Adding handler to form inside div, in the future - events

I am using the following code to direct the results from a form to a specific div.
$(window).load(function () {
$("#form1").submit(function() {
$.post($(this).attr("action"), $(this).serialize(), function(html) {
return false; // prevent normal submit
How can I apply this (or any) handler to future forms that may be created within an updated div ( with new yet to created content inserted into the div at some point in the future)?
I have looked at the .on but I do not see an event for the updating or reloading of a div.
I have tried adding a similar function to the above, but replacing (window) with ("#thefutureDivID"), but no luck.

The best place to add the handler is right after you know the element exists. So, right after this line:
you can add your code that references $("#thefutureDivID").


Ajaxinate Endless scolling has stopped product Quick View from working

I am using Shopify "Streamline Theme" with quick product view and I recently added infinite scroll to products on each collection using Ajaxinate.js.
When I open a collection page it loads with some products which is supposed to do, The products already there work fine with quick view and quick add to cart and also.
The Infinite scroll works fine and it loads new product fine but the problem is raised when the new products loaded through AJAX call doesn't have work with the quick view function.
I have tried to create a callback function to activate the quick view with no success, using the theme initialisation code with no success.
function callBack(){
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
var endlessClick = new Ajaxinate({
method: "scroll",
loadingText: 'Loading...',
callback: callBack
Edit -------
My problem, is that when the page is loaded only the initial loaded products quickview elements are loaded in the DOM. When the scroll more button is clicked, the newly loaded products are loaded without their respective quickview elements. Hence why the quickview does't work for them. The theme.js file comes with this initialisation code:
theme.reinitProductGridItem = function($scope) {
if (AOS) {
if (theme.settings.currenciesEnabled) {
// Reload quick shop buttons
// Refresh reviews app
if (window.SPR) {
// Re-register product templates in quick view modals.
// Will not double-register.
sections.register('product-template', theme.Product, $scope);
// Re-hook up collapsible box triggers
I have tried to integrate this into a callback but no success, the quickview modal doesn't seem to load for the newly loaded products:
function callBack(){
var $container = $('#CollectionSection');
// I have tried the following init qith no success:
// theme.init();
// theme.initQuickShop(true);
// theme.initQuickShop();
// sections.register('product-template', theme.Product, $container);
// AOS.refreshHard();
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
var endlessClick = new Ajaxinate({
method: "click",
loadingText: 'Loading...',
offset: 0,
callback: callBack
I am missing something but what? :/
Note for other things like loading products images with the callback and the wishlist app, it works as intended...
When you load elements via AJAX and if the events are not attached to a parent element that is not removed from the DOM, those elements will not have an attached event to them.
The term used here is event delegation.
Here is an example of non-delegated event:
document.querySelectorAll('a').addEventListener('click', function(){
// Do something
Since you are attaching the event to the existing "a" elements if you add new 'a' via AJAX those elements will not have the event since Javascript already attached all the events and it will not reattach them if you don't specifically recall them again.
Here is an example of a delegated event:
document.querySelector('body').addEventListener('click', function(target){
let target =;
if (target.tagName === 'A'){
// Do something here
Where we attach the event to the body tag ( where it's a better idea to attach it to a closer none-modified parent element of the ajax items ) and once we click we check if our target tag is an "a" and do something then.
So long story short, you will need to delegate the quick cart link so that it works after you load the items via AJAX.
Drip is correct you need to delegate your event, but for people like me it's hard to completely understand how to do that.
I'm not sure how your quickview is structured, but if you open it with a .click function and can use jquery use the [.on() function][1].
For example: I use a quickview that opens on a button click. My button is attached to my product-grid-item.liquid with this bit of code:
<div class="quick-view-button">
<a class="quick-view" data-handle="{{ product.handle }}" href="javascript:void(0);">Quick View</a>
My quickview function originally looked like this:
function quickView() {
$(".quick-view").click(function () {
//all of the quickview code
What happens is exactly like you described. The event listeners only loaded on the first product load but nothing after an AJAX load.
Using jquery's .on() binds the event listener to the element meaning when it's loaded in later it'll still have the event. Here's an example of what my code looks like after using .on()
function quickView() {
I really hope this helps you or someone else with this problem.

jQuery Mobile 1.4+ pagecontainerbeforechange bug?

I am experimenting with the new way of handling page events in jqM and have run into a curious issue. When handling the pagecontainerbeforechange event
function test(e,u,msg){console.log($(u.toPage));}
Attempting to put a jQuery object wrapper around u.toPage - as done above - produces strange behavior.
Check out this fiddle to see what I mean
Click on the Second Page button and then view the console. Nothing will happen (the second page is not shown) and you will see a message along the lines of *Uncaught error:syntax error, unrecognized expression
Now comment out Line 7 and run the fiddle again. No such issue this time and the second page gets shown.
Perhaps someone here might be able to explain what is going on here?
On initial run, jQuery Mobile creates a fake page before navigating to first page in DOM. At that stage, pagecontainerbeforechange fires twice and returns .toPage as an object.
Later on, upon navigating to other pages, it fires twice again; however, it returns a string first time (URL/hash) and second time it returns an object which is the page itself.
Therefore, when using that event, you have to determine whether .toPage is an object or a string.
$(document).on("pagecontainerbeforechange", function (e, data) {
if (typeof data.toPage == "string") {
/* parse url */
if (typeof data.toPage == "object") {
/* manipulate page navigating to */
Note that pagecontainerbeforetransition is similar to beforechange, however, it fires once and returns .toPage as an object.
First, create your pagecontainer events within $(document).on("pagecreate", "#first", function(){ .. }).
Then the selector for these events should be $(":mobile-pagecontainer") or $("body") NOT $(document).
function test(e,u,msg)
var IsJQ = u.toPage instanceof $;
if (IsJQ){
} else {
$(document).on("pagecreate", "#first", function(){
$(":mobile-pagecontainer").on('pagecontainerbeforechange', function (e, u) {
Updated FIDDLE

simple modal loader

I am new in using jquery. I am trying add in the simplemodal.js (Eirc Martin's simple modal) a function called 'jBox' that will take the data (ie link) and options and using ajax will load the content into the modal container. This way I want on my pages in several places easy call this function
jBox = function(address, options){
$.get(address, function(data) {
The code is working fine, but i would like to add a loading image before the content is fully loaded. There is a lots of similar posts about loader/ spinner in simplebox but none of the works for me.
I was trying following code
$('#test').load('<img src="loader.gif">').html(data);
But, some way, it doesnt work for me. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Thanks
I use the ajaxStart and ajaxStop events.
ajaxStart: function() {
$(this).addClass("loading"); // so page knows it's in loading state
// .. your modal code
ajaxStop: function() {
$(this).removeClass("loading"); // not it loading state anymore
// .. What you should do if loading is done. (eg. hide modal)
In this case I set the body class to 'loading'. So you can do some magic in css if you like.
I tend to use it to disable forms as well.
body.loading div.some-class {
// your special style for during loading

jQuery Delegate not binding like I want it to

Using jQuery 1.7
I'm having trouble binding a Click event to some dynamically loaded content.
I've looked around, tried .live, .delegate and .on, and I just can't get it to work.
This is my code:
$(".fileexplorer_folderdlg").delegate(".delete", "click", function () {
console.log("Hello world!");
The thing is, .fileexplorer_folderdlg is dynamically loaded. If I use .fileexplorer (not dynamically loaded), it works, but I have more elements with the .delete class that I do not wish to bind to (and neither element classes can be renamed or changed for various reasons).
I also tried using .fileexplorer_folderdlg .delete as the .delegate selector, didnt work either!
Of course I could just add another unique class to the elements I wish to bind to, but this really should work, right?
I believe this would work:
$(document).on('click', '.delete', function() {
if ($(this).closest('.fileexplorer_folderdlg').length) {
console.log('hello, world!');
or even just:
$(document).on('click', '.fileexplorer_folderdlg .delete', function() {
console.log('hello, world!');
As you've found, you can't bind on .fileexplorer_folderdlg because it's dynamic. You therefore need to bind on some static element that will contain that element at some point in the future.
Instead, this binds on the document (but will unfortunately fire for every single click on the document thereafter).
EDIT by Jeff
Although the code above did not work, modifying it a bit did the job, although not the most desirable solution.
$(document).on('click', '.delete', function () {
if($(this).closest(".fileexplorer") != null)
console.log("Thanks for your help!");
It works, but this event is fired for all other .delete classes, of which there are many. What I do not understand though, is why using .fileexplorer_folderdlg .delete did not work!

JQM (jQueryMobile) problem with AJAX content listview('refresh') not working

This is a mock of what I'm doing:
function loadPage(pn) {
$('#'+pn).live('pagecreate',function(event, ui){
$('#'+pn+'-submit').click( function() {
url: 'page.php?parm=value',
type: 'post',
data: $('form#'+pn+'_form')
function loadAjaxPages(page) {
// this returns the page I want, all is working
url: 'page.php?parm=value',
type: 'POST',
error : function (){ document.title='error'; },
success: function (data) {
$('#display_'+page+'_page').html(data); // removed .page(), causing page to transition, but if I use .page() I can see the desired listview
in the ajax call return if I add the .page() (which worked in the past but I had it out side of the page function, changing the logic on how I load pages to save on loading times), make the page transition to the next page but I can see the listview is styled the way I want:
Removing .page() fixes the transition error but now the page does not style. I have tried listview('refresh') and even listview('refresh',true) but no luck.
Any thoughts on how I can get the listview to refresh?
url: 'page.php?parm=value',
type: 'POST',
error : function (){ document.title='error'; },
success: function (data) {
$("div#name ul").listview(); // add div wrapper w/ name attr to use the refresh
Be sure to call .listview on the ul element
If it didn't style earlier, you just call .listview(), bot the refresh function. If your firebug setup is correct, you should have seen an error message telling you that.
I didn't have time to get down to creating some code before you posted your fix, but here's a little recommendation from me:
if(data !== null){ $('#display_'+page+'_page').html(data).find("ul").listview() }
This is a bit nicer than a new global selector. Also - you don't need the div and you can provide a detailed selector if you have multiple ULs.
caution: the above code requires data !== null. If it's null - it will throw an error.
If you add items to a listview, you'll need to call the refresh() method on it to update the styles and create any nested lists that are added. For example:
Note that the refresh() method only affects new nodes appended to a list. This is done for performance reasons. Any list items already enhanced will be ignored by the refresh process. This means that if you change the contents or attributes on an already enhanced list item, these won't be reflected. If you want a list item to be updated, replace it with fresh markup before calling refresh.
more info here.
