Ruby refactoring issue - ruby

Let's say I have an #array = [1 ,2 ,3]
I want to create three blocks of each number of the array with the rest like this :
#array.each do |first|
(#array - [first]).each do |second|
(#array - [first] - [second]) do |third|
#do something
So each block iterates through the entire array except the element that's being used by the preceding block. But this is kind of smelly and repetitive, because for each block I need to delete the preceding elements , what is the best way to refactor these blocks?

The terminology for that is a permutation. Ruby has a built-in method for doing so:
#array.permutation(3) do |first, second, third|
# do something


Why is `loop` not a keyword? What is the use case for `loop` without a block?

I was wondering why loop is a Kernel method rather than a keyword like while and until. There are cases where I want to do unconditional loop, but since loop, being a method, is slower than while true, I chose to do the latter when performance is important. But writing true here looks ugly, and is not Rubish; loop looks better. Here is a dilemma.
My guess is that it is because there is a usage of loop that does not take a block and returns an enumerator. But to me, it looks that an unconditional loop can easily be created on the spot, and does not make sense to create such an instance of Enumerator and later use it. I cannot think of a use case.
Is my guess regarding my wonder correct? If not, why is loop a method rather than a keyword?
What is the use case for an enumerator created by loop without a block?
Only Ruby's developers can answer your first question, but your guess seems reasonable. As to your second question, sure there are use cases. The whole point of Enumerables is that you can pass them around, which, as you know, you can't do with a while or for structure.
As a trivial example, here's a Fibonacci sequence method that takes an Enumerable as an argument:
def fib(enum)
a, b = nil, nil
enum.each do
a, b = b || 0, a ? a + b : 1
puts a
puts "DONE"
Now suppose you want to print out the first seven Fibonacci numbers. You can use any Enumerable that yields seven times, like the one returned by 7.times:
fib 7.times
# => 0
# 1
# 1
# 2
# 3
# 5
# 8
But what if you want to print out Fibonacci numbers forever? Well, just pass it the Enumerable returned by loop:
fib loop
# => 0
# 1
# ...
# (Never stops)
Like I said, this is a silly example that clearly is a terrible way to generate Fibonacci numbers, but hopefully it helps you understand that there are times—albeit perhaps rarely—when it's useful to have an Enumerable that never ends, and why loop is a nice convenience for those cases.

Modify an Array in Place - Ruby

I'm wondering why the following will not modify the array in place.
I have this:!.with_index {|value, key| key.even? ? value*=2 : value}
Which just iterates over an array, and doubles the values for all even keys.
Then I do:
#card.join.split('').map!{|x| x.to_i}
Which joins the array into one huge number, splits them into individual numbers and then maps them back to integers in an array. The only real change from step one to step two is step one would look like a=[1,2,12] and step two would look like a=[1,2,1,2]. For the second step, even though I use .map! when I p #card it appears the exact same after the first step. I have to set the second step = to something if I want to move onward with they new array. Why is this? Does the .map! in the second step not modify the array in place? Or do the linking of methods negate my ability to do that? Cheers.
tldr: A method chain only modifies objects in place, if every single method in that chain is a modify-in-place method.
The important difference in the case is the first method you call on your object. Your first example calls map! that this a methods that modifies the array in place. with_index is not important in this example, it just changes the behavior of the map!.
Your second example calls join on your array. join does not change the array in place, but it returns a totally different object: A string. Then you split the string, which creates a new array and the following map! modifies the new array in place.
So in your second example you need to assign the result to your variable again:
#card = #card.join.split('').map{ |x| x.to_i }
There might be other ways to calculate the desired result. But since you did not provide input and output examples, it is unclear what you're trying to achieve.
Does the .map! in the second step not modify the array in place?
Yes, it does, however the array it modifies is not #card. The split() method returns a new array, i.e. one that is not #card, and map! modifies the new array in place.
Check this out:
tap{|x|...} → x
Yields [the receiver] to the block, and then returns [the receiver].
The primary purpose of this method is to “tap into” a method chain,
in order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain.
#card = ['a', 'b', 'c']
puts #card.object_id
#card.join.split('').tap{|arr| puts arr.object_id}.map{ |x| x.to_i } #arr is whatever split() returns
Every object in a ruby program has a unique object_id.

Why can't I get Array#slice to work the way I want?

I have a big Array of AR model instances. Let's say there are 20K entries in the array. I want to move through that array a chunk of 1,000 at a time.
slice_size = 1000
start = 0
myarray.slice(start, slice_size) do |slice|
slice.each do |item|
I can replace that whole inner block with just:
puts "hey"
and not see a thing in the console. I have tried this 9 ways from Sunday. And I've done it successfully before, just can't remember where. And I have RTFM. Can anyone help?
The problem is that slice does not take a block, but you are passing it a block, and trying to do something in it, which is ignored. If you do
myarray.slice(start, slice_size).each do |slice|
then it should work.
But to do it that way is not Ruby-ish. A better way is
myarray.each_slice(slice_size) do |slice|
If the array can be destroyed, you could do it like this:
((myarray.size+slice_size-1)/slice_size) {myarray.shift(slice_size)}
If not:
((myarray.size+slice_size-1)/slice_size) { |i|
myarray.slice(i*slice_size, slice_size) }
You can use:
Enumerable#each_slice(n) which takes n items at a time;
Array#in_groups_of(n) (if this is Rails) which works like each_slice but will pad the last group to guarantee the group size remains constant;
But I recommend using ActiveRecord's built-in Model.find_each which will batch queries in the DB layer for better performance. It defaults to 1000, but you can specify the batch size. See for more detail.
Example from the guide:
User.find_each(batch_size: 5000) do |user|

What's i in each_with_index block

Okay, so im reading a guide for ruby and I can't make sense of this code. Where did i come from. I see that n is passed to iterate through the block but I have no idea where I comes from. If I could get a full explanation and breakdown of how this code works that would be great!
class Array
def iterate!
self.each_with_index do |n, i|
self[i] = yield(n)
array = [1, 2, 3, 4]
array.iterate! do |n|
n ** 2
i is the index of the element (hence the name, each_with_index).
Some methods that are called with code blocks will pass more than one value to the block, so you end up with multiple block arguments (in your case the block arguments are n and i, which will hold the current item in the array (n) and the index of it (i)).
You can find out how many arguments a block will be passed by looking at the documentation for a method (here's the docs for each_with_index). It does look like the extra values come from nowhere at first, and it takes a little while to memorize what a block will be passed when different methods are called.
i is commonly used as what's known as an "iterative variable". Basically, the loop block that you've copied here goes through each "iteration" of the loop and uses a new value of i and assigns it to the variable n, which is then passed on to the operation at the second to last line. In this case, the new value is simply the next number in array, and so there are four iterations of the loop.

Chaining partition, keep_if etc

[1,2,3].partition.inject(0) do |acc, x|
x>2 # this line is intended to be used by `partition`
acc+=x # this line is intended to be used by `inject`
I know that I can write above stanza using different methods but this is not important here.
What I want to ask why somebody want to use partition (or other methods like keep_if, delete_if) at the beginning of the "chain"?
In my example, after I chained inject I couldn't use partition. I can write above stanza using each:
[1,2,3].each.inject(0) do |acc, x|
x>2 # this line is intended to be used by `partition`
acc+=x # this line is intended to be used by `inject`
and it will be the same, right?
I know that x>2 will be discarded (and not used) by partition. Only acc+=x will do the job (sum all elements in this case).
I only wrote that to show my "intention": I want to use partition in the chain like this [].partition.inject(0).
I know that above code won't work as I intended and I know that I can chain after block( }.map as mentioned by Neil Slater).
I wanted to know why, and when partition (and other methods like keep_if, delete_if etc) becomes each (just return elements of the array as partition do in the above cases).
In my example, partition.inject, partition became each because partition cannot take condition (x>2).
However partition.with_index (as mentioned by Boris Stitnicky) works (I can partition array and use index for whatever I want):
.with_index { |element, index|
element > index
ps. This is not question about how to get sum of elements that are bigger than 2.
This is an interesting situation. Looking at your code examples, you are obviously new to Ruby and perhaps also to programming. Yet you managed to ask a very difficult question that basically concerns the Enumerator class, one of the least publicly understood classes, especially since Enumerator::Lazy was introduced. To me, your question is difficult enough that I am not able to provide a comprehensive answer. Yet the remarks about your code would not fit into a comment under the OP. That's why I'm adding this non-answer.
First of all, let us notice a few awful things in your code:
Useless lines. In both blocks, x>2 line is useless, because its return value is discarded.
[1,2,3].partition.inject(0) do |x, acc|
x>2 # <---- return value of this line is never used
[1,2,3].each.inject(0) do |x, acc|
x>2 # <---- return value of this line is never used
I will ignore this useless line when discussing your code examples further.
Useless #each method. It is useless to write
[1,2,3].each.inject(0) do |x, acc|
This is enough:
[1,2,3].inject(0) do |x, acc|
Useless use of #partition method. Instead of:
[1,2,3].partition.inject(0) do |x, acc|
You can just write this:
[1,2,3].inject(0) do |x, acc|
Or, as I would write it, this:
[ 1, 2, 3 ].inject :+
But then, you ask a deep question about using #partition method in the enumerator mode. Having discussed the trivial newbie problems of your code, we are left with the question how exactly the enumerator-returning versions of the #partition, #keep_if etc. should be used, or rather, what are the interesting way of using them, because everyone knows that we can use them for chaining:
array = [ *1..6 ]
shuffled_arrray = array.shuffle # randomly shuffles the array elements
.partition # partition enumerator comes into play
.with_index { |element, index| # method Enumerator#with_index comes into play
element > index # and partitions elements into those greater
} # than their index, and those smaller
And also like this:
e = partition_enumerator_of_array = array.partition
# And then, we can partition the array in many ways:
e.each &:even? # partitions into odd / even numbers
e.each { rand() > 0.5 } # partitions the array randomly
# etc.
An easily understood advantage is that instead of writing longer:
array.partition &:even?
You can write shorter:
e.each &:even?
But I am basically sure that enumerators provide more power to the programmer than just chaining collection methods and shortening code a little bit. Because different enumerators do very different things. Some, such as #map! or #reject!, can even modify the collection on which they operate. In this case, it is imaginable that one could combine different enumerators with the same block to do different things. This ability to vary not just the blocks, but also the enumerators to which they are passed, gives combinatorial power, which can very likely be used to make some otherwise lengthy code very concise. But I am unable to provide a very useful concrete example of this.
In sum, Enumerator class is here mainly for chaining, and to use chaining, programmers do not really need to undestand Enumerator in detail. But I suspect that the correct habits regarding the use of Enumerator might be as difficult to learn as, for instance, correct habits of parametrized subclassing. I suspect I have not grasped the most powerful ways to use enumerators yet.
I think that the result [3, 3] is what you are looking for here - partitioning the array into smaller and larger numbers then summing each group. You seem to be confused about how you give the block "rules" to the two different methods, and have merged what should be two blocks into one.
If you need the net effects of many methods that each take a block, then you can chain after any block, by adding the .method after the close of the block like this: }.each or end.each
Also note that if you create partitions, you are probably wanting to sum over each partition separately. To do that you will need an extra link in the chain (in this case a map):
[1,2,3].partition {|x| x > 2}.map do |part|
part.inject(0) do |acc, x|
x + acc
# => [3, 3]
(You also got the accumulator and current value wrong way around in the inject, and there is no need to assign to the accumulator, Ruby does that for you).
The .inject is no longer in a method chain, instead it is inside a block. There is no problem with blocks inside other blocks, in fact you will see this very often in Ruby code.
I have chained .partition and .map in the above example. You could also write the above like this:
[1,2,3].partition do
|x| x > 2 do |part|
part.inject(0) do |acc, x|
x + acc
. . . although when chaining with short blocks, I personally find it easier to use the { } syntax instead of do end, especially at the start of a chain.
If it all starts to look complex, there is not usually a high cost to assigning the results of the first part of a chain to a local variable, in which case there is no chain at all.
parts = [1,2,3].partition {|x| x > 2} do |part|
part.inject(0) do |acc, x|
x + acc
