Ruby Data_Get_Struct error wrong argument expect Data - ruby

I am writting a little ruby module with some very simple classes in C:
typedef struct window_t {
GtkWidget * widget;
static void c_window_struct_free(window_t *c)
static VALUE c_window_struct_alloc( VALUE klass)
return Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, NULL, c_window_struct_free,ruby_xmalloc(sizeof(window_t)));
VALUE c_window = rb_define_class_under(m_rtortosa, "Window", c_widget)
rb_define_method(c_window, "set_title",RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(window_set_title), 1);
//For each class I don't rewritte any "new" or "initialize" function. I let the default
When my module is initialized, a gtk window is created, and I have a ruby method for this module that call:
static VALUE rtortosa_window(VALUE self)
VALUE win;
VALUE m_rtortosa = rb_const_get( rb_cObject, rb_intern( "Rtortosa" ) );
VALUE cWindow = rb_const_get_at( m_rtortosa, rb_intern("Window") );
win = rb_class_new_instance(0, NULL, backbone.rb_objects.cWindow);
window_t *w;
Data_Get_Struct(win,window_t, w);
w->widget = backbone.window.widget;
return win;
The problesm occurs when I call the rtortosta_window from ruby, it throws an error like this :
wrong argument type Rtortosa::Window (expected Data) (TypeError)
After investigations this message is comming from the Data_Get_Struct function.
I don't see what I am doing wrong, I have a notebook class that is written in the same way but it works as expected.

I have forgotten to bind the alloc function to the class:
rb_define_alloc_func(c_window, c_window_struct_alloc);


Actual function call count doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(mockImplClass, receive(_, _))

I am facing problem while running gtest for the following code sample.
ignore header includes as its compilable and running fine.
Uninteresting mock function call - returning default value.
Function call: receive(0x7ffcee4fc990, 0x7ffcee4fc900)
Returns: 0
NOTE: You can safely ignore the above warning unless this call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. See for details.
/data/home/sipadhy/unit_test_research/gTest/ImplClassTest.cpp:174: Failure
Actual function call count doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(mockImplClass, receive(_, _))...
Expected: to be called at least once
Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
Sample Code:
// Main Class where function to be mocked
class ImplClass
virtual int receive(structX* x, structY* y){ // some logic }
// An intermidiate class which calls the main class
class IntermidiateClass
std::shared_ptr<ImplClass> implClassPtr = nullptr;
setImplClassptr(std::shared_ptr<ImplClass> ptr)
implClassPtr = ptr;
int getValue()
structX x;
structY y;
return(implClassPtr->receive(x, y));
// Mock Class
class MockImplClass: public ImplClass
MOCK_METHOD2(receive, int(structX, structY));
// Test case
MockImplClass mockImplClass;
IntermidiateClass intermidiateObj;
EXPECT_CALL(mockImplClass, receive(_, _))
int retVal = intermidiateObj.getValue();
You create a brand new object of the MockImplClass class here:
Thus your first created object
MockImplClass mockImplClass;
never gets used to call receive()

assign std::unique_ptr to std::function

There is a custom defined map, with an element std::function()>.
The lambda code is working, but I don't know how to expand it to a normal formation. The code is following.
class TestA{
TestA() {}
~TestA() {}
TestA(const TestA &) {}
static void print()
cout << __FUNCTION__ << endl;
void testComplexMap1()
typedef map<string, std::function<std::unique_ptr<TestA>()>> TempMap;
TempMap m;
// the lambda format code, it works
//m.insert({ "TestA", []() {return std::unique_ptr<TestA>(new TestA());}});
// I want to expand it, but failed.
TestA *t = new TestA();
//function<unique_ptr<TestA>()> fp(unique_ptr<TestA>(t));
function<unique_ptr<TestA>()> fp(unique_ptr<TestA>(t)()); //warning here
//m.emplace("TestA", fp); // compile error here
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
fp is not initialized with a function so compilation fails.
You can expand it like this:
TestA *t = new TestA();
std::unique_ptr<TestA> UT(t);
auto func = [&]() { return move(UT);};
std::function<std::unique_ptr<TestA>()> fp(func);
m.emplace("TestA", fp);
In C++ everything that looks like it could be a declaration is treated as such.
This means the line
function<unique_ptr<TestA>()> fp(unique_ptr<TestA>(t)());
is interpreted as:
fp is the declaration of a function returning an std::function<unique_ptr<TestA>()> and expecting a parameter called t which is a function pointer to a function returning a std::unique_ptr<TestA> and getting no parameter. (Which is not what you intended.)
This also means that the t in this line is not the same t as in the previous line.
You have to pass fp something that is actually callable like this:
std::unique_ptr<TestA> f() {
return std::make_unique<TestA>();
void testComplexMap1() {
// ...
function<unique_ptr<TestA>()> fp(f);
m.emplace("TestA1", fp);
If you want to add a function to the map that wraps an existing pointer into a unique_ptr you would need either a functor:
class Functor {
Functor(TestA * a) : m_a(a) {}
~Functor() { delete m_a; }
std::unique_ptr<TestA> operator()(){
auto x = std::unique_ptr<TestA>(m_a);
m_a = nullptr;
return std::move(x);
TestA * m_a;
void testComplexMap1() {
TestA * t = new TestA();
m.emplace("TestA", Functor(t));
Or a lambda with capture:
void testComplexMap1() {
TestA * t = new TestA();
m.emplace("TestA", [t](){ return std::unique_ptr<TestA>(t); });
The lamda is translated more or less to something like the Functor class. However in each case you have to be really careful: The functions in the map that encapsulate an existing pointer into a std::unique_ptr can and should only be called once.
If you don't call them, memory allocated for t won't be freed. If you call them more than once you get either a std::unique_ptr to nullptr (in my Functor class variant) or a more than one std::unique_ptr tries to manage the same memory region (in the lambda with capture variant), which will crash as soon as the second std::unique_ptr is deleted.
In short: I would advice against writing code like this and only put functions in the map that are callable multiple times.

Why can't Vala connect signals to delegates?

I used to think that a delegate behaves like a method reference in Vala. However, I don't understand why the following code doesn't work:
class Bar {
public signal void bar_signal();
class Foo : Object {
public Foo( int i, Bar bar ) {
bar.bar_signal.connect( bar_handler( i + 1 ) );
public delegate void Handler();
private static Handler bar_handler( int j ) {
return () =>
stdout.printf( "handler: %d\n", j );
public static void main( string[] args ) {
Bar bar = new Bar();
new Foo( 1, bar ); // will be finalized immediately
The idiom of this code is actually quite typical in JavaScript, which makes heavy use of closures. Sadly, valac says:
Test.vala:8.33-8.45: error: Argument 1: Cannot convert from Foo.Handler to Bar.bar_signal
At first, I thought that this might be due to the following incompatibility of delegate types:
Instance and static delegate instances are not interchangeable.
However, the error doesn't change if I put a static into the declaration of the delegate.
I searched the web but only came across an old mailing list entry from 2009, which says that this is a bug in Vala. Is that right? And if so: How can it be that this bug still isn't fixed, 7 years later?
It is indeed a known bug:
A workaround is to invoke it using a closure:
bar.bar_signal.connect( () => { bar_handler( i + 1 ); } );

Returning reference to slice_array

I'm currently trying to implement a class around a valarray object and i get a exception when trying to run:
class TestClass
valarray<int> va;
TestClass() { va.resize(5, 1); }
slice_array<int>& get_slice()
return va[slice(0, 3, 2)];
//In main():
TestClass obj;
slice_array<int>& ref =[slice(0,3,2)];
ref = -1; //OK
obj.get_slice() = -1; //Throws exception
Aren't the two assignments the same thing?
I solved it myself:
It seems that a valarray[slice(int, int, int)] is not an lvalue or is temporary, so it's not allowed to initialize a reference with such an object (oddly enough, VS2012 allows to do so in some cases).

Safari plugin crashes on NPN_GetValue

My plugin code crashes when I call the NPN_GetValue. Basically I created a scriptable object which has a 'getDevice' method that can return a device array to JavaScript. Below is the code snippet.
static bool mainNPObjectInvoke(NPObject *obj, NPIdentifier identifier, const NPVariant *args, uint32_t argCount, NPVariant *result)
printf("create main object");
MainNPObject *mainObject = (MainNPObject *)obj;
if (identifier == methodIdentifiers[METHOD_ID_GET_DEVICES])
NPObject *windowObj = NULL;
browser->getvalue(mainObject->npp, NPNVWindowNPObject, &windowObj);
// it crashed here
I created the MainNPObject instance with below method.
NPObject *createMainNPObject(NPP npp)
MainNPObject *object = (MainNPObject *)browser->createobject(npp, &mainNPClass);
object->npp = npp;
theMainObject = object;
return (NPObject *)object;
The createMainNPObject is called in the plugin function I provided to browser.
NPError NPP_GetValue(NPP instance, NPPVariable variable, void *value)
PluginObject *obj = instance->pdata;
switch (variable) {
case NPPVpluginCoreAnimationLayer:
if (!obj->rootLayer)
*(CALayer **)value = obj->rootLayer;
case NPPVpluginScriptableNPObject:
if (!obj->mainObject)
obj->mainObject = createMainNPObject(instance);
And the allocate function is as below.
static NPObject *mainNPObjectAllocate(NPP npp, NPClass *class)
MainNPObject *mainObject = malloc(sizeof(MainNPObject));
mainObject->deviceManager = [[DeviceManager alloc] init];
return (NPObject *)mainObject;
Definition of MainNPObject:
typedef struct
NPObject *npobject;
NPP npp;
DeviceManager *deviceManager;
} MainNPObject;
By debugging the code, I found that the system raised an EXC_BAD_ACCESS when calling the browser->getValue and it looks like the npp pointer is invalid.
0x00007fff83f82dab <+0019> je 0x7fff83f82db9 <_ZN6WebKit14NetscapePlugin7fromNPPEP4_NPP+33>
0x00007fff83f82dad <+0021> incl 0x8(%rax)
Can someone help me out?
Hmm; not seeing anything obvious. Try adding another parameter (an int?) to your structure and set it during allocate or immediately afterwords, then later on check to see if it's still the value you set before you call getvalue. See if your struct is somehow getting corrupt. That happened to me once when I was casting the NPObject funny in a non-obvious way.
