Configuring GCC for the SPARC architecture - gcc

I've been trying to compile a SPARC program. Just a simple one taken straight out of the book: SPARC Architecture, Assembly Language Programming, and C: Second Edition. However, I get an error leading me to believe SPARC wasn't correctly configured on my computer yet. This is on a Windows machine.
.global main
save %sp, 96, %sp
mov 9, %l0
sub %l0, 1, %o0
sub %l0, 7, %o1
call .mul
sub %l0, 11, %o1
call .div
mov %o0, %l1
mov 1, %g1
ta 0
I have GCC 4.9.2 installed through Cygwin 1.7.5.
I get the follow error upon trying to compile through GCC
C:\Users\Matt\Desktop>gcc expr.s -o expr
expr.s: Assembler messages:
expr.s: Warning: end of file not at end of a line; newline inserted
expr.s:3: Error: no such instruction: `save %sp,96,%sp'
expr.s:4: Error: bad register name `%l0'
expr.s:5: Error: bad register name `%l0'
expr.s:6: Error: bad register name `%l0'
expr.s:9: Error: bad register name `%l0'
expr.s:11: Error: bad register name `%o0'
expr.s:13: Error: bad register name `%g1'
expr.s:14: Error: no such instruction: `ta 0'
Which highlights almost everything unique with SPARC compared to a different architecture as being an 'error'.
So, I tried setting the architecture specifically for the program:
gcc -march=sparc expr.s -o expr
This still throws an error, which leads me to believe that my current configuration isn't set up for SPARC.
The procedure I used to setup GCC is: here
The only difference is instead of specifying c,c++ for the languages, I used all.

You are right, your gcc is not set up for SPARC. If you are running Windows, the computer you are running on has an ISA other than SPARC (most likely x86). Your ISA is the hardware interface and can not be changed by a software upgrade.
To compile SPARC programs, you will need to rebuild gcc as a SPARC cross-compiler (host and target ISAs are different). When building from source, this is done with the -target= flag. Building a cross-compiler for linux will be similar to cygwin link.
Once you build the cross-compiler, to execute it you will need a way to simulate a SPARC processor. Using a system such as qemu will work.

Here's a small tutorial on compiling simple programs for a Sparc V8 target and running them on Qemu. The tutorial includes steps on obtaining a cross compiler(assuming you're working with Linux)


MacOS assembly linker throws error while linking

I'm trying to compile and link an assembly file to an executable with NASM and the standard LD linker on my MacBook Air M1. I have no problems with getting the .o file, but if I want to link it with LD, it throws that error:
ld: file not found: elf_i386
ld -m elf_i386 -s -o hello hello.o
What do I have to change?
Those are options for GNU ld on x86 Linux. (Note the ELF part of the target object-file format, and the i386). MacOS uses the MachO object-file format, not ELF, and apparently their ld takes different options.
Also, MacOS hasn't supported 32-bit x86 for a few versions now, so an M1 mac with an AArch64 CPU definitely can't run 32-bit x86 executables natively.
So get an emulator for a 32-bit Linux environment if you want to follow a tutorial for that environment, or find a tutorial for AArch64 MacOS. Or possibly x86-64 MacOS which should still work transparently thanks to Rosetta, but make sure single-step debugging actually works. That's an essential part of a development environment for learning asm.
Assembly language is not portable at all, you need a tutorial for the OS, CPU-architecture, and mode (32-bit vs. 64-bit) that you're going to built in. Don't waste your time trying to port a tutorial at the same time you're learning the basics it's trying to teach. You'd have to already know both systems to know which parts of the code and build commands need to change.

Compiling assembly code for aarch64

I have generated an assembly file try.s with aarch64 instruction set.I want to compile this on an ARM8 (aarch64 processor) running ubuntu.
my native compiler is gcc(4.8) and i use the following command to compile
gcc -o try.o try.s
I am getting the following errors
Error : ARM register expected -- mov x10,x0
It seems like the aarch4 registers are not being recognized although i thought gcc 4.8 supported aarch64. Can someone tell me what am i missing or is there any special option i should include.Or suggest me a native compiler(not cross-compilers) for doing aarch64.I would also like to use gdb to debug this natively.
gcc is for a 32b targets. 'Xn' registers are not defined for a aarch32 instruction set. That's what compiler tells you.
Right toolchain is aarch64-elf-gcc.
PS: that's a good idea to make asm file extention .S (capital s)

How to address errors from gcc cross compiler for ARM7 target [duplicate]

So I have been doing an assembly tutorial, and I got stuck in the very beginning.
Project name: asmtut.s
The Code:
.global _start
MOV R0, #65
MOV R7, #1
Right off the beginning I'm welcomed by 3 error messages after I try this line:as -o asmtut.o asmtut.s
asmtut.s:6: Error: expecting operand after ','; got nothing
asmtut.s:7: Error: expecting operand after ','; got nothing
asmtut.s:9: Error: no such instruction: 'swi 0'
I'm confused, because this is the exact code in the tutorial, and there it works completely fine.
Can anyone help me what could cause this?
You're trying to use an x86 assembler to assemble ARM code. They use different instruction sets and syntax.
The native gcc and as tools on your x86 Linux system will choke, just like if you tried to compile C++ with a Java compiler or vice versa. For example, # is the comment character in GAS x86 syntax, so mov r0, is a syntax error before it even gets to the point of noticing that r0 isn't a valid x86 register name.
You're following a tutorial for Assembly on Raspberry Pi (an ARM architecture) on a x86-based PC. Either run as on the Raspberry Pi, or install a cross-compile toolchain for Rasperry Pi/ARM.
Some Linux distros have packages that provide arm-linux-gnueabi-as and ...-gcc. For example, has details for Ubuntu.
To actually run the resulting binaries, you'd either run them on your ARM system, or you'd need an ARM emulator like qemu-arm. How to single step ARM assembly in GDB on QEMU? and How to run a single line of assembly, then see [R1] and condition flags have walkthroughs of doing that.

bash: ./mips-linux-gnu-gcc: cannot execute binary file error

I've recently installed a mips-linux-gnu-gcc crosstool in my linux machine which is based on i686. When I want to compile some codes, it showed me that error.
Every installing step was followed by
After I installed the crosstool, I wrote a simple helloworld C file like this:
int main(void)
printf("Hello World!\n");
return 0;
But when I run:
/mips-linux-gnu-gcc hello.c -o hello -static
The compiler just print error:
bash: ./mips-linux-gnu-gcc: cannot execute binary file
I'm wondering maybe I've made some mistakes in some steps, but I can't figure it out.
Maybe some of you can help me, I'm confused by the problem.
The compiler you downloaded from MIPS is a 64-bit executable. Are you running a 32-bit host?
If you need a cross compiler for a 32-bit host targeting MIPS GNU/Linux, consider using the Sourcery CodeBench Lite compiler for MIPS GNU/Linux targets:
Sourcery CodeBench Lite for MIPS GNU/Linux
The link to the Sourcery CodeBench tools above comes from the MIPS pages just one level up from the link you provided:
MIPS Compilers Page
It looks like the mips-linux-gnu-gcc binary does not match the architecture of the machine you are trying to run it on. This might be something like a 32/64 bit mismatch.
Try using the free Mentor/Codesourcery MIPS gnu/gcc cross compilation tool chain instead. You can download from here.

seg fault when running arm-elf-gcc compiled code

Using MacPorts i have just installed arm-elf-gcc on to my MacBook Pro. This worked flawlessly and all seems to run fine.
However, after compiling a simple hello world test program in C and C++ and trying to run either on the target board (an ARM9 based board running Debian Linux) they immediately seg fault.
I'm a bit stuck as how to go about debugging this, as the target board has limited tools available and no gdb. I have successfully built and run other code using a Linux hosted cross compiler so it should work.
Any ideas?
Following the suggestion I have built and run gdbserver, I get the following in gdb on the host:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00000000 in ?? ()
I thought it may be a problem with the standard c libs so I removed any calls and have just an empty main that return 0, it is compiled with -Wall -g hello-arm.cpp -static. As a test I compiled the same source with a Linux hosted cross compiler and it runs and exits fine. The only difference I can see is the that Linux compiled version is over twice the size and the difference in output from the file command:
arm-elf-gcc: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1, statically linked, not stripped
arm-*-linux: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1, statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.4.18, not stripped
The usual method of debugging in this situation is to run gdbserver on the target board, and connect to it (via ethernet) with gdb running on a host computer.
Alternately, you could try comparing the assembly in a Mac-compiled "Hello World" program and a (working) Linux-compiled one to see what's different.
After digging around for a couple of days I am starting to understand a bit more about embedded compilers. I wasn't really sure of the difference between arm-elf-gcc installed via MacPorts and the arm-unknown-linux toolchain I had installed on my Linux box. I just came across a pdf titled "An introduction to the GNU compiler" which contains the following paragraph:
Important: Using the GNU Compiler to
create your executable is not quite
the same as using the GNU Linker,
arm-elf-ld, yourself. The reason is
that the GNU Compiler automatically
links a number of standard system
libraries into your executable. These
libraries allow your program to
interact with an operating system, to
use the standard C library functions,
to use certain language features and
operations (such as division), and so
on. If you wish to see exactly which
libraries are being linked into the
executable, you should pass the
verbose flag
-v to the compiler.
This has important implications for
embedded systems! Such systems do not
usually have an operating system.
This means that linking in the system
libraries is almost always
meaningless: if there is no operating
system, for example, then calling the
standard printf function does not make
much sense.
So when I get back to my dev machine later I will determine the libraries linked in with the Linux build and add them to the arm-elf-gcc build.
I'll update this when I have more information but I just want to document my findings in case any one else has these problems.
