Parse symbols not uploading - parse-platform

When I run the parse cli with the symbols option, I get the following message: The file “ParseSymbols” couldn’t be saved in the folder “tmp”.
It then says "Uploaded symbol files.", but when I look at my crash reports on the parse website, it says they are all unsymbolicated (iOS).
I tried running the parse cli with sudo, but it still got the same message.
What am I doing wrong?

This appears to be a bug with Parse. I had to rename the main folder inside my project directory and remove the spaces, and after doing so it worked fine.
"ProjectFolder/Source File Folder" -> "ProjectFolder/SourceFileFolder"
Renaming the folder is actually a bit painful. I had to refer to this question.

I added the -p flag and it worked (and my project file path has spaces in it).
parse symbols -p /path/to/project.xcarchive
Uploading iOS symbol files...
Fetching required resources...
Additional resources installed.
Uploaded symbol files.


How to solve this in Xcode error: no such file or directory: fishhook.c?

I have React Native project. And at the moment i can not launch my IOS version, beacause i get this error: lang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/evgeniykireev/Desktop/poloapp/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/fishhook/fishhook.c'. I have already tried many solutions but nothing is working for me. Can you help me please.
In my case, I had updated some dependencies, including react-native, and a library for onesignal. The error output showed that fishook.h was being referenced from some files in the ios/build/<projectName>/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator folder, so I deleted the ios/build folder and rebuilt with no errors.

Project ... cannot be opened because it is missing its project.pbxproj file

I recently downloaded LLVM-3.9 and built XCode project files for it with:
mkdir llvm-3.9.0.XCode # The .XCode in the name was probably a bad idea
cd llvm-3.9.0.XCode
cmake -G Xcode ../llvm-3.9.0.src/
The cmake then generated a valid looking XCode project files.
Then when I tried opening the project directory with XCode, I kept getting error:
Project .../llvm-3.9.0.XCode cannot be opened because it is missing its project.pbxproj file.
Apparently this error message is often the result of corrupt project files, but this is not the problem in my case. It seems this error can be shown due to different reasons. Here are some similar, but not identical questions that did not help me:
One about merge problems.
A question about where the file shoud be.
One about dropbox problems?
One where the problem seems to be corrupt project files
One where the problem was permissions
The solution I used was this:
cd llvm-3.9.0.XCode
cd LLVM.xcodeproj
open .
In other words, I navigated to the newly generated LLVM.xcodeproj with the shell
and used the system open command on that folder.

<unknown>:0: error: unexpected input file:

I downloaded files from a separate Stack OverFlow post, and dragged the folder into my project (as a group.) The dependancies get resolved and it shows no error for code that relies on the files, but when I try to compile I get this error:
<unknown>:0: error: unexpected input file: /.../xyz.Swift
Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1
It might be nothing, but the files themselves in the project navigator show up as blank icons (while my project's other file have the swift red spalsh icon) despite checking in as swift files in the attribute inspector.
I've fumbled a few times with adding and deleting multiple sets of files, I checked the local dir and nothing seem out of order... is there something else that might be messing this up?
Thanks for suggestions!
Solved - The issue was with the filename extension:
xyz .Swift will not properly link. It will be processed by xcode and solve code issues expecting it, but the linker will hiccup.
renamed files to xyz .swift -> problem solved.
In my case it was after removing a compiler flag in a way it didn't like. Try to figure out what you changed in your compiler settings before it started acting weird. Sometimes because Xcode caches compiled code the problem doesn't immediately start after doing the change!
I haven't seen that precise error before, but don't add files through Finder. Start over, and this time use 'New' -> 'File...' from the Xcode 'File' menu. It has to update its internal manifests to track all project files; you don't want to subvert this process.
After that you may still need to do a 'Clean' before re-building, and perhaps remove all of the DerivedData as well while Xcode is not running:
How can I safely delete in my ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData directory?

How to resolve Xcode codesign error about multiple binaries sharing the same path?

When I try to export a signed copy of my application from the Archives screen, I get the following error.
I used find . -type l ls to find symlinks in my project directory: there are none. I went to the Xcode/Archives folder for this archive and searched for symlinks there, and there are some but none of them are in the DevMateKit.framework mentioned in the error message. I've also tried adding a build step to manually delete the second binary, but it doesn't help.
The code signing is being done automatically by Xcode, and the files are being copied through a standard Copy Files task. There is also one manual piece of code signing, done through a Run Script task, which manually codesigns a different framework to the one in the error message (although I can't see how that would be relevant). My Xcode version is 6.3.1.
Any suggestions?
If you are using DevMateKit v1.1.1 or less, check your 'Link Binary With Libraries' build phase and phase where you are copying frameworks and remove DevMateIssuesReporter.framework from the list if it's present there. If it won't help, just contact DevMate support with this problem or create a new issue with GitHub (
OK, so I believe the reason this happens is as follows. The DevMateKit.framework is pre-codesigned by the developer. But I suspect that their source has symlinks in it, and they have signed it all in such a way that this error occurs, but when packaging the framework for download have removed the symlinks so it appears there is nothing that code be done.
I experimented with signing the code myself, which I think would work, but after some experimentation decided to simply delete the binaries that are directly inside any CrashReporter.framework directory, and leave the ones inside any CrashReporter.framework/Versions/.../ directory. This removes the duplicated binaries and appears to work perfectly.
But I'm not an expert on this process, so it's entirely possible that I was just doing something wrong.

Permission denied error creating firebird embedded database in OSX

Firstly I am not 100% sure I am using the embedded firebird client under OSX. The install file that I downloaded from states that it contains Classic, Superclassic & Embedded. Unlike the windows version there does not appear to be a dedicated embedded library file in the package.
I have assumed that the libfbclient.dylib (renamed libgds.dylib for my use) can be used as embedded. If I am wrong then I guess thats the problem. Can someone tell me where I get the embedded dylib file?
If libfbclient.dylib is for embedded use also then my question remains. When I try to create the database file for the first time it fails with "Permission denied". I am trying to create this file in the users documents folder.
I am using the Interbase Express components in Delphi to connect. This has served me well for years under the windows environment.
The full error message is...
Exception class EIBInterBaseError with message 'I/O error during "open O_CREAT" operation for file '/Users/martin/Documents/LightFactoryShows/default.fdb" Error while trying to create file Permission denied'
Solved! After re-reading this document several times I finally got it:
The embedded library under OSX is the same as what would be called the exe in windows.
In the /Library/Framworks/Firebird.framework folder is an executable just called "Firebird". The key text I did not understand is this "renamed the Firebird file to libfbembed.dylib". My windows experience was tripping me up because in windows you would never rename an .exe to a .dll. I dont know if its possible in windows but I've never herd of it.
There was a couple more trivial things I needed to do so here is the full instructions.
1) Link the "Firebird" {executable} to /usr/local/lib/libgds.dylib
ln -s /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Firebird /usr/local/lib/libgds.dylib
2) Link the firebird.msg file so that it appears in the /usr/local/lib folder
ln -s /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Versions/A/Resources/English.lproj/var/firebird.msg /usr/local/lib/firebird.msg
3) Copy the "security2.fdb" to the /usr/local/lib folder and change its permissions to give write access. It does not work to make a link to this file.
cp /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Versions/A/Resources/English.lproj/var/security2.fdb /usr/local/lib
chmod 777 /usr/local/lib/security2.fdb.
