disable cache mechanism in admin-on-rest - admin-on-rest

is it possible to disable your cache system?
I have an error when I have different object in my Edit page
for example I have this as my list in my API:
list = [
{id: 1 , value: 'foo'},
{id: 2 , value: 'bar'},
and this for my single object:
item = {id: 1 , value: 'foo' , user: 'baz'}
it causes an error in edit page since your system is using old data in list before rest API response and we don't have user data on the list
so I want to disable the cache system if its possible and just load the api result each time


CKEDITOR4 Mentions Plugin with ajax : javascript error

I have a javascript error using CKEDITOR 4 and the Mentions Plugin.
I can't solve this problem for 2 days, I'm stuck.
I've used the online builder to get CKEDITOR + Mentions plugin.
See my build here: https://ckeditor.com/cke4/builder/fbe187b32ec7c025e28e01a537c72c62
With the following configuration it works fine: I see the drop down list with the names : Anna, Thomas, John
CKEDITOR.config.mentions = [{feed: ['Anna', 'Thomas', 'John']}];
However, when doing an ajax call to get the data, I got a javascript error:
The script /ajax_mention.php
["Anna", "Thomas", "John"]
with the following configuration :
CKEDITOR.config.mentions = [{feed: '/ajax_mention.php'}];
when I type in the editor "#anna", the names do not display
the /ajax_mention.php script is launched and displays the correct data (when I look at the "network" tab on Chrome. see screenshot)
["Anna", "Thomas", "John"]
However, this triggers a javascript error (looking at the Chrome console tab. see screenshot)
ckeditor.js?1645882460:916 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'addClass')
at g.selectItem (ckeditor.js?1645882460:916:473)
at d.onSelectedItemId (ckeditor.js?1645882460:912:276)
at f.q (ckeditor.js?1645882460:10:246)
at f.fire (ckeditor.js?1645882460:12:91)
at f.select (ckeditor.js?1645882460:920:294)
at f.selectFirst (ckeditor.js?1645882460:920:371)
at d.open (ckeditor.js?1645882460:910:503)
at d.modelChangeListener (ckeditor.js?1645882460:911:234)
at f.q (ckeditor.js?1645882460:10:246)
at f.fire (ckeditor.js?1645882460:12:91)
See screen copy:
screen copy
The solution was given by the Ckeditor team : see https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor4/issues/5107
When we use a hardcoded data in the array, such as ['Anna, 'Geralt'] the createArrayFeed() function changes the input structure from the mentioned above to:
id: 1,
name: 'Anna'
id: 2,
name: 'Geralt'
I've just adjusted data on the backend side to the structure above.

Insert newlines between AWS Kinesis Firehose records when using the AWS SDK for Ruby

I have an AWS Kinesis Firehose that sends data to Redshift via S3.
I'd like to have newlines appear between records sent using put_record_batch. Currently my code looks like this:
records = [{ id: 1, value: "foo" }, { id: 2, value: "bar" }]
region: "us-east-1"
delivery_stream_name: "my_firehose",
records: records
The records that end up in S3 look like this:
I would like for the S3 files to instead look like this:
This will make it easier to manually parse the files when necessary (for example, if we need to debug why data isn't making it from S3 to Redshift).
The solution for put_record is simple: you convert the data to JSON and add a newline:
record = { id: 1, value: "foo" }
region: "us-east-1"
delivery_stream_name: "my_firehose",
data: record.to_json << "\n"
I tried to do something similar with put_record_batch:
records = [{ id: 1, value: "foo"}, { id: 2, value: "bar" }]
json_records = records.map { |record| record.to_json << "\n" }
region: "us-east-1"
delivery_stream_name: "my_firehose",
records: json_records
But this resulted in the error:
ArgumentError: parameter validator found 2 errors:
- expected params[:records][0] to be a hash, got value "{\"id\":1,\"value\":\"foo\"}\n" (class: String) instead.
- expected params[:records][1] to be a hash, got value "{\"id\":2,\"value\":\"bar\"}\n" (class: String) instead.
from /mnt/istore/apps/my_app/shared/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/aws-sdk-core-3.89.1/lib/aws-sdk-core/param_validator.rb:33:in `validate!'
So it seems that we're required to send a hash.
The documentation for put_record_batch says:
Kinesis Data Firehose buffers records before delivering them to the destination. To disambiguate the data blobs at the destination, a common solution is to use delimiters in the data, such as a newline (\n) or some other character unique within the data. This allows the consumer application to parse individual data items when reading the data from the destination.
How do I do this?
I'm using version 1.26.0 of the aws-sdk-firehose gem.
I think the problem was that I was leaving off the data key when using put_record_batch. This seems to work:
records = [{ id: 1, value: "foo"}, { id: 2, value: "bar" }]
json_records = records.map do |record|
# Previously this line was `record.to_json << "\n"`
{ data: record.to_json << "\n" }
region: "us-east-1"
delivery_stream_name: "my_firehose",
records: json_records

How does the formActions works?

I do not understand how the slot mapping does to know which "utterance" to answer the user to get the "entity" requested.
example of my form class:
class RestaurantForm(FormAction):
"""Example of a custom form action"""
def name(self):
# type: () -> Text
"""Unique identifier of the form"""
return "formaejemplo"
def required_slots(tracker):
# type: () -> List[Text]
"""A list of required slots that the form has to fill"""
return ["valor1","valor2","valor3"]
def slot_mappings(self):
return {"valor1": self.from_entity(entity="valor1",intent="getvalor1"),
"valor2": self.from_entity(entity="valor2",intent="getvalor2"),
"valor3": self.from_entity(entity="valor3",intent="getvalor3")}
def submit(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
dispatcher.utter_template('utter_listo', tracker)
return []
- peticion_habitacion:
use_entities: false
- getvalor1
- getvalor2
- getvalor3
- valor1
- valor2
- valor3
type: unfeaturized
auto_fill: false
type: unfeaturized
auto_fill: false
type: unfeaturized
auto_fill: false
- utter_prueba
- utter_completo
- text: "listo:\nvalor 1 {valor1} \nvalor 2 {valor2} \nvalor 3 {valor3}"
- text: "iniciando prueba:\n"
- text: "dame el valor 1 no enteros"
- text: "dame el valor 2 no enteros"
- text: "dame el valor 3 no enteros"
- text: "prueba completa"
- formaejemplo
in the section where you get the value1, value2 etc ... it is according to the Rasa documentation: "valor1": self.from_entity (entity = "valor1", intent = "getvalor1" "the "valor 1" will be obtained from the intent getvalor1."
my question is, at what time or in what part or what file, the action form is told that it will have to send the "utterance" "utter_valor1" or "utter_valor2", because to several Internet examples plus the same examples of bots of rasa, I see that these send the utterance and then recover the value, but I can not get to understand how they send the utterance and then get the value
I assume you mean how the action sdk determines which template it should use to ask for a requested slot, right?
This logic is actually hardcoded here: https://github.com/RasaHQ/rasa_core_sdk/blob/cfffaac0013606f7614ab0f213bc39623ee8b53c/rasa_core_sdk/forms.py#L374
What it does is simply dispatches an utterance which is utter_ask_{the name of slot which should be requested}.
If the user then sends back his answer, the form action is triggered again and the slot value can be extracted.

API Blueprint and Dredd - Required field missing from response, but tests still pass

I am using a combination of API Blueprint and Dredd to test an API my application is dependent on. I am using attributes in API blueprint to define the structure of the response's body.
Apparently I'm missing something though because the tests always pass even though I've purposefully defined a fake "required" parameter that I know is missing from the API's response. It seems that Dredd is only testing whether the type of the response body (array) rather than the type and the parameters within it.
My API Blueprint file:
HOST: http://somehost.net
# API Title
## Endpoints [GET /endpoint/{date}]
+ Parameters
+ date: `2016-09-01` (string, required) - Date
+ Response 200 (application/json; charset=utf-8)
+ Attributes (array[Data])
## Data Structures
### Data
- realParameter: 2432432 (number)
- realParameter2: `some string` (string, required)
- realParameter3: `Something else` (string, required)
- realParameter4: 1 (number, required)
- fakeParam: 1 (number, required)
The response body:
"realParameter": 31,
"realParameter2": "some value",
"realParameter3": "another value",
"realParameter4": 8908
"realParameter": 54,
"realParameter2": "something here",
"realParameter3": "and here too",
"realParameter4": 6589
And my Dredd config file:
reporter: apiary
apiaryApiKey: somekey
apiaryApiName: somename
dry-run: null
hookfiles: null
language: nodejs
sandbox: false
server: null
server-wait: 3
init: false
names: false
only: []
output: []
header: []
sorted: false
user: null
inline-errors: false
details: false
method: []
color: true
level: info
timestamp: false
silent: false
path: []
blueprint: myApiBlueprintFile.apib
endpoint: 'http://ahost.com'
Does anyone have any idea why Dredd ignores the fact that "fakeParameter" doesn't actually show up in the response body and still allows the test to pass?
You've run into a limitation of MSON, the language API Blueprint uses for describing attributes. In many cases, MSON describes what MAY be present in the data structure rather than what MUST exactly be present.
The most prominent case are arrays, where basically any content of the array is optional and thus the underlying generated JSON Schema doesn't put any constraints on array contents. Dredd just respects that, so indirectly it becomes a Dredd issue too, however there's not much Dredd can do about it.
There's an issue for the problem: apiaryio/mson#66 You can follow and comment under the issue to get updated about this. Dredd is usually very prompt in getting the latest API Blueprint parser, so once it's implemented in the language itself, it won't take long to appear in Dredd.
Obvious (but tedious) workaround is to specify your own JSON Schema with stricter rules using the + Schema section alongside the + Attributes section.

Ruby Mechanize Find Form w/ No Name

I'm pointing a Ruby solution at a form. I have the page, but I don't know how to target the form because it has no name.
Here's the (beginning) form inside the page parsed by Mechanize:
{name nil}
{method "GET"}
[hidden:0x3ff0ed0d5f98 type: hidden name: lang value: eng]
[hidden:0x3ff0ed0d5cdc type: hidden name: profileId value: ]
[hidden:0x3ff0ed0d5818 type: hidden name: prtl value: 1]
I read on a python comment that I can use something that counts the forms by number (0 = first) but I tried using page.select_form(nr=0) and it didn't work.
Any advice appreciated.
Just found it.
CCCform = page.form()
Works like a charm. I don't know how to get the second form on a potential page.
