Ruby Mechanize Find Form w/ No Name - ruby

I'm pointing a Ruby solution at a form. I have the page, but I don't know how to target the form because it has no name.
Here's the (beginning) form inside the page parsed by Mechanize:
{name nil}
{method "GET"}
[hidden:0x3ff0ed0d5f98 type: hidden name: lang value: eng]
[hidden:0x3ff0ed0d5cdc type: hidden name: profileId value: ]
[hidden:0x3ff0ed0d5818 type: hidden name: prtl value: 1]
I read on a python comment that I can use something that counts the forms by number (0 = first) but I tried using page.select_form(nr=0) and it didn't work.
Any advice appreciated.

Just found it.
CCCform = page.form()
Works like a charm. I don't know how to get the second form on a potential page.


jekyll blog new line (minimal-mistake)

jekyll blog(minimal-mistakes thema) has a space to introduce myself.
I want to write on two lines in this space.
For example
I know that to edit this page, i need to touch the _config.yml file.
# Site Author
name : "Choi Young-jin"
avatar : "/assets/images/images/avatar.png"
bio : "**^^**" <-----------Parts to change
42 intra ID: yochoi
location : "Seoul"
email : ""
- label: "Email"
icon: "fas fa-fw fa-envelope-square"
# url: ""
- label: "GitHub"
icon: "fab fa-fw fa-github"
url: ""
The escape character does not work.
bio: "hello\nworld"
What if I want to show the string in two lines?
Well it's markdown, so you should do
bio: |-
(That's a YAML block scalar, which is interpreted literally and ends with the next item on the same or lesser indentation level as bio)
You can of course also do
bio: "hello\n\nworld"
But it's less obvious what happens here.
You can use HTML in the bio string, so you can simply use a HTML linebreak:
bio: "hello<br>world"
The above is the only way in which I managed to have a single line break. All other options lead to either no line break or an empty line between the two lines.

#Misc equivalent in CSL YAML

I want to migrate from my BiBTeX record:
#Misc{ propi-records-atletisme-en,
author = "Bordoy, Xavier",
title = "Athletics records",
url = "",
year = "2016"
- type: "Misc"
id: "propi-records-atletisme-en"
- family: "Bordoy"
given: "Xavier"
title: "Athletics records"
year: "2016"
URL: ""
But when I compile it to pandoc, I get:
Error parsing references: 'Misc' is not a valid reference type
So, what is equivalent to #Misc?
CSL has more item types than standard bibtex (here's a full list), so there's no single #misc equivalent, but for webpages as in your example, you'd simply use type: "webpage"

disable cache mechanism in admin-on-rest

is it possible to disable your cache system?
I have an error when I have different object in my Edit page
for example I have this as my list in my API:
list = [
{id: 1 , value: 'foo'},
{id: 2 , value: 'bar'},
and this for my single object:
item = {id: 1 , value: 'foo' , user: 'baz'}
it causes an error in edit page since your system is using old data in list before rest API response and we don't have user data on the list
so I want to disable the cache system if its possible and just load the api result each time

Ruby: add new fields to YAML file

I've been searching around for a bit and couldn't find anything that really helped me. Especially because sometimes things don't seem to be consistant.
I have the following YAML that I use to store data/ configuration stuff:
name: Core Config
cfg_version: 0.0.1
name: Main
path: ~/Documents/main.reevault
read_only: false
I know how to update fields with:
cfg = YAML.load_file("test.yml")
cfg['global']['name'] = 'New Name'"test.yml", "w"){ |f| YAML.dump(cfg, f) }
And that's essentially everybody on the internet talks about. However here is my problem: I want to dynamically be able to add new fields to that file. e.g. under the "databases" section have a "secondary_db" field with it's own name, path and read_only boolean. I would have expected to do that by just adding stuff to the hash:
cfg['global']['databases']['second_db'] = nil
cfg['global']['databases']['second_db']['name'] = "Secondary Database"
cfg['global']['databases']['second_db']['path'] = "http://someurl.remote/blob/db.reevault"
cfg['global']['databases']['second_db']['read_only'] = "true""test.yml", "w"){ |f| YAML.dump(cfg, f) }
But I get this error:
`<main>': undefined method `[]=' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
My question now is: how do I do this? Is there a way with the YAML interface? Or do I have to write stuff into the file manually? I would prefer something via the YAML module as it takes care of formatting/ indentation for me.
Hope someone can help me.
Yo have to initialize cfg['global']['database']['second_db'] to be a hash not nil. Try this cfg['global']['database']['second_db'] = {}

What kind of data structure is this?

I am pulling recent commits from github and trying to parse it using ruby. I know that I can parse it manually but I wanted to see if there was some package that could turn this into a hash or another data structure.
- parents:
- id: 202fb79e8686ee127fe49497c979cfc9c9d985d5
name: This guy
login: tguy
url: a url
id: e466354edb31f243899051e2119f4ce72bafd5f3
committed_date: "2010-07-19T13:44:43-07:00"
authored_date: "2010-07-19T13:33:26-07:00"
message: |-
- parents:
- id: c3c349ec3e9a3990cac4d256c308b18fd35d9606
name: Other Guy
login: oguy
url: another url
id: 202fb79e8686ee127fe49497c979cfc9c9d985d5
committed_date: "2010-07-19T13:44:11-07:00"
authored_date: "2010-07-19T13:44:11-07:00"
message: this is another message
This is YAML You can do something like obj = YAML::load yaml_string (and a require 'yaml' at the top of your file, its in the standard libs), and then access it like a nested hash.
YAML is basically used in the ruby world the way people use XML in the java/c# worlds.
Looks like YAML to me. There are parsers for a lot of languages. For example, with the YAML library included with Ruby:
data = <<HERE
- parents:
- id: 202fb79e8686ee127fe49497c979cfc9c9d985d5
name: This guy
login: tguy
url: a url
id: e466354edb31f243899051e2119f4ce72bafd5f3
committed_date: "2010-07-19T13:44:43-07:00"
authored_date: "2010-07-19T13:33:26-07:00"
message: |-
- parents:
- id: c3c349ec3e9a3990cac4d256c308b18fd35d9606
name: Other Guy
login: oguy
url: another url
id: 202fb79e8686ee127fe49497c979cfc9c9d985d5
committed_date: "2010-07-19T13:44:11-07:00"
authored_date: "2010-07-19T13:44:11-07:00"
message: this is another message
pp YAML.load data
It prints:
[{"author"=>{"name"=>"This guy", "login"=>"tguy", "email"=>""},
"url"=>"a url",
{"name"=>"Other Guy", "login"=>"oguy", "email"=>""},
"url"=>"another url",
"message"=>"this is another message"}]}
This format is YAML, but you can get the same information in XML or JSON, see General API Information. I'm sure there are libraries to parse those formats in Ruby.
Although this isn't exactly what you're looking for, here's some more info on pulling commits. Otherwise, I think you may just need to manually parse it.
