DAX to get latest date of an account name entry - dax

I have found similar reported questions, but none of the solutions have worked so far. If I am entering the information incorrectly, please let me know.
I have a table in Power Pivot that contains repeated names, and dates entered that go with the names. What I am trying to do is get the latest date entered for a name.
Name | Date | Latest Date
A | 6/24/2016 |
A | 6/24/2017 |
A | 6/24/2018 |
B | 7/05/2010 |
B | 7/05/2011 |
C | 6/8/2009 |
C | 6/8/2010 |
C | 6/8/2011 |
What I would like under Latest Date is to have the latest date that corresponds to the Name. It should look like the following:
Name | Date | Latest Date
A | 6/24/2016 | 6/24/2018
A | 6/24/2017 | 6/24/2018
A | 6/24/2018 | 6/24/2018
B | 7/05/2010 | 7/5/2011
B | 7/05/2011 | 7/5/2011
C | 6/8/2009 | 6/8/2011
C | 6/8/2010 | 6/8/2011
C | 6/8/2011 | 6/8/2011
I've tried to use the following function, but all I keep getting are #Errors (of course changing the table reference based on the data in the file)
Table1[ID] = EARLIER(Table1[ID])
If the above function is correct, I wonder what I am doing wrong. Which one of the values in the () are column references and which ones are cell references? Perhaps that's where I am going wrong.
Any assistance is very appreciative. I tried to enter the information as nicely as possible so it can be assisted.

There are no cell or row references in DAX. Everything is done with filters.
Try this for Latest Date.
Table1[Name] = EARLIER(Table1[Name])
Give this a shot as well if that doesn't do the trick:
ALLEXCEPT(Table1; Table1[Name])


how to count number of words in each column delimited by "|" seperator using hive?

input data is
| movie_name | Genres |
| digimon | Adventure|Animation|Children's |
| Slumber_Party_Massac | Horror |
i need output like
| movie_name | Genres | count_of_genres |
| digimon | Adventure|Animation|Children's | 3 |
| Slumber_Party_Massac | Horror | 1 |
select *
,size(split(coalesce(Genres,''),'[^|\\s]+'))-1 as count_of_genres
from mytable
This solution covers varying use-cases, including -
NULL values
Empty strings
Empty tokens (e.g. Adventure||Animation orAdventure| |Animation )
This is a really, really bad way to store data. You should have a separate MovieGenres table with one row per movie and per genre.
One method is to use length() and replace():
select t.*,
(1 + length(genres) - length(replace(genres, '|', ''))) as num_genres
from t;
This assumes that each movie has at least one genre. If not, you need to test for that as well.

Automatically generating documentation about the structure of the database

There is a database that contains several views and tables.
I need create a report (documentation of database) with a list of all the fields in these tables indicating the type and, if possible, an indication of the minimum/maximum values and values from first row. For example:
| Table name | Column | Type | MinValue | MaxValue | FirstRow |
| Table1 | day | date | ‘2010-09-17’ | ‘2016-12-10’ | ‘2016-12-10’ |
| Table1 | price | double | 1030.8 | 29485.7 | 6023.8 |
| … | | | | | |
| TableN | day | date | ‘2014-06-20’ | ‘2016-11-28’ | ‘2016-11-16’ |
| TableN | owner | string | NULL | NULL | ‘Joe’ |
I think the execution of many queries
SELECT MAX(column_name) as max_value, MIN(column_name) as min_value
FROM table_name
Will be ineffective on the huge tables that are stored in Hadoop.
After reading documentation found an article about "Statistics in Hive"
It seems I must use request like this:
But this command ended with error:
Error while processing statement: FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.ColumnStatsTask
Do I understand correctly that this request add information to the description of the table and not display the result? Will this request work with view?
Please suggest how to effectively and automatically create documentation for the database in HIVE?

Hive: How do I join with a between dates condition?

I have table of items:
| id | dateTimeUTC | color |
| 1 | 1/1/2001 1:11:11 | Red |
| 2 | 2/2/2002 2:22:22 | Blue |
It contains some events with a dateTime in it. I also have an events table:
| eventID | startDate | endDate |
| 1 | 1/1/2001 1:11:11 | 2/2/2002 2:22:22 |
| 2 | 3/3/2003 00:00:00 | 3/3/2003 1:11:11 |
I want to join the two, getting where the dateTimeUTC of the item table is in between the start and end date of the events table. Now, to do this in sql is pretty standard, but HQL not so much. Hive doesn't let you have anything but an "=" in the join clause. (Link to HIVE info here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+Joins). Now, there was a question about a similar situation before here, but I found that it's been 4 years since then and have hoped there was a solution.
Any tips on how to make this happen?
I think you have string format for dates in tables , If yes use following ... Making date into standard format.
select * from items_x, items_date where UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateTimeUTC,'dd/MM/yyyy HH:MM:SS') between UNIX_TIMESTAMP(startDate,'DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS') and UNIX_TIMESTAMP(endDate,'DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS') ;

How to repeat query in Oracle Forms upon dynamically changing ORDER_BY clause?

I have an Oracle Forms 6i form with a data block that consists of several columns.
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
The user can press F7 (to Enter in Query Mode, for example, he/she types JOH% in the first_name and H% in the DEPARTMENT field) , then F8 to execute the query and see the results. In this example, a list of all employees with their last name starting with JOH and working in any department starting with H will be listed. Here is a sample output of that query
| MIKE | JOHN | HUMAN RES. | 05-MAY-82 | 02-FEB-95 | |
| BEN | JOHNATHAN | HOUSING | 23-APR-76 | 16-AUG-98 | |
| SMITH | JOHN | HOUSING | 11-DEC-78 | 30-JUL-91 | |
| | | | | | |
I then added a small button on top of each column to allow the user to sort the data by the desired column, by executing WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger:
set_block_property('dept', order_by, 'first_name desc');
The good news is that the ORDER_BY does change. The bad news is that the user never notice the change because he/she will need to do another query and execute to see the output ordered by the column they selected. In other words, user will only notice the change in the next query he/she will execute.
I tried to automatically execute the query upon changing the ORDER_BY clause like this:
set_block_property('dept', order_by, 'first_name desc');
/* EXECUTE_QUERY -- same thing */
but what happens is that all data from the table is selected, ignoring the criteria that the user has initially set during the query mode entry.
I also searched for a solution to this problem and most of them deal with SYSTEM.LAST_QUERY and default_where. The problem is, last_query can refer to a different block from a different form, that is not valid on the currently displayed data bloc.
How can do the following in just one button press:
1- Change the ORDER_BY clause of the currently active datablock
and: 2- Execute the last query that the user has executed, using the same criteria that was set?
Any help will be highly appreciated.
You can get the last query of the block with get_block_property built-in function:
Another option is to provide separate search field(s) on the form, instead of using the QBE functionality.

Select only the rows which timestamp correspond to the current month

I am starting to try some experiments using Google SpreadSheets as a DB and for that I am collecting data from different sources and inserting them via spreadsheets API into a sheet.
Each row has a value (Column B) and a timestamp (Column A).
| ColA | ColB |
| 13/10/2012 00:19:01 | 42 |
| 19/10/2012 00:29:01 | 100 |
| 21/10/2012 00:39:01 | 23 |
| 22/10/2012 00:29:01 | 1 |
| 23/10/2012 00:19:01 | 24 |
| 24/10/2012 00:19:01 | 4 |
| 31/10/2012 00:19:01 | 2 |
What I am trying to do is to programmatically add the sum of all rows in Column B where Column A is equal to the current month into a different cell.
Is there any function that I can use for that? Or anyone can point me to the right direction on how can I create a custom function which might do something like this? I know how to do this using MySQL but I couldn't find anything for Google SpreadSheets
Thanks in advance for any tip in the right direction.
Would native spreadsheet functions do?
