How to extract blog posts from Ghost and import in Github hosted jekyll? - ruby

Jekyll website has given this instruction but it's not complete. I downloaded ghost.db from ghost blog and Installed and jekyll-import gem and it's all dependencies. and ran the given command in above link. It ran but it's giving error
Also I don't have any local installation of jekyll website. It's hosted on github.
I want to move my blog posts of ghost to github hosted jekyll.
My OS is OSX Yosemite.

You have to run your command from the folder where ghost.db is in.
If your not lauching your command from the db folder, you can give an absolute path like
"dbfile" => "/home/user/ghost.db"
Or the database name is not the good one. Maybe ghost-dev.db or ghost-prod.db.

Another option is to export your ghost blog to json and then convert that json file into markdown files for Jekyll GitHub pages.
The json file is pretty self explanatory, so you could write a simple program to parse the file and create markdown files from it.
The process would look like this:
read the json file into memory.
parse the posts from
for each post:
the markdown content is in the post markdown property.
create your front matter from the other post properties.
write a file with the front matter and original markdown, pre-pending the file name with the date into a _posts folder in your output folder.
note: if the page property is 0, it's a post, if it's 1 it's a page. If it's a page, the file should go in the root of your output folder without the date in the file name.
Each post file should look something like this:
layout: post
title: Welcome to Ghost
permalink: /welcome-to-ghost
date: 2017-04-25 20:54:20
published: false
You're live! Nice. We've put together a little post to introduce you to the Ghost editor and get you started. You can manage your content by signing in to the admin area at `<your blog URL>/ghost/`. When you arrive, you can select this post from a list on the left and see a preview of it on the right. Click the little pencil icon at the top of the preview to edit this post and read the next section!
If you're looking for an existing utility, or sample code, try GhostToGitHubPagesConverter. It's a dotnet core console app that will run on windows, mac or linux.
Full disclosure, this is my github project.


that is no updated about modification of beautiful-jekyll

i got a fork about
and i checked url is working...
but when i modify _config and md files
but that is no updated.
actually i'm not good at ruby. but i don't understand why no update.
is there anyone to help me ?
enter image description here
layout: page
title: changing
subtitle: Why you'd want to go on a date with me
Do you have experience with Jekyll?
The first thing I would check is that your server is running and without any changes you can view the website by visiting https://localhost:4000
Is the server is running, when you save a file you should see it say that it is rebuilding.
From your screenshot it looks like you're maybe editing the files directly in Github. Github is a bit of a blackbox when it comes to running Jekyll, I would advise getting it running locally first.

Jekyll how to display an image in a post

I am trying to follow the Jekyll docs and am stuck on how to display an image
layout: post
title: "My first post!"
date: 2016-10-20 16:17:57 +0200
categories: jekyll update
regenerate: true
This is in the `_posts` directory.
It can be edited then rebuild the site to see the changes.
You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run `jekyll serve`, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.
![name of the image][{{site.url}}/assets/P6740674.JPG]
I feel very silly asking this question as it is so basic but I can not find any answers to my question
Is it possibly a configuration error on my own system. I am using apache2, ruby gems, etc
Thanks in advance
If you want to use site.url, you have to add a url variable to your _config.yml file. More info in the Jekyll documentation.
But you might not have to use site.url at all. Any urls that start with a / slash will be relative to the top level of your domain. So you could do this:
![image tooltip here](/assets/image.jpg)
I could see an images directory created under assets by default. I've placed an image as follows.
assets/images/myimage.jpg and add following line in the post.
![My image Name](/assets/images/myimage.jpg)
Run bundle exec jekyll serve and see if there is any error. If you have mentioned mismatching file location, you will see error here.
The problem here is annoying simple - you have the wrong format for your image link.
It should be ![name](link). You have ![name][link]. Note the difference in the brackets. Everything else is fine.
I know this is an old question but I spent some 15min on this (jekyll/github blog is my secondary blog). So adding a suggestion here.
Briefly, as Kevin suggested, add the image file to a path under the root and give path to that file. Make sure that the file/directory is being tracked; not .gitignored.
My assets directory is inside _site directory. But, when I added a new image under that path git status did not show it as newly added- .gitignore ignored the _site directory. So Kevin's suggestion did not work as is. But as per his suggestion, I reasoned that as docs is my site's root, if I add an images directory there and add the image under that then something like
![image description](/images/my_image.png)
should work. And it worked this way. Not sure if this is the best way. Sharing here in case you have similar config.
In my case, I forgot to push the image to remote and therefore the image didn't show. Just to keep this in mind as well.

Is there software I can use to view my Markdown files as a wiki, with relative links, on Windows

Our team has installed the Markdown Mode extension in Visual Studio on our Windows PCs, and we're happy with that as an editor for Markdown files, but we need a way to generate a wiki from those files where we can click on links that cross-link the files of the wiki. I've been trying to find something, but haven't had any success getting something running.
I tried creating an empty web application and pasting in the html file from here! and naming it index.html, and adding a couple of md files to the same directory that I set to always copy to the build directory, but I got 404-3 errors when it tried to access the .md file.
I see a couple of tools that look possibly good but need Python or Ruby installed, which isn't ideal: or
I see this ASP.NET control for embedding a Markdown file into a page but the control is for VS 2010 so clearly is not being actively maintained, plus to use it I'll need to build something to take the relative links and find the related .md files and load them up in MVC - sounds like a hassle to get working, and it will require me to put MVC in my docs project.
Is there something that is just designed so that I can put an html file or similar in a directory with a root .md file and have it just immediately act like a wiki and allow navigation between them?
We have decided to use MarkdownDeep NuGet package and a single MVC controller to handle this. The MVC controller looks at the requested path, uses it to figure out the location of the Markdown file, reads that file and renders it to HTML and returns the HTML.

How can I create a download link in octopress

I'm using Octopress for my blog and need to create a link to download a text file.
There is a built in plugin called include_code that renders a link but also shows the file. I just want the link. Does anyone know how I can do this?
Put your text file under source/downloads/code
Then you can use the markdown syntax for showing links like this :
[link name](url for the txt file)
The url will be {your blog url}/downloads/code/{name of txt file}
This is derived from the include_code plugin which also shows a download link for each code listing.
To do it from within HTML, you can use
Text File

Image not showing up in on GitHub

I am trying to add an image to the in my repository using markdown below:
But the image is not showing when I visit my repository.
Instead the link to the image is showing up. Clicking the link will open the image in new window.
I have also tried using relative path:
But this is giving page not found error.
What is the correct markdown to display image in
Both and image file are in same path/directory.
What is the correct way to display an image in github
Complete content of file is as below:
A MP3 player which accept voice command like PLAY, PAUSE, FORWARD, etc. Using C# and Microsoft Speech API.
Updated content
Since January, 30th 2013, GitHub now supports relative links in markup documents.
This means that your code ![ScreenShot](screenshot.jpg) would now work flawlessly.
As pointed by #Brad, this may also ease a scenario where the images are different in two branches, but bear the same. In that case, switching from one branch to another, would dynamically switch the image in the rendered view, thus without requiring any change to the Readme content.
Blog post announcement
Help article
Previous answer when GitHub wasn't supporting relative links
You have to use the raw url format. In your case that would be
This means that the correct markdown would be the following
Using this in a .mdfile on github will display the following picture ;-)
Update following your comment
where is this officialy documented that we have to use raw...i couldn't find it anywhere
This URL format is an undocumented feature of the GitHub site. This means that it could change later. If that ever happens, in order to "rediscover" the new format, click the Raw button when displaying a image. This will "open" the image in your browser. Copy the URL and VoilĂ !
Note: Although the repository is no longer on hosted on GitHub, I've updated the urls to reflect the new GitHub policy regarding user content
You really should use relative urls. That way they'll work better for private repos as well.
supposing your repo has latest.png inside the screenshots folder.
For relative URL's to work with images, wrap it inside the paragraph tag.
I was facing the problem, especially when working with the single image.
<img src="relativePath/file.png" width="220" height="240" />
An extension to previous answers...
The image would not show for me when the line:
Was directly below a <h2></h2> line and I needed to add an empty line between them.
Hopefully this saves someone some time!
Thought I would update this for 2019 as I had trouble figuring this out for myself. I uploaded my images to a repo on GitHub, and then used the raw url of the image to import it into my markdown file. To get the raw url, click on the specific image link in GitHub so you are on the page for that specific image. To the top right of the photo, there are two buttons, "Download" and "History". If you click "Download", it takes you to that raw url with the picture taking up the full screen. Copy that url, and then paste it like this in your markdown file:
![image description or alt text](
The button used to say "Raw" not "Download" so I hope this helps people find it.
This may not be relevant to previous answers. I have the same question as the OP - I was directed here and it didnt help me. I hope I can help add light to this question however - as it covers the possibilities of why images does not render in file.
The issue I encountered is that the file name file is written as readME
Not only its missing .md its also written differently.
Apparently, we should not rename the file. It has to be the original name of that file in order to render the images or gifs you want to upload on github page. Hope this helps someone, in rare of occasions, just like I did.
Check the file extensions because .png is not the same as .PNG.
Also use / instead of \ while specifying the file path.
Side note, when using reStructuredText use:
.. image:: /screenshots/latest.png?raw=true
I've tested with "Copy path" and in some locations this was working and in others it didn't.
In the cases it didn't, I copied the permalink and used it instead.
It doesn;t work when there are any html tags just above the line where image is being imported. You can try removing the html code or add some blank lines for the image to show on Readme.
This is just to help someone who is still having issues with image rendering in
If your image is named Some Name.png and you are trying to attach it in the like ![Some Name](relative/path//res/Some Name.png), it won't work. The image has to be saved without any spaces in the file name.
So Some_Name.png with ![Some Name](relative/path//res/Some_Name.png) will work.
Make sure you check the case of the file extension. They have to match (either capital or lowercase). If you have my_image.PNG in your root directory and you add ![screenshot](/my_image.png) to your README file, it will not work. For some reason, Windows likes to capitalize file extensions sometimes. Unfortunately, Git does not recognize extension case so if you try to fix it by just changing the file name, you won't be able to commit the changes to the repo since Git will think everything is up to date. So you either have to update or do some workaround like moving the file out of the directory, making a commit, then editing the file name then moving it back and doing another commit.
I had to add a <br> to return a line in order for the image to show on mine. This discovery was inspired by the comment in this thread to leave a blank line after a tag.
