Add row to Google Spreadhseet via API - ajax

I am building a Chrome extension which should write new rows into a Google Spreadsheet. I manage to read the sheet content but am not able to write an additional row. Currently my error is "400 (Bad Request)". Any idea what I am doing wrong here?
I have gone through the Google Sheets API documentation and other posted questions here but was not able to find any solution.
Here is the code which I use to GET the sheet content (this works):
function loadSpreadsheet(token) {
var y = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '' + token);
y.onload = function() {
And this is the code I try to POST a new row (gives me "400 - Bad Request"):
function appendRow(token){
function constructAtomXML(foo){
var atom = ["<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>",
'<entry xmlns="" xmlns:gsx="">',//'--END_OF_PART\r\n',
return atom;
var params = {
'body': constructAtomXML("foo")
url = '' + token;
var z = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", url, true);
z.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/atom+xml");
z.setRequestHeader("GData-Version", "3.0");
z.setRequestHeader("Authorization", 'Bearer '+ token);
z.onreadystatechange = function() {//Call a function when the state changes.
if(z.readyState == 4 && z.status == 200) {
Note: spreadsheet_id is a placeholder for my actual sheet ID.

Follow the protocol and to make it work.
Assume spreadsheet ID is '1TCLgzG-AFsERoibIUOUUE8aNftoE7476TWYKqXQ0xb8'
First use the spreadsheet ID to retrieve list of worksheets:
There you can read list of worksheets and their IDs. Let use the first worksheet from the example. You'll find its id in feed > entry[0] > link array. Look for "rel" equal ''.
In my example the URL for this worksheet is (Worksheet URL):
Now, to read its content use:
GET [Worksheet URL]?alt=json
Besides list-row feed, you'll also find a "post" URL which should be used to alter spreadsheet using list-row feed. It's the one where "rel" equals "" under feed > link.
It happens that it is the same URL as for GET request. In my case: Just be sure to not append alt=json.
Now, to insert a new row using list-row feed you need to send POST with payload which is specified in docs. You need to send a column name prefixed with "gsx:" as a tag name. However it may not be the same as the column name in the spreadsheet. You need to remove any white-spaces, make it all lowercase and without any national characters. So to make your example work you need to replace <gsx:Name> with <gsx:name>.
Before the change you probably had the following payload message:
Blank rows cannot be written; use delete instead.
It's because the API didn't understand what the "Name" is and it just dropped this part of entry from the request. Without it there were no more items and the row was blank.
Alternatively you can read column names from the GET response. Keys from objects in feed > entry array that begins with gsk$ are columns definitions (everything after $ sign is a column name).
To answer a question from the comments.
I've changed two things from your example:
function appendRow(token){
function constructAtomXML(foo){
var atom = ["<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>",
'<entry xmlns="" xmlns:gsx="">',
return atom;
var params = {
'body': constructAtomXML("foo")
var params = constructAtomXML("foo");
url = ''+spredsheetId+'/default/private/full?alt=json&access_token=' + token;
var z = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", url, true);
z.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/atom+xml");
z.setRequestHeader("GData-Version", "3.0");
z.setRequestHeader("Authorization", 'Bearer '+ token);
z.onreadystatechange = function() {//Call a function when the state changes.
if(z.readyState == 4 && z.status == 200) {
1) <gsx:Name> to <gsx:name>. Without it you'll receive an error.
2) params object should be a String! Not an object with some 'body' key. You just need to pass a value you want to send to the server.


Why Parse server is creating new object instead of updating?

I am running parse server in NodeJS environment with express.
Generally, Parse automatically figures out which data has changed so only “dirty” fields will be sent to the Parse Cloud. So, I don’t need to worry about squashing data that I didn’t intend to update.
But why this following code is saving new data every time instead of updating the existing document data with name "Some Name".
// Parse code
Parse.serverURL = keys.parseServerURL;
var GameScore = Parse.Object.extend("GameScore");
var gameScore = new GameScore();
let data = {
playerName: "Some Name",
score: 2918,
cheatMode: true
};, {
success: (gameScore) => {
// let q = new Parse.Query("GameScore");
// q.get(
console.log("ID: " +
error: function (gameScore, error) {
// Execute any logic that should take place if the save fails.
// error is a Parse.Error with an error code and message.
alert('Failed to create new object, with error code: ' + error.message);
// End of Parse code
The problem is that you're executing the query to find which object you want to update, but then you're not using the results when you go to save data.
query.first({ // This will result in just one object returned
success: (result) => {
// Check to make sure a result exists
if (result) {, {
// Rest of code
Note: You're treating playerName as a unique key. If multiple users can have the same playerName attribute, then there will be bugs. You can use id instead which is guaranteed to be unique. If you use id instead, you can utilize Parse.Query.get
Since you want to update an existing object, you must specify its id.
var GameScore = Parse.Object.extend("GameScore");
var gameScore = new GameScore(); = "ID"; // This id should be the id of the object you want to update

sys_id arrays to is one of not displaying records on my report

I am not able to display records on my report.
Report Source: Group Approval(sysapproval_group) table
Condition:Sys Id - is one of - javascript: new GetMyGroupApprovals().getSysIds();
Script Include : MyGroupApproval
Note : Active is checked, Accesible is all application score & Client callable unchecked
var GetMyGroupApprovals = Class.create();
GetMyGroupApprovals.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
getSysIds : function getMyGroupMembers(){
var ga = new GlideRecord('sysapproval_group');
ga.addQuery('parent.sys_class_name', '=', 'change_request');
gs.log("TotalRecords1 Before:: " + ga.getRowCount());
var sysIdArray = [];
return sysIdArray;
type: 'GetMyGroupApprovals'
Kindly note that I have to achieve with script approach. I am not able to get records on my report.
This line is probably causing unexpected behavior:
ga.sys_id returns a GlideElement object, which changes for each of the iterations in the GlideRecord, so the contents of sysIdArray will just be an instance of the same object for each row in the result set, but the value will just be the last row in the set.
You need to make sure you push a string to the array by using one of the following methods:
sysIdArray.push(ga.sys_id+''); // implicitly call toString
sysIdArray.push(ga.getValue('sys_id')); // return string value
Quick suggestion, you can use the following to get sys_ids as well:

Url.Link() not generating proper link with querystring

I'm creating an ASP.NET Core WebAPI that has a route with an optional parameter. In the return result I am embedding links to "previous" and "next" pages. I'm using Url.Link() to generate these links, but the link created is not generating a proper URL.
Example code:
[HttpGet("{page:int?}", Name = "GetResultsRoute")]
public IActionResult GetResults([FromQuery]int page = 0)
var prevUrl = Url.Link("GetResultsRoute", new { page = page - 1 });
var nextUrl = Url.Link("GetResultsRoute", new { page = page + 1 });
The URL generated will be something like:
What I want is:
What am I doing wrong here?
I think you are doing everything right here. It just MVC is able to match your [page] value in Url.Link to the route constraint HttpGet("{page:int?}", thus appending it as a part of the URL path, e.g. results/1
From the docs - Ambient values that don't match a parameter are ignored, and ambient values are also ignored when an explicitly-provided value overrides it, going from left to right in the URL. Values that are explicitly provided but which don't match anything are added to the query string.
In your case,
var prevUrl = Url.Link("GetResultsRoute", new { pageX = page - 1 });
would result in
So ether append the query string parameter yourself, remove the constraint, or switch to MVC recommend format of URL, e.g. /api/results/xxx

How to use a confirmation button in Google Apps Script spreadsheet embedded scripts?

I have this Google Apps Script to send an email with a request to people I choose in a spreadsheet:
function sendRequestEmail() {
var data = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SPREADSHEET);
if(!employee_ID) {
employee_ID = getCurrentRow();
if (employee_ID == 1) {
var employee_ID = Browser.inputBox("Você precisa selecionar um assistido?", "Choose a row or type its number here:", Browser.Buttons.OK_CANCEL);
// Fetch variable names
// they are column names in the spreadsheet
var sheet = data.getSheets()[0];
var columns = getRowAsArray(sheet, 1);
Logger.log("Processing columns =" + columns);
var employeeData = getRowAsArray(sheet, employee_ID);
Logger.log("Processing employeeData = " + employeeData);
// Assume first column holds the name of the person
var email2Send = "";
var title = "Request by email";
var name = employeeData[0];
var mother_name = employeeData[1];
var message = "Hi, I have a request for you, " + name + ", this is... example";
MailApp.sendEmail(email2Send, title, message);
And, before sending the email, I want a confirmation button, something like this:
function showConfirmation(name, email2Send) {
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setHeight(150).setWidth(250);
var msg = "Do you confirm the request to " + email2Send + " about " + name + "?";
app.setTitle("Confirmation of request");
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();;
So, if user press OK, the app will execute the line MailApp.sendEmail(email2Send, title, message); and send an e-mail.
I have to admit my ignorance. I'm reading chapter 4 of the book "Google Apps Script" (Oreilly, by James Ferreira) on handlers. I've tried using an example provided in the documentation from Google (already deleted the code!). But I came across an error that I could not understand.
The code used were this sample:
var ui = DocumentApp.getUi();
var response = ui.prompt('Getting to know you', 'May I know your name?', ui.ButtonSet.YES_NO);
// Process the user's response.
if (response.getSelectedButton() == ui.Button.YES) ... DO THIS
I have some urgency in this simple project, so forgive-me for asking this question before research more for the answer (I'm searching for it while wating for the answer). So, how can I use a confirmation/cancellation button in this code?
The code snippet you showed is for document embedded UI, the equivalent (well... almost) class for spreadsheet context is Browser.MsgBox(prompt,buttons), see doc here, it will be simpler than create a Ui + a handler function... even if the layout and appearance are fairly basic it's easy and efficient.
In your code it becomes :
var confirm = Browser.msgBox('send confirmation','Are you sure you want to send this mail ?', Browser.Buttons.OK_CANCEL);
if(confirm=='ok'){ MailApp.sendEmail(email2Send, title, message)};

How to access object data posted by ajax in codeigniter

I am trying to access an object with form data sent to my controller. However, when I try to access objects I get values of null or 0. I used two methods, the first by serializing and the second by storing names and values in one object. (the code below sends/posts serialized)
Here is my JS...
$("#createUser").click(function() {
//store input values
var inputs = $('#newUserForm :input');
var input = $('#newUserForm :input').serializeArray();
//if I want just the values in one object
var values = {};
$(inputs).each(function() {
values[] = $(this).val();
if(LiveValidation.massValidate( validObj )){
$.post('./adminPanel/createUser', function(input){
alert('Load was performed.');
//test confirmation box
//drop down confirmation
} else {
//test fail box
In the controller side I try to access data the following way...
where firstName is the name of the field.
Below is an image of the objects passed.
Top being serialized array and the bottom a single object with all the names and values of form...
If you're using jQuery, you can use jQuery's built in serialize/query string functions to get the data from a form:
In your case:
var data = $('#newUserForm').serialize(); // is a string like "firstName=jon"
