assign std::unique_ptr to std::function - c++11

There is a custom defined map, with an element std::function()>.
The lambda code is working, but I don't know how to expand it to a normal formation. The code is following.
class TestA{
TestA() {}
~TestA() {}
TestA(const TestA &) {}
static void print()
cout << __FUNCTION__ << endl;
void testComplexMap1()
typedef map<string, std::function<std::unique_ptr<TestA>()>> TempMap;
TempMap m;
// the lambda format code, it works
//m.insert({ "TestA", []() {return std::unique_ptr<TestA>(new TestA());}});
// I want to expand it, but failed.
TestA *t = new TestA();
//function<unique_ptr<TestA>()> fp(unique_ptr<TestA>(t));
function<unique_ptr<TestA>()> fp(unique_ptr<TestA>(t)()); //warning here
//m.emplace("TestA", fp); // compile error here
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

fp is not initialized with a function so compilation fails.
You can expand it like this:
TestA *t = new TestA();
std::unique_ptr<TestA> UT(t);
auto func = [&]() { return move(UT);};
std::function<std::unique_ptr<TestA>()> fp(func);
m.emplace("TestA", fp);

In C++ everything that looks like it could be a declaration is treated as such.
This means the line
function<unique_ptr<TestA>()> fp(unique_ptr<TestA>(t)());
is interpreted as:
fp is the declaration of a function returning an std::function<unique_ptr<TestA>()> and expecting a parameter called t which is a function pointer to a function returning a std::unique_ptr<TestA> and getting no parameter. (Which is not what you intended.)
This also means that the t in this line is not the same t as in the previous line.
You have to pass fp something that is actually callable like this:
std::unique_ptr<TestA> f() {
return std::make_unique<TestA>();
void testComplexMap1() {
// ...
function<unique_ptr<TestA>()> fp(f);
m.emplace("TestA1", fp);
If you want to add a function to the map that wraps an existing pointer into a unique_ptr you would need either a functor:
class Functor {
Functor(TestA * a) : m_a(a) {}
~Functor() { delete m_a; }
std::unique_ptr<TestA> operator()(){
auto x = std::unique_ptr<TestA>(m_a);
m_a = nullptr;
return std::move(x);
TestA * m_a;
void testComplexMap1() {
TestA * t = new TestA();
m.emplace("TestA", Functor(t));
Or a lambda with capture:
void testComplexMap1() {
TestA * t = new TestA();
m.emplace("TestA", [t](){ return std::unique_ptr<TestA>(t); });
The lamda is translated more or less to something like the Functor class. However in each case you have to be really careful: The functions in the map that encapsulate an existing pointer into a std::unique_ptr can and should only be called once.
If you don't call them, memory allocated for t won't be freed. If you call them more than once you get either a std::unique_ptr to nullptr (in my Functor class variant) or a more than one std::unique_ptr tries to manage the same memory region (in the lambda with capture variant), which will crash as soon as the second std::unique_ptr is deleted.
In short: I would advice against writing code like this and only put functions in the map that are callable multiple times.


Calling parent struct inherited methods

I have a struct A that inherits from other classes (which I'm not allowed to change). Inside A and it's methods I can call inherited methods (lets say A_method(int i), for example) without problem but when I tried to write a nested struct (lets say In) and call A_method(int i) and there is were I'm stuck.
The initial code looks like this, and I can't change it, is some kind of college assigment.
#include "Player.hh"
struct A : public Player {
static Player* factory () {
return new A;
virtual void play () {
Then I tried this:
#include "Player.hh"
struct A : public Player {
static Player* factory () {
return new A;
//My code
struct In {
int x;
void do_smthing() {
virtual void play () {
Ok, from a beginning I knew I could't do this, for In to see it's parent class it should have a pointer to it but In is a often instantiated object in my code and I wanted to avoid passing this constantly to a constructor so I tried this aproach:
#include "Player.hh"
struct A : public Player {
static Player* factory () {
return new A;
//My code
static struct Aux
A* ptr;
Aux(A* _p) { ptr = _p; }
} aux;
struct In {
int x;
void do_smthing() {
virtual void play () {
//the idea is to call do_smthing() here.
What I want to avoid (if possible) is something like this:
struct In {
int x;
A* ptr;
In (A* _p) : ptr(_p) {}
void do_smthing() {
The main reason for this: I have more struct definitions and they they are instantiated multiple times through the rest of the (omitted) code, and I don't like the idea of seeing In(this) so many times.
I don't know if I'm completly missing something or what I want to do it's just not possible... Please ask for clarifications if necessary.
(Also, performance is kind of critical, my code will be tested with limited CPU time so I kinda have to avoid expensive approachs if possible. Using C++11)
There is no way you can skip passing the this pointer. Instead, you could create a helper function in A:
template <typename InnerType, typename ...Params>
InnerType makeInner(Params&&... params)
return InnerType(this, std::forward<Params>(params)...);
Then you can use
auto * a = A::factory();
auto inner = a->makeInner<A::In>();
I have some suggestions which are not directly related to you question but may help:
A::facotry() returns a std::unique_ptr<A> instead of raw pointer
Try to describe what problem you are trying to solve. I have a strong feeling that there can be a better design other than creating many nested structs.
I don't see passing a this pointer could have any impact on the performance. The more important thing is to identify the path that is latency-sensitive and move expensive operations out of those paths.

How do you assign a default value to a <functional> object?

I pass a function pointer to a function using functional, and use a constructor initialization to save it in a local variable for later use. How do I assign a default value to the parameter.
function<void()> BEGINFILE;
somefunct(function<void()> BEGINFILE): BEGINFILE(BEGINFILE) {}
But I can't seem to do:
void nullfunct() {}
function<void()> BEGINFILE;
void somefunct(function<void()> BEGINFILE = nullfunct): BEGINFILE(BEGINFILE) {}
void nullfunct() {}
function<void()> BEGINFILE;
somefunct(function<void()> BEGINFILE) {
I've also read that functional is deprecated/removed in C++17. I've tried to find what C++17 does without success.
I suppose that somefunct is a class (or a struct) and that with
void somefunct(function<void()> BEGINFILE): BEGINfILE(BEGINFILE) {}
do you mean a constructor of somefunct.
First (secondary) problem: constructors doesn't return values, so remove the initial void.
For the main problem I suppose that you have the problem when the default function (nullfunct()) is a non static member function.
I mean, in this case
struct somefunct
void nullfunct() {}
std::function<void()> bf;
somefunct (std::function<void()> bf0 = nullfunct) : bf{bf0}
{ }
Unfortunately, a non-static member function is something strange, very different from a regular function, and you can't assign it to a std::function.
I see three ways to solve this problem.
transform it in a static one
A static member function doesn't depend from an instance of the class so is the same type of object of a regular function and can be assigned to a std::function, so if you can transform nullfunct() in a static member, you can write
struct somefunct
static void nullfunct() {}
std::function<void()> bf;
somefunct (std::function<void()> bf0 = nullfunct) : bf{bf0}
{ }
make nullfunct() an regular function.
If you can make nullfunct() a regular (not member of a class or struct) function, it becomes compatible with std::function, so
void nullfunct() {}
struct somefunct
std::function<void()> bf;
somefunct (std::function<void()> bf0 = nullfunct) : bf{bf0}
{ }
initialize with an empty function and set with a wrapping lambda
If you can't transform somefunct() in a static member function (way 1) or in regular function (way 2), you can wrap the call of somefunct() in a lambda function that you can assign to your std::function.
Unfortunately, this lambda function has to capture the this pointer and can't do it if is defined as a default value for the argument of the constructor so the way I see is initialize the std::function with an empty std::function and, in the body of the constructor, if the member contains an empty function, assign the lambda.
I mean
struct somefunct
void nullfunct() {}
std::function<void()> bf;
somefunct (std::function<void()> bf0 = {}) : bf{bf0}
{ if ( not bf ) bf = [this]{ this->nullfunct(); }; }

Actual function call count doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(mockImplClass, receive(_, _))

I am facing problem while running gtest for the following code sample.
ignore header includes as its compilable and running fine.
Uninteresting mock function call - returning default value.
Function call: receive(0x7ffcee4fc990, 0x7ffcee4fc900)
Returns: 0
NOTE: You can safely ignore the above warning unless this call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. See for details.
/data/home/sipadhy/unit_test_research/gTest/ImplClassTest.cpp:174: Failure
Actual function call count doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(mockImplClass, receive(_, _))...
Expected: to be called at least once
Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
Sample Code:
// Main Class where function to be mocked
class ImplClass
virtual int receive(structX* x, structY* y){ // some logic }
// An intermidiate class which calls the main class
class IntermidiateClass
std::shared_ptr<ImplClass> implClassPtr = nullptr;
setImplClassptr(std::shared_ptr<ImplClass> ptr)
implClassPtr = ptr;
int getValue()
structX x;
structY y;
return(implClassPtr->receive(x, y));
// Mock Class
class MockImplClass: public ImplClass
MOCK_METHOD2(receive, int(structX, structY));
// Test case
MockImplClass mockImplClass;
IntermidiateClass intermidiateObj;
EXPECT_CALL(mockImplClass, receive(_, _))
int retVal = intermidiateObj.getValue();
You create a brand new object of the MockImplClass class here:
Thus your first created object
MockImplClass mockImplClass;
never gets used to call receive()

Class method callbacks in D to C functions

I'm writing a simple, lightweight engine in D. For the input calls I use GLFW3. The library in question uses callbacks to send input events to the program.
What I would like is to use a method from a class as the callback function, rather than a function. This is proving difficult (just as it is in C++). I believe there is an elegant way to do it, but this is how I got it right now.
public void initialise(string logPath) {
m_Window = new RenderWindow();
// Lets set up the input loop.
GLFWkeyfun keyCB = function(GLFWwindow* win, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods) {
printf("Got key event: %d:%d:%d:%d\n");
RenderWindow rw = Root().getRenderWindow();
switch (key) {
case KeyboardKeyID.Q:
glfwSetWindowShouldClose(win, true);
case KeyboardKeyID.H:
if (rw.hidden) {;
} else {
glfwSetKeyCallback(m_Window.window, keyCB);
Here is the definition of the callback setting function and type:
extern (C) {
alias GLFWkeyfun = void function(GLFWwindow*, int, int, int, int);
GLFWkeyfun glfwSetKeyCallback(GLFWwindow*, GLFWkeyfun);
What I would like to do instead, is create a method that is part of the class. Is there any way to do this?
A solution I tried was a static method wrapped around in extern (C), this worked for calling it, but then I could (obviously) not access this or any other methods, which defeats the point of the exercise.
Thanks in advance.
The way I'd do it is to have a static map of the pointers to the class, so like:
static YourWindowClass[GLFWwindow*] mappings;
Then, in the constructor, once you get a GLFWwindow pointer, add it right in:
mappings[m_Window.window] = this;
Now, make the static extern(C) function to use as the callback. When it gets a pointer from C, look up your class reference in that mappings array and then go ahead and call the member function through that, forwarding the arguments.
So a bit of an extra step, but since it doesn't look like the callback lets you pass user-defined data to it (BTW, attention all lib writers: user-defined void* to the callbacks is sooooo useful, you should do it whenever possible!), but since it doesn't do that the associative array is the next best thing.
Well, I have figured it out my own. The solution I went with was a Singleton class InputManager. Instances of RenderWindow attach themselves to it with the following function. The InputManager then creates an anonymous function() for the RenderWindow that receives events, which then calls a function that handles the actual event.
The idea is then that listeners attach themselves to the InputManager and receive keyboard events for the RenderWindow they requested.
class InputManager {
private static InputManager m_Instance;
private RenderWindow[] m_Watched;
private KeyboardListener[][RenderWindow] m_KeyListeners;
public void recvKeyEvent(GLFWwindow* w, int k, int c, int a, int m) {
writeln("Received key: ", k);
public void watch(RenderWindow win) {
if (!isWatched(win)) {
// Relay the key callbacks onto the InputManager.
GLFWkeyfun keyCB = function(GLFWwindow* w, int k, int c, int a, int m) {
InputManager().recvKeyEvent(w, k, c, a, m);
glfwSetKeyCallback(win.window, keyCB);
private bool isWatched(RenderWindow win) {
foreach(RenderWindow w; m_Watched) {
if (win == w) {
return true;
return false;
public static InputManager opCall() {
if (m_Instance is null) {
m_Instance = new InputManager();
return m_Instance;
private this() {
// nothing
Works like a charm, now to figure out how to properly attach listeners elegantly.
For those curious, the full source code with how this is set up can be found at I hope it helps someone else in a similar position with callbacks.

Substituting `find_if` function

I wrote a class method using STL find_if. The code is the following:
Simulator::CommunicateEvent (pEvent e)
pwEvent we (e);
std::list<pEvent> l;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_simulatorObjects.size (); i++)
l = m_simulatorObjects[i]->ProcessEvent (we);
// no action needed if list is empty
if (l.empty ())
// sorting needed if list comprises 2+ events
if (l.size () != 1)
l.sort (Event::Compare);
std::list<pEvent>::iterator it = m_eventList.begin ();
std::list<pEvent>::iterator jt;
for (std::list<pEvent>::iterator returnedElementIt = l.begin ();
returnedElementIt != l.end ();
// loop through the array until you find an element whose time is just
// greater than the time of the element we want to insert
Simulator::m_eventTime = (*returnedElementIt)->GetTime ();
jt = find_if (it,
m_eventList.end (),
m_eventList.insert (jt, *returnedElementIt);
it = jt;
Unfortunately, I later discovered that the machine that will run the code is equipped with the libstdc++ library version 4.1.1-21, which apparently is lacking find_if. Needless to say, I cannot upgrade the library, nor can I ask someone to do it.
When compiling, the error I get is: In member function ‘void sim::Simulator::CommunicateEvent(sim::pEvent)’: error: no matching function for call to ‘find_if(std::_List_iterator<boost::shared_ptr<sim::Event> >&, std::_List_iterator<boost::shared_ptr<sim::Event> >, sim::Simulator::<anonymous struct>&)’ In static member function ‘static void sim::Simulator::InsertEvent(sim::pEvent)’: error: no matching function for call to ‘find_if(std::_List_iterator<boost::shared_ptr<sim::Event> >&, std::_List_iterator<boost::shared_ptr<sim::Event> >, sim::Simulator::<anonymous struct>&)’
make: *** [simulator.o] Error 1
How can I solve the problem?
I thought I could define a find_if function as described here. However, I have some concerns:
What about performance? The function that makes use of find_if needs to be as efficient as possible.
How can I do conditional compilation? I couldn't find a macro telling the version of the libstdc++ installed.
What are your thoughts about it?
Source files: simulator.h and
Defined IsJustGreater outside the Simulator class and declared IsJustGreater_s friend of Simulator:
struct IsJustGreater_s : public std::unary_function<const pEvent, bool> {
inline bool operator() (const pEvent e1) {return (e1->GetTime () > Simulator::m_eventTime);}
} IsJustGreater;
Called IsJustGreater in find_if this way:
jt = find_if (it, m_eventList.end (), sim::IsJustGreater);
From the error, it appears that you're attempting to use an anonymous type as the argument. I do not believe anonymous types are allowed to be template arguments.
From the error, I believe you have something like this:
class Simulator {
struct {
bool operator(const pEvent& p) { ... } ;
} IsJustGreater;
what you want is to give it a name and then change the find_if to instantiate the class (see below)
class Simulator {
// class is now an inner named-class
struct IsJustGreater {
bool operator(const pEvent& p) { ... } ;
// This is how you use the class
jt = std::find_if(it, m_eventList.end(), IsJustGreater() );
I see that you're using the std:: qualifier before std::list but not std::find_if. Try putting the std:: in front so that the compiler can find it within the namespace.
