Visual Studio 2013 cannot open custom project file - visual-studio

I've created custom VSPackage which enable support of custom project type (.apcproj) according to this manual
Now I have apcproj as template in New Project dialog. I have support of this extension in Open Project dialog.
But if I create or open this project type by using Visual Studio, IDE gives me error:
This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the following projects. The project types may not be installed or this version of Visual Studio may not support them.
How can I teach Visual Studio to open this project types?


Can I use XAML Designer in a CMake-controlled project?

I have a CMake project which I've opened in Visual Studio 2022 Professional as a directory, using a CMakePresets.txt to make some build presets.
I have a dotnet new wpf project added to this CMake project with include_external_msproject(....csproj TYPE "FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC").
I want to be able to design the .xaml files using the WYSIWYG XAML Designer tool in Visual Studio, but don't have that option in this directory view (which is mandated for the CMakePresets integration).
Is this possible?
Workaround for now is to configure CMake, and then open the .sln with Visual Studio. I can then find the project in the list and use the designer. It's just clunky to have to re-open the same project a different way.

Load CPS project in integrated shell

I have a custom language and debug editor extension for Visual studio, that I'd like to be able to distribute using the visual studio integrated shell.
However, I am unable to open the custom project files using the integrated shell application:
This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the following projects. The project types may not be installed or this version of Visual Studio may not support them.
For more information on enabling these project types or otherwise migrating your assets, please see the details in the "Migration Report" displayed after clicking OK.
- scripts, "F:\path\to\example.myproj"
No changes required
These projects can be opened in Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio 2010 SP1 without changing them.
- scripts, "F:\path\to\example.Example_sln"
Everything works fine when the extension is loaded as part of visual studio 2015 directly.
The custom project type was created using The Visual Studio Common Project System
Thanks to user rodya0 on Github, I have an answer:
Add the following:
$ShellFolder$\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\Project; \
to the PkgDefSearchPath section of the .pkgdef file in your isolated shell project

How to Migrate Old Visual Studio Project to Visual Studio 2017?

I try to open a visual studio project (c#) with CLR code for SQL Server from the Pluralsight course.
I get no error messages just warnings below after One-way upgrade on Visual Studio 2017.
Your project is targeting .NET Framework 2.0 or 3.0. If your project
uses assemblies requiring a newer .NET Framework, your project will
fail to build. You can change the .NET Framework version by clicking
Properties on the project menu and then selecting a new version in the
'.NET Framework' dropdown box. (In Visual Basic, this is located on
the Compile tab by clicking the 'Advanced Compiler Options...'
When I open a solution with single project inside I get message below
The Project Needs to be migrated
The Project Needs to be loaded
I tried editing csproj files with newer/older version numbers.
I tried different PCs with Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2015
Idea: Install Visual Studio 2010 as course was released in 2010 BUT I really do not want that.
When I got this issue, I tried reloading the project and when I did, it told me that I did not have an SDK installed and then it offered to install the SDK. Once I had the SDK installed, the project loaded and I was able to work with the project.

cannot open .scproj project in Visual Studio

I am trying to open my solution in Visual Studio 2010. I have 8 projects and four of them will not open due to the following error.
".scproj cannot be opened because its project type (.scproj) is not
supported by this version of the application"
Is this a setting in Visual studio or some configuration? Note: this is a Sitecore 6.4 Website if that changes anything.
Scproj files are used by TDS -Team Development for Sitecore
If it is a TDS project file then you'll need to install TDS to load the project files.

Visual Studio 2010 and .bsc file

I'm using an open source Mozilla project in Visual C++ 2010. The project requires UNIX based build tools and therefore I cannot create a Visual Studio project for it directly. I must use the command line build files (makefile, configure script, etc) bundled with the project to build the project using cl.exe. (This is due to the fact that some .h files are generated by the make utilities.)
The problem is, without creating a Visual Studio project, how do I browse through the project source files using say the "F12 Go To Definition" feature available in Visual Studio? I know I can generate a .bsc file using the /FR compiler option. But, I also found that the Object Browser in Visual Studio 2010 doesn't seem to support a .bsc file. When I open a .bsc file directly using Visual Studio 2010, it says "Class not registered, Looking for object with CLSID: {D9B3211D-E57F-4426-AAEF-30A806ADD397}.
How do we use a .bsc file under Visual Studio 2010?
Unfortunately BSC is not supported anymore for Visual Studio 2010+
More details:
