spark with Hadoop 2.3.0 on Mesos 0.21.0 with error "sh: 1: hadoop: not found" on slave - hadoop

I am setting up for spark with Hadoop 2.3.0 on Mesos 0.21.0. when I try spark on the master, I get these error messages fro stderr of mesos slave:
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I1229 12:34:45.923665 8571 fetcher.cpp:76] Fetching URI
I1229 12:34:45.925240 8571 fetcher.cpp:105] Downloading resource from
'hdfs://' to
E1229 12:34:45.927089 8571 fetcher.cpp:109] HDFS copyToLocal failed:
hadoop fs -copyToLocal 'hdfs://'
sh: 1: hadoop: not found
Failed to fetch: hdfs://
Failed to synchronize with slave (it's probably exited)
The interesting thing is that when i switch to the slave node and run the same command
hadoop fs -copyToLocal 'hdfs://'
, it goes well.

When starting mesos slave, you have to specify the path to your hadoop installation through the following parameter:
Without that it just didn't work for me, even though I had the HADOOP_HOME environment variable set up.


Preferred way to start a hadoop datanode

Functionally, I was wondering whether there is a difference between starting a hadoop namenode with the command:
$HADOOP_HOME/sbin/ --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR --script hdfs start datanode
hdfs datanode
The first command gives me an error stating that the datanode cannot ssh into itself(this is running on a docker container), while the second command seems to run without that issue. The official hadoop documentation for this version, (2.9.1) doesn't mention "hdfs datanode" as a way to start a datanode.

Cannot start running on browser the namenode for Hadoop

It is my first time in installing Hadoop on my Linux (Fedora distro) running on VM (using Parallel on my Mac). And I followed every step on this video and including the textual version of it.And then when I run it on localhost (or the equivalent value from hostname) in port 50070, I got the following message.
...can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:50070
When I run the jps by the way command I don't have the datanode and namenode unlike at the end of the textual version tutorial which has the following:
While mine has only the following processes running:
6021 NodeManager
3947 SecondaryNameNode
5788 ResourceManager
8941 Jps
When I run the hadoop namenode command I have some of the following [redacted] error:
Cannot access storage directory /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode
16/10/11 21:52:45 WARN namenode.FSNamesystem: Encountered exception loading fsimage
org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.InconsistentFSStateException: Directory /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode is in an inconsistent state: storage directory does not exist or is not accessible.
I tried to access by the way the above mentioned directories and it existed.
Any hint for this newbie? ;-)
You would need to give read and write permission to user with which you are running the services on directory /usr/local/hadoop_store/hdfs/namenode.
Once done, you should run format command using hadoop namenode -format
Then try to start your services.
delete files /app/hadoop/tmp/*
and try again formatting the namenode and then &

How can you resolve Oozie error JA009

I am running a simple Oozie workflow on Cloudera VM. The sub-workflow calls a shell script which sends a test email. However, I am getting the JA009 error:
(JA009: Cannot initialize Cluster. Please check your configuration for and the correspond server addresses.).
I have already changed from yarn to classic in the following places:
Also, in /etc/hadoop/conf/ I changed:
"export HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=/usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce"
"export HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME=/usr/lib/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce"
Is there anything I am missing? Yarn is not showing up in hadoop fs -ls /user (hive, pig, spark etc are). So I am assuming Yarn is not pre-installed here.

Backup hdfs directory from full-distributed to a local directory?

I'm trying to back up a directory from hdfs to a local directory. I have a hadoop/hbase cluster running on ec2. I managed to do what I want running in pseudo-distributed on my local machine but now I'm fully distributed the same steps are failing. Here is what worked for pseudo-distributed
hadoop distcp hdfs://localhost:8020/hbase file:///Users/robocode/Desktop/
Here is what I'm trying on the hadoop namenode (hbase master) on ec2
ec2-user#ip-10-35-53-16:~$ hadoop distcp hdfs:// file:///~/hbase
The errors I'm getting are below
13/04/19 09:07:40 INFO tools.DistCp: srcPaths=[hdfs://]
13/04/19 09:07:40 INFO tools.DistCp: destPath=file:/~/hbase
13/04/19 09:07:41 INFO tools.DistCp: file:/~/hbase does not exist.
With failures, global counters are inaccurate; consider running with -i
Copy failed: Failed to createfile:/~/hbase
You can't use the ~ character in Java to represent the current home directory, so change to a fully qualified path, e.g.:
But i think you're going to run into problems in a fully distributed environment as the distcp command runs a map reduce job, so the destination path will be interpreted as local to each cluster node.
If you want to pull data down from HDFS to a local directory, you'll need to use the -get or -copyToLocal switches to the hadoop fs command

Running Hadoop file commands generate error

I have created a hadoop psuedo-distributed cluster on VirtualBox Unbutu 12.04.
Running jps command shows that DataNode and NameNode processes are up.
I am trying to execute the following DFS command
hadoop fs -put conf input
But the above command or any other DFS command fails with
Bad connection to FS. Command aborted. exception: No FileSystem for scheme: hsdf
Any suggestions to get the above working?
Please check the path of the conf and input file your trying to pass.
