Maven dependencies needed for Jersey 2.x (2.6) - jersey

I'm trying to migrate from Jersey 1.x (1.2) to 2.x (2.6), I have trouble identifying the exact maven dependencies, jersey documentation is not comprehensive enough, it doesn't mention what maven dependencies are needed for the new version.
Does anyone have comprehensive list of maven dependencies needed for Jersey 2.x (2.6)?
Jersey doc

For a servlet environment, the only dependency you need is
This will pull in all you need. If you are in a servlet 2.5 environment, then you would use this instead
Further information about 2.5 servlet, can be seen here
Alternatively, you could create a project from a Maven archetype, as seen here
Just as a note, the significance of using Jersey 2.6 is that it is the last version to support Java 6. If this is not a requirement for you, I would recommend using the latest version.


DistributedMap feature: how to use it

How to use the Liberty's distributedmap feature in a Java application?
Where I can find the required Maven dependencies (
The Maven dependencies for WebSphere features like the DistributedMap are defined in the repository and they are published on Maven central.
The following dependency loads all APIs:
The Maven coordinates for the distributedMap API would be:
Each release of Liberty will have a different version, but that is from the latest version as of this response. I found this by using and searching for distributedMap. This should work for other features APIs as well.

Why Akka-Http still uses older Akka-Actor?

I have added the latest akka-http to my project but that includes the very old 2.4.19 version on akka-actor. Hence I also added akka-actor version 2.5.4 to the dependency. However, that results into following error:-
Detected java.lang.NoSuchMethodError error, which MAY be caused by incompatible Akka versions on the classpath.
My maven config is like below:-
What am I missing? Is there any version of akka-http which uses the latest akka-actor?
Update: Added dependency graph
From the Compatibility Guidelines page in the documentation:
Akka HTTP 10.0.x is (binary) compatible with both Akka 2.4.x as well as Akka 2.5.x, however in order to facilitate this the build (and thus released artifacts) depend on the 2.4 series. Depending on how you structure your dependencies, you may encounter a situation where you depended on akka-actor of the 2.5 series, and you depend on akka-http from the 10.0 series, which in turn would transitively pull in the akka-streams dependency in version 2.4 which breaks the binary compatibility requirement that all Akka modules must be of the same version, so the akka-streams dependency MUST be the same version as akka-actor (so the exact version from the 2.5 series).
In order to resolve this dependency issue, you must depend on akka-streams explicitly, and make it the same version as the rest of your Akka environment....
Change your Maven dependencies to the following:
<!-- Explicitly depend on akka-streams in same version as akka-actor -->

Maven co-ordinates for commons dbcp 2.0

I want to use Commons-DBCP 2.0.
On official site i found:
Users upgrading to 2.x should be aware that the Java package name has changed, as well as the Maven co-ordinates, since DBCP 2.x is not binary compatible with DBCP 1.x.
But what are the new coordinates? As expected here are only 1.x available.
Is it this one?
Most apache projects have aligned with the org.apache.commons groupid.
And you seemed to want the DBCP 2.
And BTW, maven central has its own search facility:|ga|1|commons-dbcp
You can use the maven central repository : central maven search.
In your case commons-dbcp2.

Which pom dependency should I use for jar commons-lang.jar

How do I know which version of a pom dependency I should use if its version is not in the jar name. For example the jar commons-lang.jar, what version of the pom dependency should I use ?
Here are its search results on maven central repo -
First, use the one from Apache.
Second, you have two options, the 2.x or 3.x branches; from searching
If you're using Maven, you shouldn't have "just a jar", you should only know about POM dependencies.
(As of Feb 2014 it's up to 3.3.2, the 2.x series is still at 2.6. Note that you may use both in the same application because of their different packages.)
While the other answers are correct a very handy way to find out exact match for an unknown jar where all you have is the jar itself and it does not contain a useful manifest is to create a sha1 checksum of the jar and then do a checksum search on in the Advanced Search at the bottom or on your own instance of a Nexus repository server that downloaded the index of the Central Repository.
And btw your search on central was incorrect since it had the wrong groupId as part of it. Here is a corrected link:
If you are migrating to Maven and just have a bunch of jars then you can try examining their META-INF/MANIFEST.MF files inside of those jars.
I've just opened commons-lang.jar and saw the following in its META-INF/MANIFEST.MF:
Implementation-Title: Commons Lang
Implementation-Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
Implementation-Vendor-Id: org.apache
Implementation-Version: 2.4
So you can use Implementation-Version as your version in pom.xml:

Choosing dependency version in maven and maven plugin

I have a maven plugin which is using hsqldb In my pom.xml from the plugin, it is declared like this:
But if I run that plugin from another maven project, and that project has a newer version of hsqldb (for instance 1.9.0), how can I configure my plugin that he will use the newest version of hsqldb, without changing it's pom.xml?
And is it possible to do this the other way around as well? If my other maven project uses hsqldb 1.7.0 (for instance), that he will use the version which is specified in the maven plugin itself?
I hope someone can answer my question.
Kind regards,
Your main question is possible, but it might not work properly if the plugin doesn't work with the newer code for any reason.
A plugin can have it's own personal dependencies section, and will use standard Maven dependency resolution, choosing the highest version requested. So, you can do
I don't think going the other way around is possible, though.
use properties place holder for the version, say ${hsqldb.version} then declare in different project pom the version you want to put in it
