Data binding not working rivets js - rivets.js

I just started using rivets js a couple of days before. So i am studying it. But got stuck myself
I have created a fiddle here
What i want to do is. I want to remove the data from the div and put another set of data's inside that
So at first the binding is working. But second time when i empty the div and once again bind Its not working
Created Fiddle
function render() {
rivets.bind($("#hello"), datas);
return this;
rivets.bind($("#hello"), data);
In this code the first binding is working but not after the setTimeout

as i understand you just want to empty the div?
so try to emtpy the model.
if data is:
data = { username: '12345' };
data.username = '';
and the view should be updated automatically


jQuery Mobile 1.4+ pagecontainerbeforechange bug?

I am experimenting with the new way of handling page events in jqM and have run into a curious issue. When handling the pagecontainerbeforechange event
function test(e,u,msg){console.log($(u.toPage));}
Attempting to put a jQuery object wrapper around u.toPage - as done above - produces strange behavior.
Check out this fiddle to see what I mean
Click on the Second Page button and then view the console. Nothing will happen (the second page is not shown) and you will see a message along the lines of *Uncaught error:syntax error, unrecognized expression
Now comment out Line 7 and run the fiddle again. No such issue this time and the second page gets shown.
Perhaps someone here might be able to explain what is going on here?
On initial run, jQuery Mobile creates a fake page before navigating to first page in DOM. At that stage, pagecontainerbeforechange fires twice and returns .toPage as an object.
Later on, upon navigating to other pages, it fires twice again; however, it returns a string first time (URL/hash) and second time it returns an object which is the page itself.
Therefore, when using that event, you have to determine whether .toPage is an object or a string.
$(document).on("pagecontainerbeforechange", function (e, data) {
if (typeof data.toPage == "string") {
/* parse url */
if (typeof data.toPage == "object") {
/* manipulate page navigating to */
Note that pagecontainerbeforetransition is similar to beforechange, however, it fires once and returns .toPage as an object.
First, create your pagecontainer events within $(document).on("pagecreate", "#first", function(){ .. }).
Then the selector for these events should be $(":mobile-pagecontainer") or $("body") NOT $(document).
function test(e,u,msg)
var IsJQ = u.toPage instanceof $;
if (IsJQ){
} else {
$(document).on("pagecreate", "#first", function(){
$(":mobile-pagecontainer").on('pagecontainerbeforechange', function (e, u) {
Updated FIDDLE

simple modal loader

I am new in using jquery. I am trying add in the simplemodal.js (Eirc Martin's simple modal) a function called 'jBox' that will take the data (ie link) and options and using ajax will load the content into the modal container. This way I want on my pages in several places easy call this function
jBox = function(address, options){
$.get(address, function(data) {
The code is working fine, but i would like to add a loading image before the content is fully loaded. There is a lots of similar posts about loader/ spinner in simplebox but none of the works for me.
I was trying following code
$('#test').load('<img src="loader.gif">').html(data);
But, some way, it doesnt work for me. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Thanks
I use the ajaxStart and ajaxStop events.
ajaxStart: function() {
$(this).addClass("loading"); // so page knows it's in loading state
// .. your modal code
ajaxStop: function() {
$(this).removeClass("loading"); // not it loading state anymore
// .. What you should do if loading is done. (eg. hide modal)
In this case I set the body class to 'loading'. So you can do some magic in css if you like.
I tend to use it to disable forms as well.
body.loading div.some-class {
// your special style for during loading

Save edited inline text from CKEditor 4 asp net

I am trying to implement CKEditor 4 into an ASP NET website that I am working on, but I cannot figure out how I would save the edited material from the inline editor I know how to do it with the the old version, but I just don't understand the process for this.
I have looked in the forums... There is not v4 forum.
I looked in for the documentation.... Couldn't find it.
I have a feeling that this is a simple task, but I just don't know how.
You can get your data with CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData(). Then you can send it via AJAX or store it as a value of some input field. To do this periodically, follow this method:
CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
var editor = CKEDITOR.inline( 'editable' );
var savedData, newData;
function saveEditorData() {
setTimeout( function() {
newData = editor.getData();
if ( newData !== savedData ) {
savedData = newData;
// Send it with jQuery Ajax
url: 'yourUrl',
data: savedData
// Or store it anywhere...
// ...
// ...
}, 500 );
// Start observing the data.
You can also observe the submit event and update some (hidden) form field with your data.
Have fun!
Are you trying to get it with AJAX or send with a form? The value of for example the top right inline editor area with Lorem Ipsum can be gotten like in the older version with simply
In the XHTML output example they have a simple form that seems to work and I believe that using an (static) inline editor is just the same.
If you transform elements into editors inline dynamically, I would try to bind to the submit event and before submitting loop through all CKEDITOR.instances, get their data into hidden from fields. As for the hidden field naming or identifying which hidden field corresponds to which dynamic editor you'll have to figure out yourself :)

How to bind events to element generated by ajax

I am using RenderPartial to generate CListView and all the contents generated properly and good pagination is working fine too. But when I added my custom JS to elements generated by the CListview it works fine for the the fist page content but when i use pagination and click to page 2 then the JS binding fails.
Is there any other way to bind custom event to elements generated in YII CListview I had tried using live, and on nothing work for me here is my js file.
I think I have to call my function on every ajax load in but how can I achieve in yii
This is the script I am using to update ratings on server with button click and this the element for which these forms and buttons are defined are generated by CListview in yii
$('form[id^="rating_formup_"]').each(function() {
$(this).live('click', function() {
var profileid= $(this).find('#profile_id').attr('value');
var userid= $(this).find('#user_id').attr('value');
var data = new Object();
$.post('profile_rating_ajax.php', data, handleAjaxResponse);
return false;
You can also try CGridView.afterAjaxUpdate:
'afterAjaxUpdate' => 'js:applyEventHandlers'
The $.each method will loop only on existing elements, so the live binder will never see the ajax-generated content.
Why don't you try it like this:
$('form[id^="rating_formup_"]').live('click', function() {
var profileid= $(this).find('#profile_id').attr('value');
var userid= $(this).find('#user_id').attr('value');
var data = new Object();
$.post('profile_rating_ajax.php', data, handleAjaxResponse);
return false;
This problem can be solved by two ways:
Use 'onclick' html definitions for every item that is going to receive that event, and when generating the element, pass the id of the $data to the js function. For example, inside the 'view' page:
echo CHtml::htmlButton('click me', array('onclick'=>'myFunction('.$data->id.')');
Bind event handlers to 'body' as the framework does. They'll survive after ajax updates:

Adding handler to form inside div, in the future

I am using the following code to direct the results from a form to a specific div.
$(window).load(function () {
$("#form1").submit(function() {
$.post($(this).attr("action"), $(this).serialize(), function(html) {
return false; // prevent normal submit
How can I apply this (or any) handler to future forms that may be created within an updated div ( with new yet to created content inserted into the div at some point in the future)?
I have looked at the .on but I do not see an event for the updating or reloading of a div.
I have tried adding a similar function to the above, but replacing (window) with ("#thefutureDivID"), but no luck.
The best place to add the handler is right after you know the element exists. So, right after this line:
you can add your code that references $("#thefutureDivID").
