What ajax framework can i use for organize my javascript code in a single page application entirely server side rendering? - ajax

My website is an ajax single page application with serverside rendering. What are some javascript framework i can use for made a better organization of my javascript code?

BreezeJS you can use for rich data centric apps, which can be used with knockout or angularJS.
I prefer u to use HotTowel SPA template and take a look on this link
And before asking any questions You should be clear for what you need and why u need. So take your time and look around you will get.

You can look into breezeJS which is used to build rich Data-Centric application, for DOM manipulation you can use some JQueryUI or KendoUI, for dynamic Data bindings which will allow you to change the content of your Views you can prefer Knockout or Angular. Using AngularJS will be much appreciated as it provides rich AngularUI which helps you to change your view to manipulate DOM. Based on type of application you want to develop, you can select from the above suggestions.


Django forms with ajax, what would be the best approach?

I am building a plataform inspired on LinkedIn design. I have my pagination made with ajax, when the user scrolls down the page load texts and information which I want them to be editable.
The user will be seeing his information, but when he hovers the info he will see an edit icon, if he clicks all that information becomes an editable form.
What would be the best approach for building it? Do you suggest using some form library? Until now I am using django built in forms.
What you explained is much more related to your client (browser) and just a little to your backend django code running on the server. The backend can handle your data and it can also render pages for you, but if you want fancy dynamic stuff running in the browser you need tools that work there.
There are plenty of frameworks available e.g. vue.js, react or angularjs to name a few.

100% Ajax Websites

I have been looking at Hulu's new website and I am very impressed from a developer's standpoint (as well as a designer's).
I have found that, unless you switch between http/https, you are served content entirely from json requests. That is a HUGE feat to have this level of ajax while maintaining browse back button support as well as allowing each url to be visited directly.
I want to create a website like this as a learning experience. Is there any type of framework out there that can give me this kind of support?
I was thinking I could...
leverage jQuery
use clientside MVVM frameworks like KnockoutJS?
use ASP.NET MVC content negotiation to serve html or json determined by an accept header.
using the same codebase.
use the same template for client side and server side rendering
provide ways to update pagetitle/meta tags/etc.
Ajax forms/widgets/etc would still be used, by I am thinking about page level ajax using json and client side templates.
What do you think? Any frameworks out there? Any patterns I could follow?
It is always best to first build a website without AJAX support, then add AJAX on top of that. Doing this means that:
users without javascript can already access your website
users can already visit any URL directly.
Adding AJAX support can be accomplished by various javascript libraries. So that you can render json content, you will want to look at javascript templating. You will want to use javascript templating even on your server side for when you add AJAX support (file extension .ejs). This will probably require some appropriate libraries to run javascript on the server.
When you add AJAX support, you will want to use the "History.js" library for browser back/forward/history support.
Make no mistake. This is a HUGE project (unless your website only has a few pages). So it is going to take a LONG time to add all the AJAX support to the best possible standard.
to answer your bullet point about using the same template server side as well as client side: check outdust. It was originally developed by akdubya, but has since been adopted and enhanced by linkedin. They use it to render templates on their mobile app client side. Personally I've used it on the server side and it works great.

JavaScript framework with rich ajax requests and middle level ui

I have to choose right js framework for web project. The structure of project consist from two separate modules:
1) Backend which sends data in xml/Json formats
2) html5 + JavaScript which receives data from backend and display it in browser.
Our team would be responsible for UI and JavaScript. I need to choose javascript framework.. (jQuery, ExtJs, Mootools, Prototype, DoJo, YUI, etc)
The ui is not complex but it contains small photo gallery, paging, popups, a lot of ajax, cross browsing..
How good is your team with CSS and Browser Compatibility?
If the answer is "not very" then I would suggest a rich framework such as ExtJs or DoJo that produces the html/css content for you.
If you are reasonably competent, then a behaviour only framework such as jQuery would give you more flexibility. There is of course also jQuery-UI which builds on jQuery base but falls into the first category.
Also be mindful of the future usefulnes of the skillsets required - good HTML/CSS/jQuery skills are widely used. By comparison few projects will use extJS. You may have a difficult job providing this as a rationale to management, but hopefully you get my point.
Perhaps the following reference may also help you decide?

how to integrate ajax to my project

What do i need to do for putting ajax functionality to my project.
What tool kit do i need to download or how can i integrate that .
and do i really need to do something for putting update panel for my project?
One method for AJAX enabling your ASP sites is using the AJAX control toolkit (http://www.asp.net/ajax/ajaxcontroltoolkit/samples/) which provides some AJAX functionality using ASP controls that should be familiar to a novice Dot Net developer. AJAX Control Toolkit is a DLL you add to your solution just like other controls. There is then markup for use in the ASP.NET pages.
For more customized and advanced AJAX features, your best bet is using JQuery (http://jquery.com/) and create *.asmx Web Services. JQuery includes a $.ajax() call that will communicate to ASP.NET Web Services using JSON. This SO page may help - Calling ASMX from jQuery and this Encosia blog entry may help - http://encosia.com/2008/03/27/using-jquery-to-consume-aspnet-json-web-services/. JQuery is a library of JavaScript files that you download, include in your page, and call into using your own JavaScript files.
I would also recommend that you read the wikipedia entry for AJAX (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajax_(programming)) and familiarize yourself with the related technologies.
I think you need to provide a lot more information before we can give youa definitive answer.
Ajax is simply using Javascript to request a webpage - same as a user clicking on a link - except that JavaScript gets the contents of the page requested instead of showing it to the user.
This allows you to request data within JavaScript without refreshing the page.
As you mentioned UpdatePanel, I'm assuming you're using ASP.Net - In which case, .Net 2.0 didn't include AJAX and you needed to get some additional installs to make it work. 3.5 and later includes it natively.
If you're just starting to get into the whole area, I suggest you do some reading about how AJAX works behind the scenes before trying to use it - Understanding what its doing will save you a LOT of headaches later.
FWIW you don't actually need ANYTHING special to make AJAX work - you can write it yourself entirely in JavaScript (I've done this far too many times). As mentioned in Doug's answer, JQuery is fantastic and is worth using even without the AJAX functionality.
If, however, you want to use UpdatePanels and AJAX, the easiest option is .Net 3.5 or later (Visual Studio 2008 or later)
In my opinion, jQuery has the best AJAX functionality and is easy to learn and use. It's got great documentation and there are lots of tutorials and examples -- I love it.

Ajax architecture in Django application

I am trying to find the optimal architecture for an ajax-heavy Django application I'm currently building. I'd like to keep a consistent way of doing forms, validation, fetching data, JSON message format but find it exceedingly hard to find a solution that can be used consistently.
Can someone point me in the right direction or share their view on best practice?
I make everything as normal views which display normally in the browser. That includes all the replies to AJAX requests (sub pages).
When I want to make bits of the site more dynamic I then use jQuery to do the AJAX, or in this case AJAH and just load the contents of one of the divs in the sub page into the requesting page.
This technique works really well - it is very easy to debug the sub pages as they are just normal pages, and jQuery makes your life very easy using these as part of an AJA[XH]ed page.
For all the answers to this, I can't believe no one's mentioned django-piston yet. It's mainly promoted for use in building REST APIs, but it can output JSON (which jQuery, among others, can consume) and works just like views in that you can do anything with a request, making it a great option for implementing AJAX interactions (or AJAJ [JSON], AJAH, etc whatever). It also supports form validation.
I can't think of any standard way to insert ajax into a Django application, but you can have a look to this tutorial.
You will also find more details on django's page about Ajax
Two weeks ago I made a write up how I implement sub-templates to use them in "normal" and "ajax" request (for Django it is the same). Maybe it is helpful for you.
+1 to Nick for pages displaying normally in the browser. That seems to be the best starting point.
The problem with the simplest AJAX approaches, such as Nick and vikingosegundo propose, is that you'll have to rely on the innerHTML property in your Javascript. This is the only way to dump the new HTML sent in the JSON. Some would consider this a Bad Thing.
Unfortunately I'm not aware of a standard way to replicate the display of forms using Javascript that matches the Django rendering. My approach (that I'm still working on) is to subclass the Django Form class so it outputs bits of Javascript along with the HTML from as_p() etc. These then replicate the form my manipulating the DOM.
From experience I know that managing an application where you generate the HTML on the server side and just "insert" it into your pages, becomes a nightmare. It is also impossible to test using the Django test framework. If you're using Selenium or a similar tool, it's ok, but you need to wait for the ajax request to go return so you need tons of sleeps in your test script, which may slow down your test suite.
If the purpose of using the Ajax technique is to create a good user interface, I would recommend going all in, like the GMail interface, and doing everything in the browser with JavaScript. I have written several apps like this using nothing but jQuery, state machines for managing UI state and JSON with ReST on the backend. Django, IMHO, is a perfect match for the backend in this case. There are even third party software for generating a ReST-interface to your models, which I've never used myself, but as far as I know they are great at the simple things, but you of course still need to do your own business logic.
With this approach, you do run into the problem of duplicating code in the JS and in your backend, such as form handling, validation, etc. I have been thinking about solving this with generating structured information about the forms and validation logic which I can use in JS. This could be compiled at deploy-time and be loaded as any other JS file.
Also, avoid XML. The browsers are slow at parsing it, it is a pain to generate and a pain to work with in the browser. Use JSON.
Im currently testing:
jQuery & backbone.js client-side
django-piston (intermediate layer)
Will write later my findings on my blog http://blog.sserrano.com
