Select subcategories based on Main Categories in Joomla - joomla

I have a little problem with Joomla admin content. I couldn't find module or how to edit Joomla content categories while creating new article.
Now the categories showing like that:
What I want to do: if admin choose the category like "News", after that he need to choose subcategory:


Joomla! 3 : list articles from multiple categories

I want to list all articles from multiple categories in a single page. I don't need the category name. But, I want all the articles from the category be displayed.
Go to
Module manager
Create new module type:
Module Articles Category
Now you can select many category or all category in Filtering Options tab.
In Category Filtering Type option, put this to Inclusive
Then put that module on an article and link this article to menu item.
For put module on an article, you can use:
{loadposition myPosition} // add by module position
{loadmodule myModule} // add by module name

Magento Product Page - Related Product like custom tab

On product page there is a tab called "related products"
I need to create a custom tab like "related blog posts" when blog posts are just products in another category.
So the functionality is pretty much the same as on the "related products" tab, may be I just need to limit the search to specific category.
My question is: what is the right way to create such "custom" tab with functionality similar to Related Products?
You can use this extension. It adds a new tab called 'Accessories' that works the same way as related products. You can just change the label to 'Blog posts'.

Magento CMS Page as Category Landing Page

I have a problem deciding how to implement my category/cms page structure in Magento. It seems so over rigid in its design, even to the extent of adding custom fields to categories, I had to access phpmyadmin and hack it manually.
Ok, so consider this basic sitemap, with page types.
Shop Category
Just In Category
Clothes Category
Shoes Category
Accessories Category
Sale Category
So Home will be a CMS page, that is ok. Just In, Clothes and all other 3rd level categories will display a list or grid of products. Easy peasy.
My issue is with Shop. I need this to contain static blocks or widgets (cannot yet see the difference), and other elements such as a daily featured product, links to promotions etc. This page will not display a list/grid of products, that is not what I need.
If I create a CMS page called Shop, there is a conflict between breadcrumbing, url titles, and a bunch of other stuff.
My question is: how do I create a category called 'Shop' and make it behave like a CMS page with blocks of manageable widgets?
Under Admin -> Catalog -> Manage Categories, select a category and go to the Display Settings tab. Change Display Mode to Static Blocks Only and select the static block that you want to display on that page.
Another option is to use a Wordpress integration extension. Fishpig has one available for Magento.

Magento get the root category url

I'm a Magento newbie.
I've customized the top navigation bar and now is something like this:
For the HOME link and the CMS_LINK links all it's ok but I would when an user click on the CATALOG will see a page with all categories (subcategories of the root category) in a grid view with category i
As part of the category controller action Magento validates the category against the Mage_Catalog_Helper_Category function canShow().
This will return false against the check against isInRootCategoryList(). This function goes and checks the category's parent ids against the store root category id:
$rootCategoryId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getRootCategoryId();
return in_array($rootCategoryId, $category->getParentIds());
The easiest solution that I can think of for your problem without changing core functionality would be to create a sub category of your root category named "Catalog" which would itself contain all the other categories. You can then set-up this category to not display products and only display a cms block.

Magento Main menu custom links

In magento the main menu is working based on category list. Here I want the categories as well as I want to add two more links which are not category.
The links should leads to
1. CMS page link
2. Contact us link
If I add any category its become category page how can I insert my own links into category main navigation bar.
Although not free Advanced Menu can do this for you.
