Removing GRUB from sda from Mac Internet Recovery - macos

I tried to make a bootable Ubuntu DVD on my MAC. This lead to messing up my bootloader which I have been unable to fix.
One person states
Boot OSX and in the terminal write:
mkdir mnt ; sudo mount -t msdos /dev/disk0s1 mnt
Will show a new drive EFI
Open this drive and open the folder EFI
Inside you will have the folders APPLE and UBUNTU
Just delete the UBUNTU folder
So I keep reading and see
When in -Recovery From Internet- it is impossible to use mkdir, but
you can "cd /tmp" and mount it there.
So I haven't been able to figure out how to mount disk0s1 in the /tmp. If someone could please show me the commands to get into the EFI Folder so I can delete the Ubuntu folder.

I assume the link means you can do something like:
mount -t msdos /dev/disk0s1 /tmp/
cd /tmp
and you should see the APPLE and UBUNTU directories. I am not in Recovery Mode now so I can't try that, but deleting UBUNTU from there may help you.
This page:
is what I use when I want to install Linux on a Mac, and has a lot of useful explanation about EFI booting on Mac machines. I have had good luck with SuperGrub2 when I've gotten in trouble:


cannot mount usb partition - unknown file system exfat

I have a USB stick with important info that would not show up in Windows. I tried the Disk Management Utility, and the partition with the data shows up as "healthy", but no drive letter, and right-click menu options all grayed out (except 'delete'). I used another laptop, I used a Macbook, all to no avail.
On Ubuntu, it also would not show up. I tried manual mounting, which did not work, and on parted it the "File system" column is empty.
Using fdisk -l it shows as HPFS/NTFS/exFAT.
I thought to remove my question, but since it took me a while to find the answer, others may benefit:
sudo apt install exfat-fuse exfat-utils
Now I could mount it with exfat specified as file system (and anyway now Ubuntu also automatically mounted it).
uanble to mount exfat file system then needs to follow below steps
Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut in Ubuntu).
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt update
sudo apt install exfat-fuse exfat-utils

Reset custom macOS icon in rEFInd

I installed rEFInd the other day to test out some Linux distros.
But what really bugs me is that I have set an icon for my hard drive which is used by rEFInd.
What I tried to reset it:
Removing the icon from the hard drive
Adding another icon to / and named it .VolumeIcon.png
Reinstalling rEFInd
Added another os icons named boot.png and loader.png to EFI/refind/icons on the EFI volume
The only thing that did work was to set another hard drive icon. But I don't want to have an icon at all.
Does anyone know how I could reset rEFInd's cache?
Okay, it seems to be a caching bug. I finally found a workaround.
To fix it I created an invalid .VolumeIcon.icns on my hard drive, rebooted and removed the icon. Now it works like a charm.
Here are the steps and terminal commands:
Become Root with sudo su
sudo su
Create invalid .VolumeIcon.icns in root directory of internal hard drive
echo "" > .VolumeIcon.icns
Exit from root user
Reboot your system
Remove /.VolumeIcon.icns from root directory of internal hard drive
sudo rm /.VolumeIcon.icns

Can't mount Android Things image file in OS X to tweak config files

Some tutorials recommend making modifications to files such as wpa_supplicant.conf within the Android Things image file, as per this answer I'm trying with the Android Things developer preview 4.1 image file.
However, I've had no luck mounting this file for editing purposes on OS X. Various attempts to use os x Disk Utility or the mount command from the terminal all result in some type of error message telling me the file format is not compatible. I can see in Disk Util, or through terminal mount, that the ISO image has 15 sectors (or partitions), but I can't access them.
I've even tried spinning up an Ubuntu in AWS, uploading and mounting from there. No dice.
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so.
Any advice? What am I missing.
On macOS I have done this way:
Connect the sdcard on your Mac
Run on terminal diskutil list and see the name of your sdcard (in my case /dev/disk2s1)
Create a directory where the sdcard will be mounted: sudo mkdir -p /Volumes/pisdcard
Mount the sdcard: sudo mount -t msdos /dev/disk2s1 /Volumes/pisdcard
Edit what you want and unmount the sdcard with: sudo umount /dev/disk2s1
It worked for me, I used to change config.txt and cmdline.txt to change UART mode and use a GPS module on Android Things.
hdiutil attach [file] is the macOS command to treat an image file as a disk device. If the image file contains a filesystem macOS can read, it should also mount any volumes contained in the file. If your image contains a volume not supported by macOS (e.g., ext4), you also need to install an appropriate driver before you can mount the volume.

Issues mounting a shared folder in virtualbox

I'm trying to create a shared folder between MacOS (Host) and Debian (Guest) in virtualbox. I've completed the steps of installing guest additions, creating a shared folder called "share" and a folder in debian called "sf", but when I try to run
sudo mount -t vboxsf share ~/sf
I get the error
mount: realpath /Users/USERNAME/sf: No such file or directory
I'm under the impression the second path is meant to be the directory in Debian. This also happens when I remove the ~/.
Looks like you are trying to run this command from your OSX shell. Is that possibly the case?
If yes, switch to your shell on the Debian guest. Also make sure the directory ~/sf actually does exist before you run the mount command.
Hope this helps.

Installing GPG tools via terminal on mac

I am trying to install gpg tools on a mac mini i have ssh access to so i can then install s3cmd.
I know you can use the installer dmg here
But as i only have ssh access i need to install this via terminal and cant findout where to do this if i click source it take me to this page which isnt helpful to me.
Can someone point me in the right direction.
This is hardly a gpg specific question, it should be asked an OSX systems support section, however, I will answer the best I can, but specific only to the installing GPGTools for OSX (the process for installing other dmg/pkg's on OSX might differ).
# Move to a location we can work
cd /tmp
# Retrieve the DMG for GPGTools
# Mount the DMG image so we can access it's contents;
# NOTE: the last line of the output describes where the image was mounted.
hdiutil attach ./GPGTools-20120318.dmg
# Move into the the mounted image
cd /Volumes/GPGTools/
# Now begin the installer as root, with a target of "/"
sudo installer -pkg GPGTools.mpkg -target "/"
# Now we must fix the permissions of our gnupg directory, as the installer
# script seems to "fix" the permissions with the root user
sudo chown -R `whoami`: ~/.gnupg
# Now move out of the mounted volume directory so we can unmount it
cd /tmp
# Unmount the volume
hdiutil detach /Volumes/GPGTools
GPGTools should now be installed.
