Recover windows seven - windows

I started on Ubuntu and have had the first considerable error. I'm looking for help.
I have an HP Pavilion dv6 i7. I had installed windows 7 and I decided to also install Ubuntu using a USB.
My first attempt was to install Ubuntu 11.10 following the instructions of the official Ubuntu website. When loading the pendrive, my PC stucks at the main menu of ubuntu, so after searching, I found could be due to a problem with my AMD Radeon graphic card (or not), but I decided to change.
Then I used Ubuntu 10.4. This could happen from the start menu i get into Ubuntu live. There I decided to install it because I liked it and I need to develope with Google TV (in windows is not posible).
And I fail in the partitions section. I tried to follow the instructions on this page:
but there were things that changed a bit so I improvised. I took the windows partition of 700000MB and went to 600000Mb leaving 100GB free to install Linux there. The error was to set it to ext3 (it was ntfs). I thought the new 100gb partition will be set to ext3, and windows partition will stuck at ntfs system, but not.
Total I ran out to boot windows, and above I can not install ubuntu on the 100GB free.
Someone thinks I can help. Is there any easy way to convert back to ntfs windows and not lose data?
Thank you very much.

You should be able to hit F11 when the machine is booting up and go to the HP recovery application. This should let you reset to factory default.
You should definitely be able to install Ubuntu on the new 100GB partition as well. Just make sure you choose the right partition to install it on.

You will need to recover using recovery CD/DVD's. You must have been using the install gparted utility in Linux to "re-partition" your drive. You scrubbed some boot files.
If you successfully recover using the recovery media you can use Disk Management in Win 7 to shrink or extend your volume. In your case you would shrink it down 100Gb's and then when installing Linux gparted will see that available 100 GB and install there while Windows will still run.
Also, you should probably be running ext4 fs, not ext3. you would only want ext3 for compatibility reasons.


I Installed windows on a new ssd and I lost Ubuntu on another hhd

Now, the only working operating system is Windows 10. When I go to my Pc in windows, I don't even see my hhd. Is there anyway to save this mess? I tried to unplug my ssd and see if ubuntu shows but nothing.
You probaly go two problems here, the first one is:
the only working operating system is Windows 10.
You probably just replace the default boot drive with the drive where Windows is installed, in this case, you will need to change the boot order, and place the HHD where ubuntu is installed as the first option on the boot order list, (this guide can give you some idea of how to do it. ) after this you will probably see the grub system selector page when your PC starts.
Now to the second problem:
When I go to my Pc in windows, I don't even see my hhd.
The reason that Ubuntu drive doesn't show up is that Windows and Ubuntu use different types of file system technology. Windows uses NFTS and Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, etc) uses EXT4, Windows doesn't support EXT4. To see the Ubuntu drive on Windows, you will need to divide the Ubuntu drive into two partitions, one EXT4 for Ubuntu and another one in NFTS.

Windows 10 Installation on a SSD error: " We couldn't create a new partition..."

I have an Acer Nitro 5 with a Gigabyte 512gb ssd and a WD 1TB hhd.
Recently after installing Ubuntu on my hdd (because i didn't want to change the sata mode), I also wanted a clean Windows install. So I created a boot usb from
media creation tool and go forward with it.
It didn't work. I got the "We couldn't create a new partition or locate an existing one" error, which i spent a significant amount of time trying to search for a solution.
Stuffs i tried:
- Format my ssd
- use diskpart to clean, convert my ssd partition table to gpt, etc like every guide online recommends.
- Make another boot usb, this time with rufus. Didn't work.
Stuffs I didn't try:
- Temporarily disconnect my hdd. I don't have the tools to do that physically, and my acer uefi has zero options regarding this, like most guides suggests.
- Change to bios-legacy boot mode. There's no option in the uefi.
I think it would be fine if i try to install windows on my hdd though, but haven't try it yet. All I know is installing windows on a ssd is much harder but didn't expect it to produce this much annoyance.
I heard there's an option to install on a HDD, the. use a third party tool to copy it to a SSD, but i haven't look into it.
Thanks for any help given..
Assuming you have Windows 10 installed and working on your SSD go to Settings > Update & Security > Recovery > Reset this PC > Get started and then select if you want your files kept you want clean reinstall. Again - from your post I assume the latter so just click Remove everything" confirm and wait. It will take (depending on the machine) 1-2 hours.
I've found this to be the easiest way to have clean install without wondering how do I get it installed on my laptop/pc.
My recommendation though - back up your ubuntu partition - I can't guarantee that windows installer won't clean up HDD you have (it's supposed to clean only SSD but better be safe than sorry).
Here's the link to detailed instructions. It's based on 1903 compilation - if your's older it will still look very similar.
If your windows isn't working then use diskpart to clean the drive, boot the computer from USB windows installation stick and choose the drive for your installation - it will/should create appropriate partitions and start installing.
If it won't change boot order so the SSD is first on the list and HDD next and repeat the previous step.

How to Install Windows Server 2012 and Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop on a Same Machine

I have installed Windows Server 2012 in my 3 Desktop PCs. I am using it for study purpose. In that PCs I need to install Ubuntu Desktop OS Like Dual OS. I searched in internet. All I got was Dual OS for Windows Server is possible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.
Please help me to find a solution to install Windows Server 2012 and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS in Same Machine. Or else suggest me a Free OS Like Ubuntu which supports Dual OS with Windows Server 2012 in Same machine.
There are several ways to do that, the easiest is to have two HDs, physically, witch would be safer, during the installation you could detach the drive with Windows Server, install Ubuntu and then reattach the Windows HD. If this is not a possibility you could use the Windows partition tool to remove a part of the NTFS, you will have to make some research on this. Since you don't say either or not you have tried to do that all i can say is what I usually do:
1 - Windows Installation:
Boot from a flash drive containing the Windows.
In the moment I can select the drive in which I will install the SO, choose to change It then remove the existing partition, confirm.
Create a new partition with, in a case
like this, half the available size in the HD, install the Windows normally.
2 - Ubuntu Installation:
Boot from a flash drive with Ubuntu installation files.
Use the device boot list/options key, (in a desktop PC will be F8 key, in a notebook will vary, F11 and F12 are the most common).
In the boot list choose de flash drive to boot, follow the initial parts of the Ubuntu installation 'till the partitioning part.
In the disk option choose the empty space in your HD. You can let Ubuntu automatically create the set for you or manually do it.
Case you decide to try manually, create one small partition, like up to 30% of the space to the mounting point /, a swap partition with twice the size of you RAM memory, all the remaining space can be assigned to the /home mounting point, this way you can reinstall Ubuntu formatting the system partition and keep your data on /home.
This link, brought to us by JHBonarius, have a detailed step by step to do it with Windows 10 and 8.1. With Windows Server should not be too different.

How to run Mapr?

I am trying to run mapr sandbox on a windows pc and with 8gb ram. But when I am trying to import the ovf its always saying ovf is corrupt while I have used multiple sources the ovf that is running on the other machine is not running in my one.I have tried to play with the configuration as well I also tried to extract and run the ovf as a vmdk but than there will be no config setup done for so that doesn't works as well. Now I have tried that on vmplayer it got install and said that the ovf format is unsupproted and when you try again it will not see the ovf file specification concern so it imported the file successfully but now its says that the vmx file is incompatible. I cannot find any way out?
I did the following for install it on Ubuntu 14.04 (being virtual machines the final destination, shouldn't be mayor problems):
On VirtualBox
Don't use the ovf file.
Create virtual machine (Machine -> New...)
On operating system, choose red hat 64 bits
On memory, you should asing 8 GB for the VM (or less, if you have an old computer like me :D)
Don't add virtual drives, you can't add both drives. Use the option "Do not add a Virtual Hard Drive"
After creation of the VM
Add both disks to the virtual machine, from settings
Configure the network of the machine as following
Attached to "Bridget Adapter"
Name: Eht0
Adapter Type: Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop
Promiscuos mode: Deny
Cable Connected: yes
After this small steps, you should be capable of doing right click -> start, and start using MapR. Basically, we import the machine in a very complicated way, because the ovf file that is supposed to use for importing doesn't work!!
I was facing same issue on my Windows & machine. Here is what I did:
Again downloaded MapR sandbox for VMWare for windows.
Uninstalled previous version of VMWare which was giving this issue and downloaded VMWare Workstation Player for Windows 64 bit.
This time it worked.
As I had the chance to experiment with MapR recently-
MapR needs 6GB RAM
at least for the Virtual Box
(or the virtual machine you are using on windows)
if you don't grant the MapR these 6gb it is just not starting with some strange error saying nothing about that issue. You have 8gb ram on your windows machine so I recommend you to spend at least 6.2gb ram for the process.
p.s. Later I had other problems with the mapper as you can see with no support. (previous I found 1 more bug that they say will be fixed in MapR 6)
I am currently using MapR 5.2

How should I install Linux on Windows Vista PC? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am doing .net programming in addition to c and c++ development and want more flexibility on my home machine. I want to be able to have both Linux (probably Ubuntu) and Windows Vista on my home computer. Is there a way I can install both and on boot be prompted for which one to start? Is there a way to set Windows to default?
I have seen this before in CS labs in undergrad.
Also, I assume there would be no problem if I were to use Windows 32-bit along with Ubuntu 64-bit. Any advise?
The latest versions of Ubuntu include an installer called Wubi, which installs Ubuntu as a windows application (ie: it can be uninstalled from Add/Remove programs) and sets up the dual boot for you! It's great for those who want to give Linux a try without a system overhaul!
You can dual boot, but I would recommend using a Virtual Machine for what you want to do.
Look at VMWare and Virtual PC.
For more information on Virtual PC:
For more information on VMWare:
You should note that dual booting Windows and Linux can be a little risky and is a bit permanent. Running in a Virtual Machine means that you can run the Linux install in a window and not worry about it affecting your development machine at all. The software will not know the difference, so your testing is not affected.
Consider that the Virtual Machine is like a sandbox, where you can try new and different things out, without fear of consequences.
Virtual machines do run with a bit of overhead, and therefore you should not expect to be playing games or anything through them. I would say it is very much like logging into a machine through Remote Desktop (good LAN connection) as far as performance goes.
EDIT: There is also VirtualBox that you could check out. Thanks for the helpers in my comments for that one.
I, too, recommend using a virtual machine for this purpose.
I've had problems with Virtual PC on some Linux distros (Fedora Core comes to mind), but no problems with VMWare or Virtual Box.
Think very hard before installing another operating system even as dual boot. It is rarely simple, even with installers like Ubuntu's that don't require you to mess around on a command line. There is a good risk you'll spend days trying to get your usual OS back to normal especially if you're using Vista.
VMWare and Virtual PC are both good options. Do a test install on one of these and use the OS for a while before making the decision to install.
One other great thing about using a virtual machine is that you only have to worry about getting your network settings sorted on your main OS, because VMWare (etc) will borrow those.
Also, try using the operating system on Live CD or DVD to start with if at all possible. You may also find that you can run an OS from a USB stick. This is obviously good for portability - but note that you can also carry your virtual machines on a removable USB drive.
All you have to do is go to and follow the directions. I downloaded Ubuntu, burned it to CD, and rebooted with the CD in the drive. I did not have to get a second hard drive or worry about it messing with my Vista Home Premium installation.
With Ubuntu (as with most distros with a Live CD install) all you need to do is pop in a disc, boot, and click through the menus. The dual boot is set up perfectly by default, you don't even have to think about it. I've done this with Ubuntu, Debian, PC Linux OS, Freespire, and Xandros on my Vista Home Premium machine and they all worked that way.
If you are paranoid, then you should back up your PC. As cheap as hard drives (USB or internal) are these days, there really is no excuse to not have a full back up of your system. It's too easy. I use Acronis True Image, but I've heard good things about Norton Ghost as well.
Regadless, you don't need Wubi or VMWare, or any virtual anything, a straight install with a dual boot set up is the default on a typical Live CD Linux install and it works even with Vista.
I've done it different ways over the years, and I'd say using a virtual machine is the one that I like best. I've tried both VMWare and VirtualBox, both free, and I like VirtualBox a little better because you can use it with the .iso straight. You don't need somebody to have created a virtual machine image for you.
Another option is to actually run Linux as an application on Windows so you get Linux running at almost full speed but also the ability to run Windows applications along side it. Check it out at
I haven't had a chance to play with it yet, but an option that looks promising for me is a tool in Ubuntu to create a bootable USB drive with Ubuntu on it. It has the benefit of a live cd (no effect on your system), better performance than a live CD and the ability to persist your data from session to session. I've used Wubi before, but I can't remember why I uninstalled it.
Have a look at "cygwin".
This istalls a "linux like" windowing application within your windows
environment. It has good support for gcc and most of the standard
gnu/linux development tools.
You dont have to mess with dual boot. Its especially good for testing
windows to/from unix communictions as you can get everything up and
running in one box.
What you're looking for is called 'Dual booting'. it allows one to choose which operating system to boot at the start. It's well supported in Linux, especially Ubuntu. Just install Ubuntu and it will set up dual booting by default.
You could go either way, a dual-boot or use a VM. I think it depends on whether you'll want to use any Windows apps while developing in the Linux environment. If so, I'd go with a VM, otherwise, here's a tutorial for setting up a dual-boot computer. It has a part on installing both OSes, and a part on if you already have Windows installed.
Wubi is a great (Ubuntu specific) solution.. The only problem I've found was installing Wubi on a FAT formatted Windows partition - I had serious problems then. Also, it might run slightly slower, as there is another layer when doing disk acccess, but I can't say I've noticed.
I dual boot Vista Ultimate 32-bit and Ubuntu 8.10 beta 64-bit with no problems. The key thing, in my opinion, is to have a completely separate hard drive to install Ubuntu on. That removes a lot of the risk since you don't have to fuss around partitioning your primary HDD and makes removing Ubuntu very straightforward as well if you decide you don't want it.
Just be careful and pay attention on which drive you select when you do the install. It's easy for me to tell them apart since my Linux drive is a different size than my main Vista and data storage drives.
If you'd rather go the VM route, VMware Player works well, and I've heard good things about VirtualBox.
try a live cd install of ubuntu :D
creating a bootable flash disk is easy - unetbootin from
I have dual booted Ubuntu and Xp many times with absolutely no problems. I doubt you could do the virtual thing with one OS 32 bit and the other 64. This would not be a problem with a dual boot.
I have had problems using wubi and my boot into windows7 is now unstable at best, so given the choice would favour a VM solution in hindsight. However on other machines I have run Ubuntu Live on USB (installed using by picking the try ubuntu option at boot and that has worked well and was quite quick to get going.
