What does two percent % symbols mean in this Makefile sentence? - makefile

I encountered this line of code in Makefile. I have tried so hard to find an explanation but not able to. Can someone pass a hint if you have a clue? In particular, what does symbol %= mean in this Makefile sentence.
ifndef VARA
VARB := $(CURDIR:/Dev/home/ajhome/%=/home/%)
export VARA:= $(VARB)
Appreciate a lot in advance.

That shouldn't be read as a %=, the % and = have different functions. It's a pattern substitution:
And % is a placeholder in the pattern. This is often used (for example) to get the name of object files from source files, for example
SRCS = foo.c bar.c
OBJS = $(SRCS:%.c=%.o)
# $(OBJS) is foo.o bar.o
In your case, it will take the directory in $(CURDIR) and replace the /Dev/home/ajhome/ at its beginning with /home/. Well, if $(CURDIR) is a list of directories, it will do so for each one of them, but the variable name suggests that there's only one in them, so I'm going with that.


How to use patsubst in makefile to do multiple substitutions

I am trying to generate list of object files from source files in my makefile using patsubst
OBJ:= $(patsubst %src/%.cpp,${OUT_DIR}$%.o,$(SRC))
I want my OBJ variable to be
OBJ=Out/BrokerModule/BrokerApp.o Out/CommandMsgManager/CConfigModuleInfo.o
after patsubst but above patsubst is not producing the desired result. Please help.
There are some problems with the usage of patsubst, see my suggestion as followed,
SRC=../../../Client2.4/Client/src/BrokerModule/BrokerApp.cpp \
# add the definition of src
# Modify the definition of OBJ
OBJ:= $(patsubst ${src}%.cpp,${OUT_DIR}%.o,$(SRC))
Filtered out the prepended ${src} and appended .cpp, and keep only
BrokerModule/BrokerApp.cpp & CommandMsgManager/CConfigModuleInfo.cpp.
And % is replaced by the text that matched the % in the previous step.
Patsubst can only handle patterns with one wildcard in it, unluckily. Moreover you are trying to take apart path names not the usual way at the file level. That means, as long as you neither know the prefix nor the postfix parts of the /src/ in your strings, you are out of luck as you can never say 'replace unknown prefix and conserve unknown postfix' (or the other way round).
The usual solution is to 'know' the prefix:
SRC_PATH := ../../../Client2.4/Client/src
SRC=../../../Client2.4/Client/src/BrokerModule/BrokerApp.cpp \
OBJ:= $(patsubst $(SRC_PATH)/%,${OUT_DIR}%,$(SRC))
$(info $(OBJ))
Another solution is to use e.g. the GNUmake table toolkit library of make functions (still beta but your problem can be solved):
include gmtt.mk
SRC=../../../Client2.4/Client/src/BrokerModule/BrokerApp.cpp \
strip-till-last-src = src/$(call implode,$(call down-to,src/,$(call explode,/,$1)))
OBJ:= $(foreach a-path,$(SRC),$(OUT_DIR)/$(call strip-till-last-src,$(a-path)))
$(info $(OBJ))

Makefile where target names unknown

I'm trying to write a Makefile where multiple source files (in my case they are markdown) create multiple target files (pdfs). However, the target files generated have extra characters in the file name that can't be predicted (it happens to be a version number encoded in the source), but ideally the Makefile would not have to read the source itself.
So, for example:
file1.md => file1-v1.pdf
file2.md => file2-v2.pdf
I can calculate source name given a target name (by excluding anything after the hyphen and adding .md), but cannot calculate target name given the source.
Is it possible to write a Makefile that builds only the targets where the source have been updated?
This will be ugly, but it will work.
As it often is with Make, our problem divides into these two problems:
1. construct a list of targets
2. build them
Suppose we have five md files which map to pdf files (whose names we don't know beforehand):
file1.md => file1-v1.pdf
file2.md => file2-v1.pdf
file3.md => file3-v1.pdf
file4.md => file4-v1.pdf
file5.md => file5-v1.pdf
We can't use the real output file names as targets, because we don't know them beforehand, but we see five input files and know that we must build one output file for each. For now, a fake target name will do:
file1-dummy.pdf: file1.md
zap file1.md
When Make executes this rule, it produces the file file1-v1.pdf. The fact that it doesn't produce a file named file1-dummy.pdf is disquieting, but not a serious problem. We can turn this into a pattern rule:
%-dummy.pdf: %.md
zap $<
Then all we have to do is turn the list of existing input files (file1.md, file2.md, ...) into a list of dummy targets (file1-dummy.pdf, file2-dummy.pdf, ...), and build them. So far, so good.
But suppose some of the output files already exist. If file2-v2.pdf already exists -- and is newer than file2.md -- then we would prefer that Make not rebuild it (by attempting to build file2-dummy.pdf). In that case we would prefer that file2-v2.pdf be in the target list, with a rule that worked like this:
file2-v2.pdf: file2.md
zap $<
This is not easy to turn into a pattern rule, because Make does not handle wildcards very well, and cannot cope with multiple wildcards in a single phrase, not without a lot of clumsiness. But there is a way to write one rule that will cover both cases. First note that we can obtain the part of a variable before the hyphen with this kludge:
$(basename $(subst -,.,$(VAR)))
Armed with this, and with secondary expansion, we can write a pattern rule that will work with both cases, and construct a target list that will exploit it:
# There are other ways to construct these two lists, but this will do.
MD := $(wildcard *.md)
PDF := $(wildcard *.pdf)
PDFROOTS := $(basename $(subst -,.,$(basename $(PDF))))
MDROOTS := $(filter-out $(PDFROOTS), $(basename $(MD)))
TARGETS:= $(addsuffix -foo.pdf, $(MDROOTS)) $(PDF)
%.pdf: $$(basename $$(subst -,., $$*)).md
# perform actions on $<
Make's algorithm always starts with the final output product and works its way backwards to the source files, to see what needs to be updated.
Therefore, you HAVE to be able to enumerate the final output product as a target name and correlate that back to the inputs that generate that output, for make to work.
This is also why make is not a great tool for building Java, for example, since the output filenames don't map easily to the input file names.
So, you must have at least one target/prerequisite pair which is derivable (for implicit rules), or state-able (for explicit rules)--that is, known at the time you write the makefile. If you don't then a marker file is your only alternative. Note you CAN add extra generated, non-derivative prerequisites (for example, in compilers you can add header files as prerequisites that are not related to the source file name), in addition to the known prerequisite.
#Beta's answer is informative and helpful, but I needed a solution (using GNU Make 4.1) that worked when the destination filename bears no resemblance to the input filename, for example, if it is generated from its content. I came up with the following, which takes every file matching *.in, and creates a file by reading the contents of the source file, appending a .txt, and using it as a filename to create. (For example, if test.in exists and contains foo, the makefile will create a foo.txt file.)
SRCS := $(wildcard *.in)
.PHONY: all
all: all_s
define TXT_template =
$(2).txt: $(1)
touch $$#
ALL += $(2).txt
$(foreach src,$(SRCS),$(eval $(call TXT_template, $(src), $(shell cat $(src)))))
all_s: $(ALL)
The explanation:
The define block defines the recipe needed to make the text file from the .in file. It's a function that takes two parameters; $(1) is the .in. file and $(2) is the contents of it, or the base of the output filename. Replace touch with whatever makes the output. We have to use $$# because eval will expand everything once, but we want $# to left after this expansion. Since we have to collect all the generated targets so we known what all the make, the ALL line accumulates the targets into one variable. The foreach line goes through each source file, calls the function with the source filename and the contents of the file (i.e. what we want to be the name of the target, here you'd normally use whatever script generates the desired filename), and then evaluates the resulting block, dynamically adding the recipe to make. Thanks to Beta for explaining .SECONDARY_EXPANSION; I needed it for reasons not entirely clear to me, but it works (putting all: $(ALL) at the top doesn't work). The all: at the top depends on the secondary expansion of all_s: at the bottom and somehow this magic makes it work. Comments welcome.
maybe try this ? or something along those lines
# makefile
SRCS=$(wildcard *.md)
PDFS=$(shell printf *.pdf)
$(PDFS): $(SRCS)
command ...
the printf *.pdf is meant to either expand to the first of the pdf files if they exist, else fail if they don't and that will signal to make that it should build. if this doesn't work i suggest maybe experimenting with find, ls or other listing tools (e.g. compgen, complete), maybe even in combination with xargs to get everything on one line.

What does wildcard mean in makefile?

I found the following lines in a makefile tutorial, but I have some problem with the bold lines.
In 1 line, if I write
it does not work. So please tell me what is
wildcard word in doing here. Is this word is specific to the makefile only?
In tutorial it is written that second line will perform the test substitution. Can anyone tell me something about this text substitution?
Please excuse me if my questions are very basic because I am new to make filestuff.
link of tutorial
**program_C_SRCS:=$(wildcard *.c)** # 1 line
program_CXX_SRCS:=$(wildcard *.cc)
**program_C_OBJ:=$(program_C_SRCS:.c=.o)** # 2 line
program_OBJ:= $(program_C_OBJ) $(program_CXX_OBJ)
Suppose you have two source files. foo.c and bar.c.
program_C_SRCS:=$(wildcard *.c) # 1 line
The wildcard function is Make syntax. The variable program_C_SRCS will now have the value foo.c bar.c (maybe not in that order).
program_C_OBJ:=$(program_C_SRCS:.c=.o) # 2 line
This is a substitution reference. It transforms text, replacing one substring with another. The variable program_C_OBJ now has the value foo.o bar.o.
The use of wildcard card function in make file is to list all the source files with a particular extension. For example:
program_C_SRCS:=$(*.c) // In this the variable program_C_SRCS will have all the files with ".c" extension.
Suppose if you want to convert .c files to .o files then the following syntax may be useful:
program_C_OBJS:=$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard *.c))

Tricky "make" target requirements

I have a situation where I need to compile some source files from a library into my own program. The directories the source files are in are not writeable by me. Instead I have a local "build" directory where all the work is done.
The problem I am having the the translation of the paths. The source files are named, say xxxx.cpp and yyyy.cpp, and they are in /path/to/source/xxxx/xxxx.cpp and /path/to/source/yyyy/yyyy.cpp.
Using $(patsubst ...) I can happily convert those paths to build/xxxx/xxxx.cpp etc, but I can't get it to strip the first xxxx off.
I could do with crafting a target that would match something like this:
build/%.o: /path/to/source/%/%.cpp
$(CXX) ...
...but I can't get that to work at all. I guess it doesn't like the double wildcard in the latter part of the target.
The "source" for the names is a single variable with just the "xxxx" and "yyyy" in:
SYS_LIBS = xxxx yyyy
Any suggestions on how to get something like this to work?
Oh, I need it to be a "generic" solution - this will be an included makefile in many projects that use this library of files, so hand-crafting a target per file is not an option. I cannot predict what files will be in the library.
One easy way is to use vpath to let make find the files itself. You just define
vpath %.cpp /path/to/source
vpath %.cpp /path/to/source2
vpath %.cpp /path/to/source3
build/%.o : %.cpp
You can define more than one path to source that way, but be careful if you have the same file in more than one folder (e.g. a.cpp in both path_to_source1 and path_to_source2)
Personally I'd use vpath, as Bruce suggests. If there are many directories under /path/to/source/ you can use
SRCS = $(wildcard /path/to/source/*)
vpath %.cpp $(SRCS)
(This works as long as the directories go only one level down from there. If there are things like /path/to/source/foo/bar/zzzz/zzzz.cpp, then you'll have to fall back on something like find.)
If you really want to do path translation, this will do it:
X := $(patsubst %.cpp,build/%.o,$(notdir $(X)))
Or (I don't know why you'd want to do it this way, but you could):
X := $(shell echo $(X) | sed 's|.*/\(.*\)\.cpp|build/\1\.o|')

Using multiple % in Makefile

I have to convert a set of file (let's say format fa) into another format (fb) by a command (fa2fb). Each target fb depends only on one fa file.
Data structure is in a format like this:
How can I implement it with make?
I have tried this but of course it did not work:
./DATA/%/fb/%.fb : ./DATA/%/fa/%.fb
#fa2fb $< $#
Is there any simple solution without changing the data directories?
Many thanks!
Use secondary expansion and the subst function to create a rule where the prerequisites are constructed as a more complex function of the target name:
DATA/%.fb: $$(subst fb,fa,$$#)
#fa2fb $< $#
Note that this approach assumes that fb will not occur anywhere else in the filename (which holds true if all of your filenames are of the form DATA/Ln/fb/Ln.fb, for some integer n).
This may be the sloppiest makefile I have ever written.
define template
$(2) : $(1)
echo hi
sources=DATA/L1/fa/L1.fa DATA/L2/fa/L2.fa
$(foreach source,$(sources),$(eval $(call template,$(source),$(subst /fa/,/fb/,$(subst .fa,.fb,$(source))))))
The idea is to define a macro to generate your rules, then use foreach and eval+call to invoke it once for each source. The source is the first argument to the call, so it becomes $(1) in the macro. The second argument is just the transformation from a source file name to a destination file name; it becomes $(2) in the macro.
Replace echo hi with your own rule and you should be good to go. And be sure to write a nice big clear comment or someday someone will surely show up at your door with a baseball bat.
This is basically the same as Nemo's answer. I just tried to make the foreach call a bit more readable, by creating a list of modules, containing simply L1 L2 ... Ln, instead of the list of full source names.
MODULES := $(notdir $(wildcard ./DATA/L*))
define rule
./DATA/$(1)/fb/$(1).fb: ./DATA/$(1)/fa/$(1).fa
#fa2fb $< $#
$(foreach module, $(MODULES), $(eval $(call rule,$(module))))
