailMessageDTO=new EmailMessageDTO("", "Hi There");
Boolean result=restTemplate.postForObject("http://localhost:9080/asycn/sendEmail", emailMessageDTO, Boolean.class);
//Constructor and getter and setters
Now I have controller that return the object of the above class,whenever new request comes to controller we check if that request is present in HashMap(That stores unprocessed request at that instance).If not present then we are creating object of EventDeferredObject class can store that in HashMap and call start() method on it.If this type request is already present then we will return that from HashMap.On completion on request we will delete that request from HashMap.
public class SendVerificationDetailsController {
private ConcurrentMap<String , EventDeferredObject<Boolean>> requestMap=new ConcurrentHashMap<String , EventDeferredObject<Boolean>>();
public EventDeferredObject<Boolean> sendEmail(#RequestBody EmailDTO emailDTO)
EventDeferredObject<Boolean> eventDeferredObject = null;
eventDeferredObject=new EventDeferredObject<Boolean>(emailDTO.getCustomerId(), emailDTO.getEmail());
requestMap.put(emailDTO.getEmail(), eventDeferredObject);
Thread t1=new Thread(eventDeferredObject);
eventDeferredObject.onCompletion(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
return eventDeferredObject;
Now this code works fine if there no identical request comes to that stored in HashMap. If we give number of different request at same time code works fine.

Well, I do not know if I understood correctly, but I think you might have race conditions in the code, for example here:
eventDeferredObject=new EventDeferredObject<Boolean>(emailDTO.getCustomerId(), emailDTO.getEmail());
requestMap.put(emailDTO.getEmail(), eventDeferredObject);
Thread t1=new Thread(eventDeferredObject);
think of a scenario in which you have two requests with the same key emailDTO.getEmail().
Request 1 checks if there is a key in the map, does not find it and puts it inside.
Request 2 comes some time later, checks if there is a key in the map, finds it, and
goes to fetch it; however just before that, the thread started by request 1 finishes and another thread, started by onComplete event, removes the key from the map. At this point,
will return null, and as a result you will have a NullPointerException.
Now, this does look like a rare scenario, so I do not know if this is the problem you see.
I would try to modify the code as follows (I did not run it myself, so I might have errors):
public class EventDeferredObject<T> extends DeferredResult<Boolean> implements Runnable {
private Long customerId;
private String email;
private ConcurrentMap ourConcurrentMap;
public void run() {
//Constructor and getter and setters
so the DeferredResult implementation has the responsibility to remove itself from the concurrent map. Moreover I do not use the onComplete to set a callback thread, as it seems to me an unnecessary complication. To avoid the race conditions I talked about before, one needs to combine somehow the verification of the presence of an entry with its fetching into one atomic operation; this is done by the putIfAbsent method of ConcurrentMap. Therefore I change the controller into
public class SendVerificationDetailsController {
private ConcurrentMap<String , EventDeferredObject<Boolean>> requestMap=new ConcurrentHashMap<String , EventDeferredObject<Boolean>>();
public EventDeferredObject<Boolean> sendEmail(#RequestBody EmailDTO emailDTO)
EventDeferredObject<Boolean> eventDeferredObject = new EventDeferredObject<Boolean>(emailDTO.getCustomerId(), emailDTO.getEmail(), requestMap);
EventDeferredObject<Boolean> oldEventDeferredObject = requestMap.putIfAbsent(emailDTO.getEmail(), eventDeferredObject );
if(oldEventDeferredObject == null)
//if no value was present before
Thread t1=new Thread(eventDeferredObject);
return eventDeferredObject;
return oldEventDeferredObject;
if this does not solve the problem you have, I hope that at least it might give some idea.


Using DelegatingSessionFactory with RemoteFileTemplate.execute(SessionCallback)

I'm trying to declare multiple SFTP sessions, wrap them in a DelegatingSessionFactory, then later use SftpRemoteFileTemplate.execute(...) during a cron job.
On the execute part of things, the code is very simple, it is already used for a single session, but I want to expand it to multiple possible sessions.
Below I extended my single session code. I just copied the methods for reference. At the end I'll show how I think the new methods should look.
public class XSession extends SftpSession {
#Scheduled(cron = "${sftp.scan.x.schedule}")
void scan() {
List<FileHistoryEntity> fileList = template.execute(this::processFiles);
private List<FileHistoryEntity> processFiles(Session<ChannelSftp.LsEntry> session) {
List.of(session.list(this.remoteDir)).forEach(file -> doWhatever());
But now I have multiple sessions. So I declare the following class:
public class DelegateSftpSessionHandler {
private final SessionFactory<ChannelSftp.LsEntry> session1;
private final SessionFactory<ChannelSftp.LsEntry> session2;
private final SessionFactory<ChannelSftp.LsEntry> session3;
private final SessionFactory<ChannelSftp.LsEntry> session4;
private final SessionFactory<ChannelSftp.LsEntry> session5;
public enum DelegateSessionConfig {
public final String threadKey;
public DelegatingSessionFactory<ChannelSftp.LsEntry> delegatingSessionFactory() {
Map<Object, SessionFactory<ChannelSftp.LsEntry>> sessionMap = new HashMap<>();
sessionMap.put(DelegateSessionConfig.SESSION_1.threadKey, session1);
sessionMap.put(DelegateSessionConfig.SESSION_2.threadKey, session2);
sessionMap.put(DelegateSessionConfig.SESSION_3.threadKey, session3);
sessionMap.put(DelegateSessionConfig.SESSION_4.threadKey, session4);
sessionMap.put(DelegateSessionConfig.SESSION_5.threadKey, session5);
DefaultSessionFactoryLocator<ChannelSftp.LsEntry> sessionLocator = new DefaultSessionFactoryLocator<>(sessionMap);
return new DelegatingSessionFactory<>(sessionLocator);
SftpRemoteFileTemplate ftpRemoteFileTemplate(DelegatingSessionFactory<ChannelSftp.LsEntry> dsf) {
return new SftpRemoteFileTemplate(dsf);
Ting is, I have no idea how any of this works, and the spring sftp / fpt documentation is by no means clear. The code is virtually undocumented. And I'm just guessing. I think that I have to do the following:
public class XSession extends SftpSession {
DelegatingSessionFactory<ChannelSftp.LsEntry> delegatingSessionFactory;
SftpRemoteFileTemplate template;
#Scheduled(cron = "${sftp.scan.x.schedule}") // x == SESSION_1
#Async // for thread key
void scan() {
// because thread key changes the session globally? So I don't need specify
// which session this template is working with???
List<FileHistoryEntity> fileList = template.execute(this::processFiles);
private List<FileHistoryEntity> processFiles(Session<ChannelSftp.LsEntry> session) {
List.of(session.list(this.remoteDir)).forEach(file -> doWhatever());
I'm basing what I'm saying on the following link, github spring integration test
Honestly, I hardly understand what is happening. But it seems like setting the thread key, changes the session globally.
My only other idea is to just ... create the RemoteFileTemplate on demand
public static SftpRemoteFileTemplate getTemplateFor(DelegatingSessionFactory<ChannelSftp.LsEntry> dsf, DelegateSessionConfig session) {
return new SftpRemoteFileTemplate(dsf.getFactoryLocator().getSessionFactory(session.threadKey));
It does not set it globally. That's how a ThreadLocal variable works: you set a value in some thread and only this thread can see it. If you use the same object concurrently, other threads don't see that value because it does not belong to their thread state.
Not sure what is your concern, but pattern to extend an SftpSession for custom logic is not right. You should consider to use an SftpRemoteFileTemplate.execute(SessionCallback<F, T> callback) instead, but thread key must be set into a DelegatingSessionFactory before anyway and in the same thread you going to call that execute().

Spring Transactional method not working properly (not saving db)

I have spent day after day trying to find a solution for my problem with Transactional methods. The logic is like this:
Controller receive request, call queueService, put it in a PriorityBlockingQueue and another thread process the data (find cards, update status,assign to current game, return data)
public DeferredResult<List<Card>> queueRequest(#Params...){
queueService.put(result, size, terminal, time)
result.onCompletion(() -> assignmentService.assignCards(result, game,room, cliente));
public class QueueService {
private BlockingQueue<RequestQueue> queue = new PriorityBlockingQueue<>();
GameRepository gameRepository;
TerminalRepository terminalRepository;
RoomRpository roomRepository;
private long requestId = 0;
public void put(DeferredResult<List<Card>> result, int size, String client, LocalDateTime time_order){
--ommited code(find Entity: game, terminal, room)
try {
RequestQueue request= new RequestCola(requestId, size, terminal,time_order, result);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public class CardService {
EntityManager em;
CardRepository cardRepository;
AsignService asignacionService;
public List<Cards> processRequest(int size, BigDecimal value)
List<Card> carton_query = em.createNativeQuery("{call cards_available(?,?,?)}",
.setParameter(1, false)
.setParameter(2, value)
.setParameter(3, size).getResultList();
List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>();
carton_query.forEach(action -> ids.add(action.getId_card()));
String update_query = "UPDATE card SET available=true WHERE id_card IN :ids";
em.createNativeQuery(update_query).setParameter("ids", ids).executeUpdate();
return card_query;
QueueExecutor (Consumer)
public class QueueExecute {
QueueService queueRequest;
AsignService asignService;
CardService cardService;
public void init(){
new Thread(this::execute).start();
private void execute(){
while (true){
try {
RequestQueue request;
request = queueRequest.take();
if(request != null) {
List<Card> cards = cardService.processRequest(request.getSize(), new BigDecimal("1.0"));
request.getCards().setResult((ArrayList<Card>) cards);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public void assignCards(DeferredResult<List<Card>> cards, Game game, Room room, Terminal terminal)
game = em.merge(game);
room = em.merge(room);
terminal = em.merge(terminal);
Order order = new Order();
LocalDateTime datetime =;
BigDecimal total = new BigDecimal("0.0");
for(Card card: (List<Card>)cards.getResult()) {
card= em.merge(card)
--> System.out.println("CARD STATUS" + card.getStatus());
// This shows the OLD value of the Card (not updated)
With this code, it does not save new Card status on DB but Game, Terminal and Room saves ok on DB (more or less...). If I remove the assignService, CardService saves the new status on DB correctly.
I have tried to flush manually, save with repo and so on... but the result is almost the same. Could anybody help me?
I think I found a solution (probably not the optimum), but it's more related to the logic of my program.
One of the main problems was the update of Card status property, because it was not reflected on the entity object. When the assignOrder method is called it received the old Card value because it's not possible to share information within Threads/Transactions (as far I know). This is normal within transactions because em.executeUpdate() only commits database, so if I want to get the updated entity I need to refresh it with em.refresh(Entity), but this caused performance to go down.
At the end I changed the logic: first create Orders (transactional) and then assign cards to the orders (transactional). This way works correctly.

Mockito: Verifying a method was called with a functional parameter

I have a simple scenario in which am trying to verify some behavior when a method is called (i.e. that a certain method was called with given parameter, a function pointer in this scenario). Below are my classes:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConfigurableApplicationContext context =, args);
AppBootStrapper bootStrapper = context.getBean(AppBootStrapper.class);
public class AppBootStrapper {
private NetworkScanner networkScanner;
private PacketConsumer packetConsumer;
public AppBootStrapper(NetworkScanner networkScanner, PacketConsumer packetConsumer) {
this.networkScanner = networkScanner;
this.packetConsumer = packetConsumer;
public void start() {
public class NetworkScanner {
private List<Consumer<String>> consumers = new ArrayList<>();
public void startScan(){
Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().submit(() -> {
while(true) {
// do some scanning and get/parse packets
consumers.forEach(consumer -> consumer.accept("Package Data"));
public void addConsumer(Consumer<String> consumer) {
public class PacketConsumer {
public void consumePacket(String packet) {
System.out.println("Packet received: " + packet);
public class AppBootStrapperTest {
public void start() throws Exception {
NetworkScanner networkScanner = mock(NetworkScanner.class);
PacketConsumer packetConsumer = mock(PacketConsumer.class);
AppBootStrapper appBootStrapper = new AppBootStrapper(networkScanner, packetConsumer);
verify(networkScanner, times(1)).startScan();
I want to verify that bootStrapper did in fact do proper setup by registering the packet consumer(there might be other consumers registered later on, but this one is mandatory) and then called startScan. I get the following error message when I execute the test case:
Argument(s) are different! Wanted:
networkScanner bean.addConsumer(
-> at com.spring.starter.AppBootStrapperTest.start(
Actual invocation has different arguments:
networkScanner bean.addConsumer(
-> at com.spring.starter.AppBootStrapper.start(
From the exception, clearly the function pointers aren't the same.
Am I approaching this the right way? Is there something basic I am missing? I played around and had a consumer injected into PacketConsumer just to see if it made a different and that was OK, but I know that's certainly not the right way to go.
Any help, perspectives on this would be greatly appreciated.
Java doesn't have any concept of "function pointers"; when you see:
What Java actually compiles is (the equivalent of):
networkScanner.addConsumer(new Consumer<String>() {
#Override void accept(String packet) {
This anonymous inner class happens to be called AppBootStrapper$$Lambda$7. Because it doesn't (and shouldn't) define an equals method, it will never be equal to the anonymous inner class that the compiler generates in your test, which happens to be called AppBootStrapperTest$$Lambda$8. This is regardless of the fact that the method bodies are the same, and are built in the same way from the same method reference.
If you generate the Consumer explicitly in your test and save it as a static final Consumer<String> field, then you can pass that reference in the test and compare it; at that point, reference equality should hold. This should work with a lambda expression or method reference just fine.
A more apt test would probably verify(packetConsumer, atLeastOnce()).consumePacket(...), as the contents of the lambda are an implementation detail and you're really more concerned about how your component collaborates with other components. The abstraction here should be at the consumePacket level, not at the addConsumer level.
See the comments and answer on this SO question.

Operations after committing a transaction in spring

I have a situation in Spring where I am writing data to some external source,
Now before writing the data to the external source,
i take a lock
read the object
perform some operation
write the oject back. and unlock the object.
Below piece of code explaing roughly how i do it.
//Code begins here
Lock lck = new ReentrantLock();
public void manipulateData(){
//Object obj = read the data
//modify it
//Code End here
Now in a multi-threaded environment what currently happens is after write call I am calling unlock but my transaction is not committed until my function execution completes. However since I am calling unlock. Other thread gets the lock and read the data which is actually in correct.
So I want something like the lock should be obtained by other thread only when the transaction commit.
Also I cannot use programmatic transaction.
You can consider extracting the code that reads the object and modifies it to a different method (annotated with #Transactional). The lock should then be taken just before invoking the method and released after the method returns. Something like this:
private Dao dao;
public void manipulateData(){
class Dao {
public void update(MyObject obj) {
//read and modify
You can implement an Aspect (AOP) similar to this:
First create a proprietary Transactional similar to this:
#Target({ ElementType.METHOD })
public #interface LockingTransactional {
Then the aspect's interesting code should be similar to this:
private final Lock lck = new ReentrantLock();
public Object intercept(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
try {
TransactionStatus status = createTransaction(); // create the transaction "manually"
Object result;
try {
result = pjp.proceed();
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw t;
return result;
} finally {
private TransactionStatus createTransaction() {
DefaultTransactionDefinition definition = new DefaultTransactionDefinition();
return txManager.getTransaction(definition);

Looking for a solution to extend Spring MVC with another Component/Annotation

Suppose I have a Website that is used in normal mode (browser) and in some other mode, like a MobileView mode (inside a mobile app). For each Controller I create, there might be correspondent controller for MobileView, processing the same url.
The easiest solution is to create ifs in all the Controllers that have MobileView logic. Another solution would be to use a correspondent url for MobileView (similar to the normal url) and two separate Controllers (possible where one extends from another; or use some other way to recycle common code)
But, a more elegant solution would be to have some extra annotations, like #SupportsMobileView (to mark a controller, and tell the app that this will have a correspondent MobileView Controller) and #MobileViewController (to mark a second controller, and tell the app that this controller needs to run immediately after the initial controller marked with #SupportsMobileView). The link between a normal controller and a MobileView controller would be through the url they process (defined with #RequestMapping).
Is it possible to extend Spring MVC (A)? Where to inject new annotation scanners (B) and annotation handlers / component handlers (C)? How should the MobileView controller be executed (D) (right now I am thinking that it could be executed through AOP, where the new handler of my new controller type programatically creates a Join-Point on the corresponding normal controller)
Note that I did not mention how this MobileView mode is triggered and detected. Let's just say that there a Session boolean variable (flag) for that.
Critics on any points (A), (B), (C) or (D) are welcomed, as well as technical hints and alternative solution to any point or the whole solution.
HandlerInterceptor can be used to intercept the RequestMapping handling. This is a simple example how to configure and implement one.
You can check for your session variable and will have a bunch of methods that will allow you to do custom processing or just exchange the view from the normal controller handling with your mobile view.
Ok, warnings:
this is only a proof of concept of what I understood must be done so:
+#MobileViewEnable and #MobileView annotated (and related) methods need to stay in the same controller
+there's no check for the httpAction used
+the two methods must have the same signature
+mobileView annotation value and requestMapping annotation value must be equals and uniques
+the logic inside callYourLogic(..) defines which method is going to be called, at the moment there's a very simple logic that check if exist the parameter ("mobile") in the request, just to test
+this code is not intended to be used as is (at all)
+don't know if it works at all outside my pc (joke :D, ehm..)
public #interface MobileView {
String value() default "";
public #interface MobileViewEnable {
public class MainController extends BaseController {
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MainController.class);
private final static String PROVA_ROUTE = "prova";
public String prova() {
logger.debug("inside prova!!!");
return "provaview";
public String prova2() {
logger.debug("inside prova2!!!");
return "prova2view";
Aspect definition:
<bean id="viewAspect" class="xxx.yyy.ViewAspect" />
<aop:pointcut expression="#annotation(xxx.yyy.MobileViewEnable)" id="viewAspectPointcut" />
<aop:aspect ref="viewAspect" order="1">
<aop:around method="around" pointcut-ref="viewAspectPointcut" arg-names="viewAspectPointcut"/>
Aspect implementation:
public class ViewAspect implements BeforeAdvice, ApplicationContextAware {
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ViewAspect.class);
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public Object around(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) {
Method mobileViewAnnotatedMethod = null;
HttpServletRequest request = getCurrentHttpRequest();
String controllerName = getSimpleClassNameWithFirstLetterLowercase(joinPoint);
Object[] interceptedMethodArgs = getInterceptedMethodArgs(joinPoint);
String methodName = getCurrentMethodName(joinPoint);
Method[] methods = getAllControllerMethods(joinPoint);
Method interceptedMethod = getInterceptedMethod(methods, methodName);
String interceptedMethodRoute = getRouteFromInterceptedMethod(interceptedMethod);
if (callYourLogic(request)) {
mobileViewAnnotatedMethod = getMobileViewAnnotatedMethodWithRouteName(methods, interceptedMethodRoute);
if (mobileViewAnnotatedMethod != null)
return invokeMethod(mobileViewAnnotatedMethod, interceptedMethodArgs, controllerName);
return continueInterceptedMethodExecution(joinPoint, interceptedMethodArgs);
private Object continueInterceptedMethodExecution(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, Object[] interceptedMethodArgs) {
try {
return joinPoint.proceed(interceptedMethodArgs);
} catch (Throwable e) {
logger.error("unable to proceed with intercepted method call: " + e);
return null;
private Object[] getInterceptedMethodArgs(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
return joinPoint.getArgs();
private boolean callYourLogic(HttpServletRequest request) {
// INSERT HERE YOUR CUSTOM LOGIC (e.g.: is the server accessed from a mobile device?)
return request.getParameter("mobile")!= null;
private HttpServletRequest getCurrentHttpRequest() {
return ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes()).getRequest();
private String invokeMethod(Method method, Object[] methodArgs, String className) {
if (method != null) {
try {
Object classInstance = getInstanceOfClass(method, className);
return (String) method.invoke(classInstance, methodArgs);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("unable to invoke method" + method + " - " + e);
return null;
private Object getInstanceOfClass(Method method, String className) {
return applicationContext.getBean(className);
private Method getMobileViewAnnotatedMethodWithRouteName(Method[] methods, String routeName) {
for (Method m : methods) {
MobileView mobileViewAnnotation = m.getAnnotation(MobileView.class);
if (mobileViewAnnotation != null && mobileViewAnnotation.value().equals(routeName))
return m;
return null;
private String getRouteFromInterceptedMethod(Method method) {
RequestMapping requestMappingAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(RequestMapping.class);
if (requestMappingAnnotation != null)
return requestMappingAnnotation.value()[0];
return null;
private String getCurrentMethodName(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
return joinPoint.getSignature().getName();
private Method[] getAllControllerMethods(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
return joinPoint.getThis().getClass().getSuperclass().getMethods();
private String getSimpleClassNameWithFirstLetterLowercase(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
String simpleClassName = joinPoint.getThis().getClass().getSuperclass().getSimpleName();
return setFirstLetterLowercase(simpleClassName);
private String setFirstLetterLowercase(String simpleClassName) {
String firstLetterOfTheString = simpleClassName.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase();
String restOfTheString = simpleClassName.substring(1);
return firstLetterOfTheString + restOfTheString;
private Method getInterceptedMethod(Method[] methods, String lookingForMethodName) {
for (Method m : methods)
if (m.getName().equals(lookingForMethodName))
return m;
return null;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
