How to transfer ownership of apps on windows marketplace? - windows

I need to transfer ownership of my apps to somebody else on windows marketplace.
The procedure is easy on Apple's App Store and Google's Play Store, but could not find a solution on windows marketplace.

Yes, it is possible to transfer ownership of apps in the Windows Marketplace from one account to another.
Contact support
Visit the Dev Center support page and select any of problem types listed.
Change Problem type to "Store registration and your account" and Category to "Other"
Select Start Email and fill in all the details of the app you want to transfer
Details you'll need
Current Account
Microsoft Account
Developer Guid
App Name
App Guid
Transferring to Account
Microsoft Account
Developer Guid
Source: Spaso Lazarevic Blog

In addition to Neil's answer, (This is too long for a comment) :
Trying to do it these days, there are a few constraints that are worth noting (copy paste the support answer) :
Apps must be published to the store
There cannot be any “in progress” submissions or “package flights” for the apps
Apps may not contain in-app purchases
Requests must be made from the source account
All Ad campaigns paid and/or house must be paused
Apps must have reserved names
App may not use MPNS
Apps may not use WNS for push notifications
Additional requirements: If the source account (i.e. owns the apps) is a business account then written authorization is required authorizing Microsoft to transfer the apps. This should be in the form of a notarized letter listing the following details:
Name of the source account/company
Source account’s Microsoft Account (email address)
Name of the app(s) and the Big ID (app id) to be transferred
Target account’s publisher name and Microsoft Account
Letter must be notarized
Before any paid apps can be migrated the tax profile and payout account must first be validated on the new account (Target account) prior to the migration. In addition, if the target account is also a company account, the ID Validation must be completed.
Some considerations:
Ratings and reviews will migrate to the new account
Reporting data stays on the original account.
The new account will only begin accruing earnings for any sales after the app migration to the new account is complete.
You must export all download reporting payout data before the migration. Once the migration is complete this information will no longer be available for export on either account.
Apps will continue to display the old publisher name in the marketplace until a new update has been published from the new account.?


How to verify identity for google play console as individual?

Google play console is requesting to verify my identity.
The problem is that the verification form is asking for an organization info and docs while the account is for individual and that is provided in the account details screen.
So what am I missing? Where to go? Or how to contact google support?
I had this after emailing Solution: Your payment profile shouldn't be set as organization if your developer profile is set to individual and vice-versa.
Per checking, the payments profile associated with your account is set as an organization. You may choose to verify your account as an organization with the following documents that our system accepts: Certificate of Organization, and a valid ID of the organization's Official Representative.
If you would like to verify as an individual and change the entity type on your payments profile, you would have to create a new account in order to change from organization to individual. You may view your payments profile via
To change the entity type on your Payment Profile, it would need to be deleted and created again. Since a Play Console account can only be associated with one Payment Profile, it will need to be deleted and recreated as well.
To resolve the issue, we can close your Play Console account and refund the registration fee. Then, you can delete your payment profile at before you sign-up for a new Play Developer account. To proceed, please provide confirmation by responding with “I confirm to have my Play Console Developer account closed and have its registration fee refunded.” Also, please remove the existing draft app from the Developer account
I had this issue recently and it turned out it was because I had an old Payment Profile with Account Type of 'Organisation'.
You need to go here:
Personally, I had two payment profiles; one was for an Individual and one was for an Organisation. Maybe the Organisation one was the default or whatever.
In the end I managed to close that payment profile and create a new developer account after having the first one refunded.
There were a few emails to Google Support going back and forth but that solved it in the end and now I have an app on the Play Store.

What happens to my Service Account if my google account is deleted/deactivated

One of our customer has a Google Enterprise Account (G Suite).
We have developed an application on Google Site that use a Spread Sheet.
We have created a project in the google developer console to access the Spread Sheet form the Api and created a Service Account for this project.
Everything was created with our account (provided by the customer).
At some point our account can be deleted or deactivated by the customer.
What happens then?
Will the project be deleted/deactivated?
Will the data in the drive be lost?
If an account on Google developer console is deleted then yes all the projects and clients associated with that account will stop working.
I am not sure i understand where this sheet is located. If the sheet is on the service accounts google drive account then yes you will loose that as well.
Once a user is deleted or deactivated anything that the account contained is gone.

Xcode -How To Change App ID Suffix from Old Account To New Account? An app id with identifier is not available. Please enter a different string

I'm on Xcode 8.3.3 and my bundle identifier is:
When I first signed up to create an Apple developer account I used my personal info and registered the above app's bundle id for the App ID Suffix.
My Old dev account email is
That was last year, now I registered as a business entity for a developer account and paid the $99 bucks.
My New dev account email is
When I try to use the same bundle id for the new account's App ID Suffix I get the error:
There were errors in the data supplied. Please correct and re-submit.
An App ID with Identifier '' is not available. Please enter
a different string.
I understand that 2 accounts can't have the same bundle id for the App Id Suffix. The issue is I'm using this bundle id for firebase and other services so it's not that simple to change it. From the app transfer directions Apple App Transfer it seems I also would have had to had the app in the App Store:
The App must have had at least one version that has been released to the App Store.
It says if I delete the app I can't use the bundle id:
Important: If you delete your app, you can’t restore it. The SKU or app name can’t be reused in the same organization. If you’ve uploaded a build, your bundle ID can’t be reused.
How can I either transfer my my bundle id from my old personal account (which I'm no longer paying for) to my new account which I am paying for?
How can I delete the App ID Suffix from my old account?
In either case I still have access to both accounts and I need my new account to use the same bundle id that was under my old account.
I just called Apple (800) 633-2152. Luckily on my old account the 1 yr membership had expired and I never renewed it so it automatically switched me over to a free account. The rep was able to delete the bundle id in the old account because it became a free account. I think if it was a paid account I would've been sol because she said "I was only able to delete it because you was under the free program".
Once she deleted it she sat on the phone with me and I was able to use the bundle id as the Apple ID Suffix on my new account.
If your like me and you have 2 accounts and you want to switch the bundle id from 1 account to the other you can definitely call and they'll do it if the first account is under a free plan. Otherwise your probably going to have to ask them to cancel it or wait until it expires.

Marketplace - Are apps tied to a specific google account?

We are currently attempting to publish an App on the Google Marketplace (aka Chrome Web Store).
My boss has paid the $5 developer fee using his Gsuite account, and when I log in to publish the app, it keeps requesting the $5 fee to be paid. We are both part of the same GSuite domain ( I'm guessing this means the payment is tied to his account specifically? Is there any way to get this tied to our Gsuite domain?
As a result of the way this works, if I end up publishing using my account can anyone delegated from my domain modify it? If I was to go on vacation/sick leave/move on to another company then noone in my organization would be able to modify the App details?
Would adding a shared mailbox account specifically for marketplace registration alleviate this issue?
You can create a Google Group and use that as the owner of your app.
Any member of that group will then be able to publish. (when they have paid the 5$ fee)

Link a purchase to an apple ID

I'm implementing an in app purchase for a Non-renewing subscription in my app. I'm using an account system so I'm linking the purchase to the user account in my server. This works fine but recently I read that the purchase should be linked to an apple id. I'm a little confused because I thought you couldn't get access to an apple id. So I have some questions:
Could my app be rejected for link the purchase to an account in my system?
I read that I could use the UUID as user identifier in my server and save it in user defaults but I don't know how to identify the user if He switch devices?
If identify the user with the UUID works, I would like to control if the user logs in with the right account in my system so if he has the right UUID but a different account, He should not get access to my functionality. Is this possible or my app would be rejected for this kind of control?
In app purchase - Subscription - not based on Apple Id and How to store and fetch the response of in-app purchase in ios?
In the apple documentation saids that you should use transactions recipes for restore in case the user switch devices but in Non-renewing subscriptions the app will be responsable for the restoration process.
