VMWare Memory Clear - memory-management

I have installed a VMWare 7.1 workstation for ubuntu 12.01. After using vmware for a month the folder contains too many of .vmdk files. Its costing the partition memory low.
1) How to free the memory that occupied by the vmware temporary memory.
2) What can i do to the .VMDK files - too many files are there is in the source path.

1)Go to the snapshot manager and delete the old snap shot. It will give some free memory space
2)Go to the Setting windows and choose snapshot and set the snap shot setting when power off.


Boot vagrant box on an external drive (usb) with virtual box

I have Virtual box and a customized vagrant box. The thing is that my own laptop (Macbook) has only about 10 Gb of free space. So I bought a 128Gb USB Stick. Now I need to figure out a way to boot up vagrant boxes on this usb stick instead of the default hard drive of my laptop.
Almost all google articles explain how to boot up from the usb. But this is not what I exactly want. Have you ever been through such a situation?
any help would be appreciated!
you can do 3 things :
move your vagrant home directory with all the box on the USB stick (if you have many boxes, it will save some space)
you need to set $VAGRANT_HOME environment variable
move your VirtualBox VM to the USB stick; Open VirtualBox preferences panel and select the new default location folder for VMs. You would need to remove/re-add the VMs in VirtualBox after you moved all files to the external hard drive
You can use Linked Clones
By default new machines are created by importing the base box. For large boxes this produces a large overhead in terms of time (the import operation) and space (the new machine contains a copy of the base box's image). Using linked clones can drastically reduce this overhead.
Linked clones are based on a master VM, which is generated by importing the base box only once the first time it is required. For the linked clones only differencing disk images are created where the parent disk image belongs to the master VM.
It will not help for existing vagrant VM but for your new project, it will help to save space

How Can i create Windows Machine on AWS with 1 GB EBS

Windows default EBS size is 30 GB. We can take snapshot and create another volume but that is to increase size. Moreover my intention is to keep only one partition with 1 GB volume.
Any tricks here ?
As far as I'm aware there are no real tricks there.
I once tried reducing the Linux root partition size, however that VM wouldn't start up because the disk was too small and couldn't copy the snapshot to your disk.
You could check if Windows Nano suits your needs and this one comes with 8 GB.
The other option would be building your own image/AMI. However, looking at the Windows Server 2012/2016 system requirements they say you need a 60-GB system-partition. So 30 GB is already quite small and I'm sure you are unable to install any modern full Windows on a 1 GB drive. This isn't Windows 95 anymore...

where does VirtualBox create partitions on mac for fedora installation?

I have downloaded the fedora iso image and trying to install it using virtual box on my mac. I dedicated a space of 40GB for my hard drive. Now I get this pop up message, I am worried if it will delete my data on hard-drive. I have enough free-space left on my hard-drive. but I don't want this partion to erase my exisiting data.
where is the partition created on file system.(ATA VBOX HARDDISK). Here is the screenshot:
Creating a virtual hard-disk in the host operating system (In virtualBox) will not overwrite any files on your hard drive. It will only utilize unused space on your disk. Overwriting the hard-disk in the guest operating system will not delete any files in the host, but it will overwrite/wipe files in the virtual hard disk (guest OS files).

Recover windows seven

I started on Ubuntu and have had the first considerable error. I'm looking for help.
I have an HP Pavilion dv6 i7. I had installed windows 7 and I decided to also install Ubuntu using a USB.
My first attempt was to install Ubuntu 11.10 following the instructions of the official Ubuntu website. When loading the pendrive, my PC stucks at the main menu of ubuntu, so after searching, I found could be due to a problem with my AMD Radeon graphic card (or not), but I decided to change.
Then I used Ubuntu 10.4. This could happen from the start menu i get into Ubuntu live. There I decided to install it because I liked it and I need to develope with Google TV (in windows is not posible).
And I fail in the partitions section. I tried to follow the instructions on this page:
but there were things that changed a bit so I improvised. I took the windows partition of 700000MB and went to 600000Mb leaving 100GB free to install Linux there. The error was to set it to ext3 (it was ntfs). I thought the new 100gb partition will be set to ext3, and windows partition will stuck at ntfs system, but not.
Total I ran out to boot windows, and above I can not install ubuntu on the 100GB free.
Someone thinks I can help. Is there any easy way to convert back to ntfs windows and not lose data?
Thank you very much.
You should be able to hit F11 when the machine is booting up and go to the HP recovery application. This should let you reset to factory default.
You should definitely be able to install Ubuntu on the new 100GB partition as well. Just make sure you choose the right partition to install it on.
You will need to recover using recovery CD/DVD's. You must have been using the install gparted utility in Linux to "re-partition" your drive. You scrubbed some boot files.
If you successfully recover using the recovery media you can use Disk Management in Win 7 to shrink or extend your volume. In your case you would shrink it down 100Gb's and then when installing Linux gparted will see that available 100 GB and install there while Windows will still run.
Also, you should probably be running ext4 fs, not ext3. you would only want ext3 for compatibility reasons.

XCode compiling extremely slow inside VMWare

The OSX 10.6.6 is installed inside VMware on Windows 7 host. The overall performance is great, However, the compiling time increased dramatically (1 hour against 2-3 min on pure MacOS). It's modern machine with Core i5 & 4GB RAM.
Here are the XBench results:
I think the problem could be in extremely slow 4k write value, but I don't know how to improve this.
Is there any way to increase performance?
UPD1: swap is not used, there is enough memory for all operations
the disk speed is also not related, since my another Macbook shows event worse results, and compiles hundreds times faster.
UPD2: problem solved, see my answer below
Sharing experience and solution.
My Xcode was running fine but when I build a project (even an empty one), it would take up to 10 minutes.
Go to Xcode -> Preference -> Source Control: Dissable Source Control
Now projects build and run in a matter of seconds.
In VMWare, you should have a setting where you can dedicate one or two cores entirely to the virtual machine. Assuming you have quad core, maybe give MacOSX 2 or 3 cores? If you have dual-core and you've allocated 1 core to the VM (and the problem still persists), i can't say much then!
It's good that your problem is solved, but I want to share my experience for improving vmware performance. Please do install VMware tools for mac os and they are present in .iso file.
Steps to install VMware tools for MAC OS:
1) Power on your VM.
2) At the right bottom they are some pop-up symbols(These are usually not present in full screen mode). Rightclick the CD/DVD symbol.
3) Click setting. In this window make sure that darwin.iso is selected.
4) Close this window and again right click CD/DVD symbol.
5) Click connect. An icon will appear with name darwin(300).
6) Inside this file tools are present. Install them!
The problem was: VERY SLOW recursive searching of include paths. If non-recursive, everything works smooth.
I also got the same problem, But i want share my personal experience here.
My CPUs RAM capacity is 4 GB, So i allocated 3.5 GB to the VMWare
because of this it was very slow the entire operating system.
So one day i clearly observed the VMWare settings, finally found the
solution. If we allocate the RAM memory more than recommended then
also your operating system hangs. For my System the recommended RAM
memory is 2048MB, after adjusting this now OS is fast.
We can adjust the RAM memory in Devices option, inside Hardware. For
clarification here i am attaching the screen shot.
I had the same problem and I fixed it as follow:
Most boost I got with changing my vmware config file to disable memory
stored in .vmem file. In my .vmx file I added :
mainMem.useNamedFile = "FALSE"
prefvmx.minVmMemPct = "100"
Setting max cores to the guest
When programming with swift and XCode. Remove all comments /* */ not really used.
