SpagoBI : Setting up front page for user - spagobi

I want to set login landing page of normal user in SpagoBI. Like the page 'biuser' lands on specif [roject page instead of folder tree in left hand side pan

Login via biadmin in server, go into menu configuration from Tools add a new node to
main tree by
left click on root node -> insert child Node,
make sure its at the top of HOME node (by moving up in order) and assign Document(report/cockpit) or a static html page for same, It also gives you the freedom to assign this screen to specific role.
now restart the program and login from the user you assigned that role.
for more


Change redirect login page apex

There is someway to change the redirect for some specifically page
instead to go right to the Home page?
I tried to create a branch, but this isn't working, sometime i cold do punting the branch on processing, but if i do, he ignore my login schema.
I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand what you are saying. Also, there seem to be some typos ("punting"? "cold"?) so I'll guess: when you create a branch, make sure that you place it to the right position (order, sequence).
If Apex has already created a branch whose sequence is 10 and which takes action on page submit (and redirects to, for example, page 8), and then you create your own branch (sequence 20) which also fires on page submit but goes to page 22, then the one with lower sequence will take precedence.
I wouldn't know what you mean by "ignoring your login schema". What is it?
Aha; I think I understand now what you meant - after logging in, you want to redirect to some other page, different from the default one.
If that's so, then
click "Edit application properties" button (upper right hand corner of the App. Builder, when you're in that application).
click "User interface" tab
click "Edit" icon (a pencil) at the beginning of the "Desktop" user interface
modify "Home URL" value. For example, if it was f?p=&APP_ID.:1:&SESSION. (go to page 1), set it to f?p=&APP_ID.:4:&SESSION. (go to page 4)
Is that what you are looking for?

ASP.NET MVC3 Maintain Navigation History

My System has numerous related entities such as Tenant -> Client -> Campaign -> etc...
Each entity has an "index" view which enables Search, Paging and links to Edit/Details/Delete. In the "detail" view for each entity i have tabs displaying the entity details (read only) plus a additional tabs for any child entity where the user can search, Page and has links to Edit/Details/Delete. This allows the user to navigate "down" the tree (so to speak).
Going down the tree works a treat its coming back up that I cannot figure out.
eg, Goto tentant -> Clients tab. Search for client by name then click on the "details" link for that client. Then goto client -> Campaigns, search for a campaign then click on "edit" for the campaign. make my changes and submit the form. I could have accessed this "edit" view by either the "Campaign/Index" or "Client/Details -> Campaign tab". So how do I maintain this navigation history? The system I am working on can go 6 levels deep and I need something that will work all the way down and back up again. If I can maintain details about the state of each calling page eg. search criteria, page number, active tab etc. that would be ideal but given the complexity of this I would be happy enough just getting back to the correct page and tab.
Worst case scenario is "User" which can be access via 4 different calling pages.
Could you not store URL's in an (server-side) array and push them in as you traverse down the tree. as you come back up you could just 'pop' them out of the array one by one. If the user presses the back button, you can cross check at the point of an action being made or pass the current URL to the server on a timed JavaScript AJAX call maybe which helps keep the array up to date.

Maintain Scroll Position BETWEEN TWO PAGES ASP.NET

I want to maintain the Scroll Position between two pages. I have a Page A which has many reports, when user clicks a report, user will be redirected to Page B where the report will be opened to make the changes. After submitting changes, user will be redirected to Page A. Here the problem is, showing the top of the page but I want to show the page at the previous position.
I have tried using this.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = true; but this is working only on the same page but not between the different pages.
I really need to fix this, please give me your thoughts...
The simplest thing to do is probably give every link/report on page A an anchor.
So, for each report you would hide an id attribute somewhere - say the title, so it would be something like <h3 id="report42">Report 42</h3>. Then when you go back from page B, instead of going to, you go to This will open the page with the scrollbar at wherever the report42 id is found.

Interactive elements of a web page

I was wondering if we have to consider interactive elements of a web page which are basically changing a section of a web page as a new level when making a site map. For example, I have a web page "x" with edit, new, delete function button. Clicking on these buttons changes only a specific part of the page which is associated which is a constant area in itself. The parts of the web pages which don't change are the top navigation, footer etc. While thinking of a site map I wasn't sure if clicking on features like edit would be considered a new level since the web page is the same.
No, interactive page elements would not be considered part of a site map.
The page they reside on would be placed on the site map, but that is it.
A site map is meant to record the hierarchy and individual pages of a site... the things a person can navigate to.
Interactive elements would not fit this unless there are several different bits on one page and those bits can be reached by anchors.

Update Drupal views argument via AJAX

I have a request concerning Drupal 6.x
I'd like to have this behaviour:
imagine to have 2 columns, on the left a list of nodes (only titles for example) and on the right a view showing just one of the contents on the left.
My idea would be to achieve this with an AJAX-fashion: clicking a link in the list on the left updates the view on the right with the actual node.
Which is the best way to handle this?
My idea is to use Panels, make 2 column panel with 2 views, one (left) filtered on content type, with no arguments, and one on the right which takes in as an argument the node id to be displayed.
But how to link the 2 views with AJAX?
(or, better, how to update the view on the right with an AJAX call?)
is this possible?
Any help or idea is really welcome
You also can do a quick hack, which is quite flexible, because it allows you to change your views without changing code.
I have had a similar task recently and for your task I would do the following:
for your right column, create a exposed filter (node id) and hide whole exposed filter form using CSS.
using jQuery, attach a click behavior to titles on your left column.
the click behavior takes the node id, finds the attached exposed filter at the right column, enters the node id into the input field and executes form's .submit().
the .submit() triggers the build-into-views well debugged ajax request which refreshes your right column.
this is certainly possible, and not very difficult to do.
Your task can be divided into two main parts:
Providing a 'callback' URL in the Backend that takes a node id (nid) and returns the markup to display the node in the right panel in a format that can be processed by javascript. This will be done in PHP within a normal Drupal module. The main point is not to return a full Drupal page as usual, but only the markup for the node.
Create logic for the Frontend that, when triggered by clicking a link in the left panel, retrieves the new node markup via the URL callback above and replaces the content of the right panel with it. This needs to be done in javascript, using the Drupal javascript API with jQuery.
You can find an introduction and example for AJAX in Drupal here. (This does almost exactly what you want to do, only with images)
You should also look at this more general entry point for JavaScript in Drupal.

