Magento Main menu custom links - magento

In magento the main menu is working based on category list. Here I want the categories as well as I want to add two more links which are not category.
The links should leads to
1. CMS page link
2. Contact us link
If I add any category its become category page how can I insert my own links into category main navigation bar.

Although not free Advanced Menu can do this for you.


How do I switch off products display on Category pages

I am new to CS-cart and trying to set this up for my multi-vendor e-commerce shop.(and I am not a programmer)
So here's my problem, I don't want products to be displayed on any category pages.
This is the flow I am looking to have
Grid of main categories (on homepage)> List of sub category> Associated Sub category> and then products.
I'll assume you are on the latest release of Cs-cart (v.4.x.x), as you did not mention it.
You can control wether you want to show products from subcategories or not through the global setting option "Show products from subcategories of the selected category" that you'll find on the Settings/General menu of your admin area. See the screenshot:
I hope that helps you!

Magento CMS Page as Category Landing Page

I have a problem deciding how to implement my category/cms page structure in Magento. It seems so over rigid in its design, even to the extent of adding custom fields to categories, I had to access phpmyadmin and hack it manually.
Ok, so consider this basic sitemap, with page types.
Shop Category
Just In Category
Clothes Category
Shoes Category
Accessories Category
Sale Category
So Home will be a CMS page, that is ok. Just In, Clothes and all other 3rd level categories will display a list or grid of products. Easy peasy.
My issue is with Shop. I need this to contain static blocks or widgets (cannot yet see the difference), and other elements such as a daily featured product, links to promotions etc. This page will not display a list/grid of products, that is not what I need.
If I create a CMS page called Shop, there is a conflict between breadcrumbing, url titles, and a bunch of other stuff.
My question is: how do I create a category called 'Shop' and make it behave like a CMS page with blocks of manageable widgets?
Under Admin -> Catalog -> Manage Categories, select a category and go to the Display Settings tab. Change Display Mode to Static Blocks Only and select the static block that you want to display on that page.
Another option is to use a Wordpress integration extension. Fishpig has one available for Magento.

Combine list.phtml & view.phtml together

Hello all i need to display product detail page right under category page so as you click on the category image it will display the same product details right under the same page.Also when user clicks on any category it comes with all products & with details of first item in list. Is it possible in magento & if yes then how can i do it. I am new in magento but it seems to me a great framework to work with. Please help me Thanks
To show product detail page on category page you have to make ajax request and get the whole detail and insert into div located at bottom of category page.
Follow this link
Magento - AJAX Call Product Page Elements to Category Page. Select Box Not Populated

Issue with Magento Categories

I am having issues arranging the categories in magento. The system has more than 3000 categories. There are 4 level categories which means: Parent>Level1>Level2>Level3>Level4.
All the products are sitting in level4 categories and level1,2 and 3 are just empty.
What I am trying to do is under level2 display its sub categories using a static block and then under level 3 display the categories from level 4.
2nd issue is I dont want to show all the categories in the main menu bar as loading 3000 categories will kill the server.
I want to do something similar to this:
Here is the link for the site: bindersnink(dot)ca
From what I can see in the Staples link you added, they only show top level categories on their main menu nav bar. You can do this in your Magento store by simply changing a configuration value. Just login to your backend, go to System > Configuration and click on the Catalog > Catalog section in the left panel. On that page you will see a section called Category Top Navigation. Change the Maximal Depth to 1. This way only your top level categories will show up in the menu.
Just note that if you want all products in child categories to display on the top level category page, you will need to go to the edit category page, go to the Display Settings tab, and make sure that Is Anchor is set to yes.

(Magento) Shop by category shows other category description than category page

At the moment I have a strange thing in magento. When I click on a category from the menu I see a description mentioned for the sub-category. But when I click on the category from the "Shop By" menu. I see the text from the root category.
I've noticed that when I click from the topmenu, the link is but when i click from "Shop By" the link will be . I think this caused the other description text.
Has anybody a solution to this problem? I've searched google for the answer but I couldn't find anything.
Thank you in advance.
This is because you are still in the root category, it just filters the products by category. That is the way Magento's layered navigation works. To get rid of it, you can disable categories in the layered navigation and include a navigation block in the same place.
