PageObject/Cucumber String being input incorrectly - ruby

In my scenario outline I have the below
| user | password | from | to | amount | date | message |
| joel10 | lolpw12 | bankA | bankB | $100 | 1/30/2015 | Transfer Success. |
in my step definitions I have the below
And(/^the user inputs fields (.*), (.*), (.*)$/) do |from, to, amount|
on(TransferPage).from = /#{from}/
on(TransferPage).to = /#{to}/
on(TransferPage).amount = /#{amount}/
on(TransferPage).date = /#{date}/
The FROM, TO, and AMOUNT all comes out correct from the table but when it inputs the date, it comes out (?-mix:1/30/2015)
why is this happening and how do i fix?

When you do /#{date}/ you are taking the value returned from the parsing of the step definition and then turning it into a regular expression:
#=> Regexp
You presumably want to leave the value in its original String format:
on(TransferPage).date = date


DAX to get latest date of an account name entry

I have found similar reported questions, but none of the solutions have worked so far. If I am entering the information incorrectly, please let me know.
I have a table in Power Pivot that contains repeated names, and dates entered that go with the names. What I am trying to do is get the latest date entered for a name.
Name | Date | Latest Date
A | 6/24/2016 |
A | 6/24/2017 |
A | 6/24/2018 |
B | 7/05/2010 |
B | 7/05/2011 |
C | 6/8/2009 |
C | 6/8/2010 |
C | 6/8/2011 |
What I would like under Latest Date is to have the latest date that corresponds to the Name. It should look like the following:
Name | Date | Latest Date
A | 6/24/2016 | 6/24/2018
A | 6/24/2017 | 6/24/2018
A | 6/24/2018 | 6/24/2018
B | 7/05/2010 | 7/5/2011
B | 7/05/2011 | 7/5/2011
C | 6/8/2009 | 6/8/2011
C | 6/8/2010 | 6/8/2011
C | 6/8/2011 | 6/8/2011
I've tried to use the following function, but all I keep getting are #Errors (of course changing the table reference based on the data in the file)
Table1[ID] = EARLIER(Table1[ID])
If the above function is correct, I wonder what I am doing wrong. Which one of the values in the () are column references and which ones are cell references? Perhaps that's where I am going wrong.
Any assistance is very appreciative. I tried to enter the information as nicely as possible so it can be assisted.
There are no cell or row references in DAX. Everything is done with filters.
Try this for Latest Date.
Table1[Name] = EARLIER(Table1[Name])
Give this a shot as well if that doesn't do the trick:
ALLEXCEPT(Table1; Table1[Name])

how to count number of words in each column delimited by "|" seperator using hive?

input data is
| movie_name | Genres |
| digimon | Adventure|Animation|Children's |
| Slumber_Party_Massac | Horror |
i need output like
| movie_name | Genres | count_of_genres |
| digimon | Adventure|Animation|Children's | 3 |
| Slumber_Party_Massac | Horror | 1 |
select *
,size(split(coalesce(Genres,''),'[^|\\s]+'))-1 as count_of_genres
from mytable
This solution covers varying use-cases, including -
NULL values
Empty strings
Empty tokens (e.g. Adventure||Animation orAdventure| |Animation )
This is a really, really bad way to store data. You should have a separate MovieGenres table with one row per movie and per genre.
One method is to use length() and replace():
select t.*,
(1 + length(genres) - length(replace(genres, '|', ''))) as num_genres
from t;
This assumes that each movie has at least one genre. If not, you need to test for that as well.

How to split string using regex to split between +,-,*,/ symbols?

I need to tell Ruby in regex to split before and after the + - * / symbols in my program.
I need to turn "1+12" into [1.0, "+", 12.0]
and "6/0.25" into [6.0, "/", 0.25]
There could be cases like "3/0.125" but highly unlikely. If first two I listed above are satisfied it should be good.
On the Ruby docs, "hi mom".split(%r{\s*}) #=> ["h", "i", "m", "o", "m"]
I looked up a cheat-sheet to try to understand %r{\s*}, and I know that the stuff inside %r{} such as \s are skipped and \s means white space in regex.
instead of splitting, match with capture groups to parse your inputs:
I've used named groups (?<groupName>regex) but they aren't necessary and could just be ()'s - either way, the sub-captures will still be available as 1,2,and 3. Also note the (?:regex) constructs that are for grouping only and do not "remember" anything, and won't mess up your captures)
(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(?:\.\d+)) first number: either leading digit(s) followed optionally by a decimal point and digit(s), OR a leading decimal point followed by digit(s)
\s* zero or more spaces in between
[+\/*-] operator: character class meaning a plus, division sign, minus, or multiply.
\s* zero or more spaces in between
(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(?:\.\d+) second number: same pattern as first number.
regex demo output:
I arrived a little late to this party, and found that many of the good answers had already been taken. So, I set out to expand on the theme slightly and compare the performance and robustness of each of the solutions. It seemed like a fun way to entertain myself this morning.
In addition to the 3 examples given in the question, I added test cases for each of the four operators, as well as for some new edge cases. These edge cases included handling of negative numbers and arbitrary spaces between operands, as well as how each of the algorithms handled expected failures.
The answers revolved around 3 methods: split, scan, and match. I also wrote new solutions using each of these 3 methods, specifically respecting the additional edge cases that I added to here. I ran all of the algorithms against this full set of test cases, and ended up with a table of pass/fail results.
Next, I created a benchmark that created 1,000,000 test strings that each of the solutions would be able to parse properly, and ran each solution against that sample set.
On first benchmarking, Cary Swoveland's solution performed far better than the others, but didn't pass the added test cases. I made very minor changes to his solution to produce a solution that supported both negative numbers and arbitrary spaces, and included that test as Swoveland+.
The final results printed from to the console are here (note: horizontal scroll to see all results):
| Test Case | match | match | scan | scan |partition| split | split | split | split |
| | Gaskill | sweaver | Gaskill | techbio |Swoveland| Gaskill |Swoveland|Swoveland+| Lilue |
| "1+12" | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass |
| "6/0.25" | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass |
| "3/0.125" | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass |
| "30-6" | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass |
| "3*8" | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass |
| "20--4" | Pass | -- | Pass | -- | Pass | Pass | -- | Pass | Pass |
| "33+-9" | Pass | -- | Pass | -- | Pass | Pass | -- | Pass | Pass |
| "-12*-2" | Pass | -- | Pass | -- | Pass | Pass | -- | Pass | Pass |
| "-72/-3" | Pass | -- | Pass | -- | Pass | Pass | -- | Pass | Pass |
| "34 - 10" | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass |
| " 15+ 9" | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass |
| "4*6 " | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass | Pass |
| "b+0.5" | Pass | Pass | Pass | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
| "8---0.5" | Pass | Pass | Pass | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
| "8+6+10" | Pass | -- | Pass | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
| "15*x" | Pass | Pass | Pass | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
| "1.A^ff" | Pass | Pass | Pass | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
ruby 2.2.5p319 (2016-04-26 revision 54774) [x86_64-darwin14]
user system total real
match (Gaskill): 4.770000 0.090000 4.860000 ( 5.214996)
match (sweaver2112): 4.640000 0.040000 4.680000 ( 4.911849)
scan (Gaskill): 7.360000 0.080000 7.440000 ( 7.719646)
scan (techbio): 12.930000 0.140000 13.070000 ( 13.791613)
partition (Swoveland): 5.390000 0.050000 5.440000 ( 5.648762)
split (Gaskill): 5.150000 0.100000 5.250000 ( 5.455094)
split (Swoveland): 3.860000 0.060000 3.920000 ( 4.040774)
split (Swoveland+): 4.240000 0.040000 4.280000 ( 4.537570)
split (Lilue): 7.540000 0.090000 7.630000 ( 8.022252)
In order to keep this post from being far too long, I've included the complete code for this test at
The robustness test cases can be found in the first table above. The Swoveland+ solution is:
f,op,l = formula.split(/\b\s*([+\/*-])\s*/)
return [f.to_f, op, l.to_f]
This includes a \b metacharacter prior to splitting on an operator ensures that the previous character is a word character, giving support for negative numbers in the second operand. The \s* metacharacter expressions support arbitrary spaces between operands and operator. These changes incur less than 10% performance overhead for the additional robustness.
The solutions that I provided are here:
def match_gaskill(formula)
return [] unless (match = formula.match(/^\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*([+\/*-])\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*$/))
return [match[1].to_f, match[2], match[3].to_f]
def scan_gaskill(formula)
return [] unless (match = formula.scan(/^\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*([+*\/-])\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*$/))[0]
return [match[0][0].to_f, match[0][1], match[0][2].to_f]
def split_gaskill(formula)
match = formula.split(/(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*([+\/*-])\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/)
return [match[1].to_f, match[2], match[3].to_f]
The match and scan solutions are very similar, but perform significantly differently, which is very interesting, because they use the exact same regex to do the work. The split solution is slightly simpler, and only splits on the entire expression, capturing each operand and the operator, separately.
Note that none of the split solutions was able to properly identify failures. Adding this support requires additional parsing of the operands, which significantly increases the overhead of the solution, typically running about 3 times slower.
For both performance and robustness, match is the clear winner. If robustness isn't a concern, but performance is, use split. On the other hand, scan provided complete robustness, but was more than 50% slower than the equivalent match solution.
Also note that using an efficient way to extract the results from the solution into the result array is as important to performance as is the algorithm chosen. The technique of capturing the results array into multiple variables (used in Woveland) outperformed the map solutions dramatically. Early testing showed that the map extraction solution more than doubled the runtimes of even the highest-performing solutions, hence the exceptionally high runtime numbers for Lilue.
I think this could be useful:
"1.2+3.453".split('+').flat_map{|elem| [elem, "+"]}[0...-1]
# => ["1.2", "+", "3.453"]
"1.2+3.453".split('+').flat_map{|elem| [elem.to_f, "+"]}[0...-1]
# => [1.2, "+", 3.453]
Obviously this work only for +. But you can change the split character.
This version work for every operator
"1.2+3.453".split(%r{(\+|\-|\/|\*)}).map do |x|
unless x =~ /(\+|\-|\/|\*)/ then x.to_f else x end
# => [1.2, "+", 3.453]
R = /
(?<=\d) # match a digit in a positive lookbehind
[^\d\.] # match any character other than a digit or period
/x # free-spacing regex definition mode
def split_it(str)
f,op,l = str.delete(' ').partition(R)
[convert(f), op, convert(l)]
def convert(str)
(str =~ /\./) ? str.to_f : str.to_i
split_it "1+12"
#=> [1, "+", 12]
split_it "3/ 5.2"
#=> [3, "/", 5.2]
split_it "-4.1 * 6"
#=> [-4.1, "*", 6]
split_it "-8/-2"
#=> [-8, "/", -2]
The regex can of course be written in the conventional way:
R = /(?<=\d)[^\d\.]/

How to repeat query in Oracle Forms upon dynamically changing ORDER_BY clause?

I have an Oracle Forms 6i form with a data block that consists of several columns.
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
The user can press F7 (to Enter in Query Mode, for example, he/she types JOH% in the first_name and H% in the DEPARTMENT field) , then F8 to execute the query and see the results. In this example, a list of all employees with their last name starting with JOH and working in any department starting with H will be listed. Here is a sample output of that query
| MIKE | JOHN | HUMAN RES. | 05-MAY-82 | 02-FEB-95 | |
| BEN | JOHNATHAN | HOUSING | 23-APR-76 | 16-AUG-98 | |
| SMITH | JOHN | HOUSING | 11-DEC-78 | 30-JUL-91 | |
| | | | | | |
I then added a small button on top of each column to allow the user to sort the data by the desired column, by executing WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger:
set_block_property('dept', order_by, 'first_name desc');
The good news is that the ORDER_BY does change. The bad news is that the user never notice the change because he/she will need to do another query and execute to see the output ordered by the column they selected. In other words, user will only notice the change in the next query he/she will execute.
I tried to automatically execute the query upon changing the ORDER_BY clause like this:
set_block_property('dept', order_by, 'first_name desc');
/* EXECUTE_QUERY -- same thing */
but what happens is that all data from the table is selected, ignoring the criteria that the user has initially set during the query mode entry.
I also searched for a solution to this problem and most of them deal with SYSTEM.LAST_QUERY and default_where. The problem is, last_query can refer to a different block from a different form, that is not valid on the currently displayed data bloc.
How can do the following in just one button press:
1- Change the ORDER_BY clause of the currently active datablock
and: 2- Execute the last query that the user has executed, using the same criteria that was set?
Any help will be highly appreciated.
You can get the last query of the block with get_block_property built-in function:
Another option is to provide separate search field(s) on the form, instead of using the QBE functionality.

IRB and large variables?

How can I print a large variable nicely in an irb prompt? I have a variable that contains many variables which are long and the printout becomes a mess to wade through. What if I just want the variable names without their values? Or, can I print each one on a separate line, tabbed-in depending on depth?
Or, can I print each one on a separate line, tabbed-in depending on depth?
Use pp (pretty print):
require 'pp'
very_long_hash = Hash[(1..23).zip(20..42)]
pp very_long_hash
# Prints:
If you want something that is even more awesome than "pretty" print, you can use "awesome" print. And for a truly spaced out experience, sprinkle some hirbal medicine on your IRb!
Hirb, for example, renders ActiveRecord objects (or pretty much any database access library) as actual ASCII tables:
| id | created_at | description | name | namespace | predicate | value |
| 907 | 2009-03-06 21:10:41 UTC | | gem:tags=yaml | gem | tags | yaml |
| 906 | 2009-03-06 08:47:04 UTC | | gem:tags=nomonkey | gem | tags | nomonkey |
| 905 | 2009-03-04 00:30:10 UTC | | article:tags=ruby | article | tags | ruby |
