What's i in each_with_index block - ruby

Okay, so im reading a guide for ruby and I can't make sense of this code. Where did i come from. I see that n is passed to iterate through the block but I have no idea where I comes from. If I could get a full explanation and breakdown of how this code works that would be great!
class Array
def iterate!
self.each_with_index do |n, i|
self[i] = yield(n)
array = [1, 2, 3, 4]
array.iterate! do |n|
n ** 2

i is the index of the element (hence the name, each_with_index).

Some methods that are called with code blocks will pass more than one value to the block, so you end up with multiple block arguments (in your case the block arguments are n and i, which will hold the current item in the array (n) and the index of it (i)).
You can find out how many arguments a block will be passed by looking at the documentation for a method (here's the docs for each_with_index). It does look like the extra values come from nowhere at first, and it takes a little while to memorize what a block will be passed when different methods are called.

i is commonly used as what's known as an "iterative variable". Basically, the loop block that you've copied here goes through each "iteration" of the loop and uses a new value of i and assigns it to the variable n, which is then passed on to the operation at the second to last line. In this case, the new value is simply the next number in array, and so there are four iterations of the loop.


How does a code block in Ruby know what variable belongs to an aspect of an object?

Consider the following:
(1..10).inject{|memo, n| memo + n}
How does n know that it is supposed to store all the values from 1..10? I'm confused how Ruby is able to understand that n can automatically be associated with (1..10) right away, and memo is just memo.
I know Ruby code blocks aren't the same as the C or Java code blocks--Ruby code blocks work a bit differently. I'm confused as to how variables that are in between the upright pipes '|' will automatically be assigned to parts of an object. For example:
hash1 = {"a" => 111, "b" => 222}
hash2 = {"b" => 333, "c" => 444}
hash1.merge(hash2) {|key, old, new| old}
How do '|key, old, new|' automatically assign themselves in such a way such that when I type 'old' in the code block, it is automatically aware that 'old' refers to the older hash value? I never assigned 'old' to anything, just declared it. Can someone explain how this works?
The parameters for the block are determined by the method definition. The definition for reduce/inject is overloaded (docs) and defined in C, but if you wanted to define it, you could do it like so (note, this doesn't cover all the overloaded cases for the actual reduce definition):
module Enumerable
def my_reduce(memo=nil, &blk)
# if a starting memo is not given, it defaults to the first element
# in the list and that element is skipped for iteration
elements = memo ? self : self[1..-1]
memo ||= self[0]
elements.each { |element| memo = blk.call(memo, element) }
This method definition determines what values to use for memo and element and calls the blk variable (a block passed to the method) with them in a specific order.
Note, however, that blocks are not like regular methods, because they don't check the number of arguments. For example: (note, this example shows the usage of yield which is another way to pass a block parameter)
def foo
yield 1
# The b and c variables here will be nil
foo { |a, b, c| [a,b,c].compact.sum } # => 1
You can also use deconstruction to define variables at the time you run the block, for example if you wanted to reduce over a hash you could do something like this:
# this just copies the hash
{a: 1}.reduce({}) { |memo, (key, val)| memo[key] = val; memo }
How this works is, calling reduce on a hash implicitly calls to_a, which converts it to a list of tuples (e.g. {a: 1}.to_a = [[:a, 1]]). reduce passes each tuple as the second argument to the block. In the place where the block is called, the tuple is deconstructed into separate key and value variables.
A code block is just a function with no name. Like any other function, it can be called multiple times with different arguments. If you have a method
def add(a, b)
a + b
How does add know that sometimes a is 5 and sometimes a is 7?
Enumerable#inject simply calls the function once for each element, passing the element as an argument.
It looks a bit like this:
module Enumerable
def inject(memo)
each do |el|
memo = yield memo, el
And memo is just memo
what do you mean, "just memo"? memo and n take whatever values inject passes. And it is implemented to pass accumulator/memo as first argument and current collection element as second argument.
How do '|key, old, new|' automatically assign themselves
They don't "assign themselves". merge assigns them. Or rather, passes those values (key, old value, new value) in that order as block parameters.
If you instead write
hash1.merge(hash2) {|foo, bar, baz| bar}
It'll still work exactly as before. Parameter names mean nothing [here]. It's actual values that matter.
Just to simplify some of the other good answers here:
If you are struggling understanding blocks, an easy way to think of them is as a primitive and temporary method that you are creating and executing in place, and the values between the pipe characters |memo| is simply the argument signature.
There is no special special concept behind the arguments, they are simply there for the method you are invoking to pass a variable to, like calling any other method with an argument. Similar to a method, the arguments are "local" variables within the scope of the block (there are some nuances to this depending on the syntax you use to call the block, but I digress, that is another matter).
The method you pass the block to simply invokes this "temporary method" and passes the arguments to it that it is designed to do. Just like calling a method normally, with some slight differences, such as there are no "required" arguments. If you do not define any arguments to receive, it will happily just not pass them instead of raising an ArgumentError. Likewise, if you define too many arguments for the block to receive, they will simply be nil within the block, no errors for not being defined.

Modify an Array in Place - Ruby

I'm wondering why the following will not modify the array in place.
I have this:
#card.map!.with_index {|value, key| key.even? ? value*=2 : value}
Which just iterates over an array, and doubles the values for all even keys.
Then I do:
#card.join.split('').map!{|x| x.to_i}
Which joins the array into one huge number, splits them into individual numbers and then maps them back to integers in an array. The only real change from step one to step two is step one would look like a=[1,2,12] and step two would look like a=[1,2,1,2]. For the second step, even though I use .map! when I p #card it appears the exact same after the first step. I have to set the second step = to something if I want to move onward with they new array. Why is this? Does the .map! in the second step not modify the array in place? Or do the linking of methods negate my ability to do that? Cheers.
tldr: A method chain only modifies objects in place, if every single method in that chain is a modify-in-place method.
The important difference in the case is the first method you call on your object. Your first example calls map! that this a methods that modifies the array in place. with_index is not important in this example, it just changes the behavior of the map!.
Your second example calls join on your array. join does not change the array in place, but it returns a totally different object: A string. Then you split the string, which creates a new array and the following map! modifies the new array in place.
So in your second example you need to assign the result to your variable again:
#card = #card.join.split('').map{ |x| x.to_i }
There might be other ways to calculate the desired result. But since you did not provide input and output examples, it is unclear what you're trying to achieve.
Does the .map! in the second step not modify the array in place?
Yes, it does, however the array it modifies is not #card. The split() method returns a new array, i.e. one that is not #card, and map! modifies the new array in place.
Check this out:
tap{|x|...} → x
Yields [the receiver] to the block, and then returns [the receiver].
The primary purpose of this method is to “tap into” a method chain,
in order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain.
#card = ['a', 'b', 'c']
puts #card.object_id
#card.join.split('').tap{|arr| puts arr.object_id}.map{ |x| x.to_i } #arr is whatever split() returns
Every object in a ruby program has a unique object_id.

What is the purpose of |element| in Ruby array operations syntax?

[1,2,3,4,5,6,7].delete_if{|i| i < 4 }
For example, in the above, why do you need to put |i| before i < 4?
I'm new to Ruby programming and the purpose of this element escapes me.
This is very basic Ruby syntax for a block. A block can sometimes take parameters which are given between the bars |. In your case:
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7].delete_if { |i| i < 4 }
The delete_if method for the type Array accepts a block as a parameter. When the bock is given, the block accepts the array element as a parameter. So it iterates i over each value within the array in this case. More specifically, an element will be deleted from the array if that element is < 4. The result will be:
You'll often see documentation for methods for Ruby types which say, for example:
delete_if { |item| block } -> Array
Which means that the method accepts a block with a parameter, the block being some code that uses the parameter, and the output being another array. The method's description explains more detail in the documentation (e.g., Ruby Array).
I recommend reading some Ruby getting started information online or a good introductory book which will explain this in more detail.
You have to put i there for the same reason you would put i in the first line here:
def plus_one(i)
return i + 1
You have to name your method argument, which you later use as a local variable in the method.
Ruby blocks are similar to methods, they can also receive arguments, and syntax for declaring them is slightly different: enclosing them in | |.
I've redone my answer, even though the OP's question has already been answered, because I thought of a new way to explain this that may help future SO users with the same question.
From high school algebra, you should remember functions like this: f(x) = x + 1.
Imagine putting curly braces around the x + 1: f(x) = { x + 1 }
Then move the (x) to inside the curly braces: f = {(x) x + 1 }
And then get rid of the name f: {(x) x + 1 }. This makes it an "anonymous function," i.e. a "lambda."
Here's the problem: The braces could contain arbitrary statements, which may themselves use parentheses: (x + 1) * 4. So how would Ruby know that the (x) is supposed to be an argument to the function, and not an expression to execute? Some other syntax had to be used. Hence the vertical bars: |x|. (At least I assume that was the thought process).
So {|i| i > 4 } is just like f(i) = i > 4, except that it has no name and is not defined in advance, so the parameter has to be defined "inside" the function itself, rather than being outside attached to the name.
Array#delete_if expects such a function (called a "block" when it's used like this) and knows what to do with it. It passes each member of the array [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] into the block as the argument i to see whether i > 4 is true for that member. It's equivalent to doing something like this:
def greater_than_four(x)
x > 4
arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
arr.each do |el|
arr.delete(el) if greater_than_four(el)
You could avoid defining the greater_than_four method in advance by defining a lambda on the fly like this:
arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
arr.each do |el|
arr.delete(el) if lambda{|i| i > 4}.call(el)
But since Array#delete_if already expects a block, and already knows to call it on each element, you can save yourself a whole lot of code:
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7].delete_if{|i| i < 4 }
The parameter which you are passing to the delete_if method is a block and the thing inside the parameter you pass to the block.
Think of the block as a method of sorts. The delete_if method iterates over the block and passes the current item as the parameter i to the block. If the condition evaluates to true then that element gets deleted.

Ruby yield example explanation?

I'm doing a SaaS course with Ruby. On an exercise, I'm asked to calculate the cartesian product of two sequences by using iterators, blocks and yield.
I ended up with this, by pure guess-and-error, and it seems to work. But I'm not sure about how. I seem to understand the basic blocks and yield usage, but this? Not at all.
class CartProd
include Enumerable
def initialize(a,b)
#a = a
#b = b
def each
yield [ae,be]
Some explanation for a noob like me, please?
(PS: I changed the required class name to CartProd so people doing the course can't find the response by googling it so easily)
Let's build this up step-by-step. We will simplify things a bit by taking it out of the class context.
For this example it is intuitive to think of an iterator as being a more-powerful replacement for a traditional for-loop.
So first here's a for-loop version:
seq1 = (0..2)
seq2 = (0..2)
for x in seq1
for y in seq2
p [x,y] # shorthand for puts [x, y].inspect
Now let's replace that with more Ruby-idiomatic iterator style, explicitly supplying blocks to be executed (i.e., the do...end blocks):
seq1.each do |x|
seq2.each do |y|
p [x,y]
So far, so good, you've printed out your cartesian product. Now your assignment asks you to use yield as well. The point of yield is to "yield execution", i.e., pass control to another block of code temporarily (optionally passing one or more arguments).
So, although it's not really necessary for this toy example, instead of directly printing the value like above, you can yield the value, and let the caller supply a block that accepts that value and prints it instead.
That could look like this:
def prod(seq1, seq2)
seq1.each do |x|
seq2.each do |y|
yield [x,y]
Callable like this:
prod (1..2), (1..2) do |prod| p prod end
The yield supplies the product for each run of the inner loop, and the yielded value is printed by the block supplied by the caller.
What exactly do you not understand here? You've made an iterator that yields all possible pairs of elements. If you pass CartProd#each a block, it will be executed a.length*b.length times. It's like having two different for cycles folded one into another in any other programming language.
yield simply passes (yields) control to a block of code that has been passed in as part of the method call. The values after the yield keyword are passed into the block as arguments. Once the block has finished execution it passes back control.
So, in your example you could call #each like this:
CartProd.new([1, 2], [3, 4]).each do |pair|
# control is yielded to this block
p pair
# control is returned at end of block
This would output each pair of values.

Ruby how does this inject code work?

I am new to Ruby and I am trying to write a method that groups an array of words into anagram groups. Here is the code:
def combine_anagrams(words)
dict = words.inject(Hash.new(0)) do |list,ws|
key = sort_word(ws)
if !list.has_key?(key)
list[key] = []
list #What is this
return dict.values
My question is what the statement list is for. If I take it out list becomes an array instead of hash.
Every method/block/etc. in Ruby returns something, and unless there is an early return statement, whatever the last statement in the method/block/etc. is, is what is returned.
In your case, having list be the last line in the block passed to inject ensures that list is returned by the block. When you remove it, the return value of list[key].push(ws) is returned, which obviously isn't what you want.
Note that this behavior also makes using the return keyword when it is the last statement that would be executed otherwise is unnecessary (this includes the return you have at the end of your method). Though some prefer to be explicit that they intend to return something and use them even when not needed.
On an unrelated note: your if !list.has_key?(key) can be rewritten unless list.has_key?(key).
inject works like this:
final = enumerable.inject(initial_value) do |current_value, iteration|
# calculations, etc. here
value # next iteration, current_value will be whatever the block returns
So, in your case, initial_value is Hash.new(0), or an empty Hash with 0 as the default value for a key that doesn't exist instead of nil. This is passed into the inject block for the first element in enumerable.
Inside the inject block, you check to see if key already exists as a key on the hash. If it does not, set it equal to an empty array. In either case, take the current iteration of words (ws) and push it onto the array.
Finally, the block returns the current version of list; it becomes current_value (the first parameter to the inject block) the next time the loop processes an element from enumerable.
As a more simple example, check out this sample:
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
sum = inject(0) do |total, number| # first time, total will be 0
total + number # set total next time to be whatever total is now plus the current number
Take a look at http://ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/Enumerable.html#method-i-inject
In the inject method if you pass two arguments into it (in your case list and ws) the first one - list - is so-called accumulator value. The value which is returned by the inject block at each iteration step is assigned to the list variable. So the line with the only word "list" which you commented as "#What is this" is used for assigning the value of the list in the block to the "list" accumulator variable.
the statement "list" is the return value of the whole block. The line: "list[key] = []" has a return value of "list", therefore it doesnt need another line to set the return value of the if condition to 'list', but the return value of list[key].push(ws) is list[key]. we want to get the updated value of list in the end, therefore we need to return that value from the block each time, so that further processing acts of the updated list, and not something else.
As a background, each ruby line also has a return value, so if that were the last line of a block, or a function, it automatically becomes the return value of the whole block or the function respectively.
To understand this further, try some code like this in irb:
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
b = a.inject(0) {|sum, val| puts sum; puts val; sum + val}
the inner block comprises of three statememts; the last statement returns the value of sum+val to the block, which get stored in sum, to be used in next iterations.
Also, try some code like this:
h = {:a => []}
b = h[:a].push 6
See what b evaluates to; in your code, you need 'b' to be the accumulated hash, and not the array that is stored in h[:a]
