Magento currency symbol position - Euro for English language - magento

I am using Magento v1.9.1.0. and I have a problem with currency symbol position when having locale set to English and currency to Euro. It displays:
I would like to show it like where locale is set to Slovenian and currency to Euro:
24.10 €
If I change 'lib/Zend/Locale/Data/en.xml' currency format, then it won't display like it should for US dollars currency symbol($).
Does anyone know the solution for that kind of problem?

Clear all the cache, JavaScript/CSS too!


to change decimal seperator and currency format for french language pack in magento

I have changed the locale to french in magento2. After applying french locale, currency symbol is moved to right and decimal separator changed from dot(.) to comma(,).
In french language pack, the price amount is like this:
10,00 £
this is the pricing after applying french langauage pack
I need to change it to:
I need this pricing format
I had tried changing the fr.xml file in vendor/magento/zendframework1/library/Zend/Locale/Data.
<symbols numberSystem="latn">
After changing this,there is no change in fronted pricing format.
I want to set Pricing in french locale same as English locale.
Do you have any idea to change this currency format and decimal separator for french language in magento2?

How to change Magento currency ISO code

I have installed a Magento store and set up the currency as Pakistani Rupee.
It automatically shows PKR with the price which I don't want, I want to show as RS.
So from where I can change that ISO code for the currency?
To change currency of your Magento site
In admin panel, go to Admin > System > Configuration > Currency Set
Select currency that you want to be default from your base currency
drop down.
Select the same currency in the Default Display Currency drop down
and from the Allowed Currencies list.
Click Save Config.
and after that you should go to “System->Manage Currency Rates” and set rates for currencies you’ve chosen if no rates are defined there.
The frontend display currency should be different if you check out your site.
Make sure you've cleared your cache before checking.
In magento 2 you can change currency symbol in admin > stores > currency symbols

Magento How to change the base currency without effecting the cart total calulations

I changed the base currency of my store from Singapore dollar to Pound sterling. Had to manually change all the product prices as magento doesn't do that automatically. I dont know but after changing the base currency the cart total is correct but the displayed calculation is incorrect.
I have added the cart image for reference, the calculated total is correct but the breakdown is incorrect and doesn't make any sense. Can anyone help please????

Magento shopping cart

I use own template for my eshop but on my website I use currency € not $. Where can I edit it.
Go to System>Configuration.
Then in GENERAL>Currency setup you can change the currency.
Go to System > Configuration.
Then in GENERAL > Currency Setup
Set following--->
Base Currency: euro
Default Display Currency: euro
Allowed Currencies : euro
Save config.

Magento: Currency symbol dissapears in the case of configurable products once an option is selected

Please guide me on how to solve this issue. The currency symbol (new Rs.) dissapears in the product view page once an option gets selected, even from the price which is next to the product image. I think this might be related to the js problem, because when the page loads it appears correctly,
Thank you very much for your time,
I found this solution that worked for me:
As a summary, in js\varien\product.js you need to replace the call to the formatCurrency(price, this.priceFormat); to a custom formatting function, and then create that custom formatting function in js\varien\js.js
Please add this Code where you want to display Currency Symbol for Product Price.
Get currency symbol for current store:
Get currency code for current store:
Mage::app()->getStore()-> getCurrentCurrencyCode();
Get currency symbol for a specify currency code:
Hope it'll work for you :)
