cannot mount usb partition - unknown file system exfat - usb-drive

I have a USB stick with important info that would not show up in Windows. I tried the Disk Management Utility, and the partition with the data shows up as "healthy", but no drive letter, and right-click menu options all grayed out (except 'delete'). I used another laptop, I used a Macbook, all to no avail.
On Ubuntu, it also would not show up. I tried manual mounting, which did not work, and on parted it the "File system" column is empty.
Using fdisk -l it shows as HPFS/NTFS/exFAT.

I thought to remove my question, but since it took me a while to find the answer, others may benefit:
sudo apt install exfat-fuse exfat-utils
Now I could mount it with exfat specified as file system (and anyway now Ubuntu also automatically mounted it).

uanble to mount exfat file system then needs to follow below steps
Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut in Ubuntu).
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt update
sudo apt install exfat-fuse exfat-utils


Read-only file system" with SIP disabled in macOS Catalina

I am trying to copy some files from a path to my libs path (/usr/lib), I am trying with sudo cp {my file}/usr/lib/
bit I got this error.
/usr/lib/{my_file} Read-only file system
I have validated and indeed System Integrity Protection is disabled (SIP) I am using macOs Catalina 10.15.4
I Hope you can help me thanks.
You just should try with
sudo mount -uw /
it should work
I just recently joined stack overflow so I am not able to up-vote the above answer. Using sudo mount -uw / definitely works. In my case I needed to add a small script to /sbin to overcome an issue with VMware Tools. Starting with macOS Catalina, disabling SIP and then executing this command as root was the answer.
I'm also new to stack exchange, but want to add that
"sudo mount -uw /" worked. Thank you #Juanse
In my case, was suffering from the problem of Kernel_Task using more than 500% of CPU on my Mid-2012 15 MacBookPro aka (MacBookPro9,1 ) with quad-code Intel Core i7.
After multiple solutions did not work, I went on to try a solution posted at:
Which instructed me to:
Reboot into recovery mode.
Select Utilities/Terminal, csrutil disable , reboot.
move or delete a file based on my version of Mac as listed in the thread. For my MacBookPro9,1 the file 4B7AC7E43945597E.plist
Reboot into recovery mode
Select Utilities/Terminal, csrutil enable , reboot.
The problem with the solution, is that when I tried to "mv 4B7AC7E43945597E.plist ~", or even "sudo mv 4B7AC7E43945597E.plist ~", I got a read-only file system message. Running "sudo mount -uw /" made the file system writeable. Note that the steps of booting into recovery mode and disabling / enabling csrutil turned off, and then back on the apple System Integrity Protection (SIP), which is necessary if you wish to change certain key system or configuration files.

How to create Virtualbox shared folder between Windows host and Ubuntu18.04 guest machine [closed]

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Closed 3 months ago.
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I've read docs and all questions about sharing folder from host machine to Virtualbox's guest machine and still can't get it working. In my case the host is Windows machine and guest is Ubuntu18.04 server machine.
What is advised and what I've already tried:
1) In the VM's menu I found 'devices' submenu and clicked 'Insert Guest Additions CD image' option after which the CD icon in the status bar was lit and shows that the CD is inserted and the path to iso is C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxGuestAdditions.iso (I checked that file really exists there).
2) In the same 'devices' VM's settings submenu I opened 'Shared Folder Settings' and added shared folder with name 'test' and path 'D:\test' which leads to the folder on my D: disk which contains test files.
3) I reboot my Ubuntu VM and look into /media directory expecting to find /media/cdrom directory or something like this with file in it, which should be run according to docs. But /media directory is empty so I have nothing to do with it. I looked for this file into other directories but had no success.
After that I tried to install Virtualbox-guest-additions from repository as was advised on ubuntu forum:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms
And checked that the package was installed with command:
lsmod | grep -io vboxguest
But when I rebooted and tried to mount the shared folder with:
mkdir -p /home/myusername/test
sudo mount -t vboxsf test /home/myusername/test
I've got error:
mount: /home/myusername/test: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /home/myusername/test, missing codepage or helper program or other error.
I see there is no /sbin/mount.vboxsf link present, I'm not sure if this is a problem, also I tried add my user to 'vboxsf' group with:
sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf myusername
but the group was not created too.
What am I missing, what is the way to make it work?
After a whole day of trying different solutions I finally found the missing ingredient. But I'm gonna repeat my topic content partially and put here step by step instruction for someone struggling with this task like me.
We suppose that we already have the Ubuntu 18.04 VM installed and the linux user "myusername" with sudo permissions on this machine.
So, to share folder D:\test (just as an example) on Windows host machine to Ubuntu 18.04 Virtualbox's guest machine (it's content should be available in /home/myusername/test directory) we make these steps:
1) Start Ubuntu VM from VirtualBox interface
2) Open "Shared Folder Settings" in the "devices" submenu of the started Ubuntu VM window's upper menu and set the shared folder name as "test" and the path as "/home/myusername/test" and fill the checkbox "Make Permanent"
3) Install virtualbox-guest-dkms and virtualbox-guest-utils packages to Ubuntu VM with the package manager.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-utils
4) Create a directory /home/myusername/test on your Ubuntu VM
mkdir /home/myusername/test
5) Restart Ubuntu VM
6) After rebooting mount shared folder in Ubuntu VM with command
mount -t vboxsf test /home/myusername/test
7) Check files in your /home/myusername/test directory, they should be the same files which are located in your Windows D:\test folder
ls /home/myusername/test
8) Additionally you can make this shared folder auto mounted after rebooting, to do so you need add the next line to your ubuntu user's /home/myusername/.profile file:
echo "sudo mount -t vboxsf test /home/myusername/test" >> /home/myusername/.profile
and give your user permission to mount without entering password with opening "sudo visudo" command (which is used to change the /etc/sudoers file) and add the next line:
myusername ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/mount
That's it, after these steps I've managed to share files from Windows host to Ubuntu guest machine. I'd like to mention that the shared directory itself and all files inside it belong to root but has 777 rights so there is no problem using them as any user can do whatever he wants with them.
personally the below commands helped me, it attaches a disk that you have to fill your credentials and boom...
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-utils

target disk is too small on reboot

I'm trying to reinstall OSx on my macbookpro 13 2010. Right when it was about to install, I get the error that target disk is too small. I reboot it again and open the terminal and type:
diskutil list
And get this result:
result of typing diskutil list
I see that diskutil has many helpful commands which can erase or merge volumes and disks. However, I'm not sure which ones are safe or exactly how to go about doing this. What should I do next?
Follow these steps and let me know if it helped:
diskutil list
diskutil apfs deleteContainer disk0s2 - this will delete the apfs partition that is currently active.
again, diskutil list
diskutil partitionDisk /dev/disk0 gpt apfs macOSX 250 - this will create a new partition for you named macOSX
Now try to re install the OS to this drive. I am sure it will succeed. Revert back if any more queries exist.
I know this is an old thread but I found an easy solution for this.
First erase the disk with disk utility using erase and then just create another partition on it and install the OS to the new partition. Don't know why but it works.

Removing GRUB from sda from Mac Internet Recovery

I tried to make a bootable Ubuntu DVD on my MAC. This lead to messing up my bootloader which I have been unable to fix.
One person states
Boot OSX and in the terminal write:
mkdir mnt ; sudo mount -t msdos /dev/disk0s1 mnt
Will show a new drive EFI
Open this drive and open the folder EFI
Inside you will have the folders APPLE and UBUNTU
Just delete the UBUNTU folder
So I keep reading and see
When in -Recovery From Internet- it is impossible to use mkdir, but
you can "cd /tmp" and mount it there.
So I haven't been able to figure out how to mount disk0s1 in the /tmp. If someone could please show me the commands to get into the EFI Folder so I can delete the Ubuntu folder.
I assume the link means you can do something like:
mount -t msdos /dev/disk0s1 /tmp/
cd /tmp
and you should see the APPLE and UBUNTU directories. I am not in Recovery Mode now so I can't try that, but deleting UBUNTU from there may help you.
This page:
is what I use when I want to install Linux on a Mac, and has a lot of useful explanation about EFI booting on Mac machines. I have had good luck with SuperGrub2 when I've gotten in trouble:

Installing GPG tools via terminal on mac

I am trying to install gpg tools on a mac mini i have ssh access to so i can then install s3cmd.
I know you can use the installer dmg here
But as i only have ssh access i need to install this via terminal and cant findout where to do this if i click source it take me to this page which isnt helpful to me.
Can someone point me in the right direction.
This is hardly a gpg specific question, it should be asked an OSX systems support section, however, I will answer the best I can, but specific only to the installing GPGTools for OSX (the process for installing other dmg/pkg's on OSX might differ).
# Move to a location we can work
cd /tmp
# Retrieve the DMG for GPGTools
# Mount the DMG image so we can access it's contents;
# NOTE: the last line of the output describes where the image was mounted.
hdiutil attach ./GPGTools-20120318.dmg
# Move into the the mounted image
cd /Volumes/GPGTools/
# Now begin the installer as root, with a target of "/"
sudo installer -pkg GPGTools.mpkg -target "/"
# Now we must fix the permissions of our gnupg directory, as the installer
# script seems to "fix" the permissions with the root user
sudo chown -R `whoami`: ~/.gnupg
# Now move out of the mounted volume directory so we can unmount it
cd /tmp
# Unmount the volume
hdiutil detach /Volumes/GPGTools
GPGTools should now be installed.
