Is one map per line in hadoop grep example justified? - hadoop

I'm a hadoop newbie. While going through hadoop example for a similar implementation in a rather large cluster, I was wondering why the grep example that comes along with hadoop code, why do they have one map per line ?
I know that it makes sense from the perspective of a teaching example. But in a real hadoop cluster, where a grep is to be done on an industry(1 PB log files) scale, is it worth creating a map() per line? Is the overhead of creating a map(), and the tasktracker keeping track of it and the associated bandwidth usage justified if we create a map per line?

A separate Map task will not be done for every line; You are confusing the programming model for MapReduce with the execution model.
When you implement a mapper, you are implementing a function that operates on a single piece of data (let's say a line in a log file). The hadoop framework takes care of essentially looping over all your log files, reading each line, and passing that line into your mapper.
MapReduce allows you to write your code in such a way that you are dealing with an abstraction that's useful: a line in a log file is a good example. The advantage of using something like Hadoop is that it will take care of the parallelization of this code for you: It will distribute your program out to a bunch of processes that will execute it (TaskTracker) and those TaskTrackers will read chunks llof data from the HDFS nodes that store it (Data Nodes).


Does Apache Spark read and process in the same time, or in first reads entire file in memory and then starts transformations?

I am curious if Spark first reads entire file into memory and only then starts processing it, meaning applying transformations and actions, or it reads first chunk of a file - applies transformation on it, reads second chunk and so on.
Is there any difference between Spark in Hadoop for the same matter? I read that Spark keeps entire file in memory most of the times, while Hadoop not. But what about the initial step when we read it for the first time and map the keys.
I think a fair characterisation would be this:
Both Hadoop (or more accurately MapReduce) and Spark use the same underlying filesystem HDFS to begin with.
During the Mapping phase both will read all data and actually write the map result to disk so that it can be sorted and distributed between nodes via the Shuffle logic.
Both of them do in fact try and cache the data just mapped in memory in addition to spilling it to disk for the Shuffle to do its work.
The difference here though is that Spark is a lot more efficient in this process, trying to optimally align the node chosen for a specific computation with the data already cached on a certain node.
Since Spark also does something called lazy-evaluation the memory use of Spark is very different from Hadoop as a result of planning computation and caching simultaneously.
In in the steps of a word-count job Hadoop does this:
Map all the words to 1.
Write all those mapped pairs of (word, 1) to a single file in HDFS (single file could still span multiple nodes on the distributed HDFS) (this is the shuffle phase)
Sort the rows of (word, 1) in that shared file (this is the sorting phase)
Have the reducers read sections (partitions) from that shared file that now contains all the words sorted and sum up all those 1s for every word.
Spark on the other hand will go the other way around:
It figures that like in Hadoop it is probably most efficient to have all those words summed up via separate Reducer runs, so it decides according to some factors that it wants to split the job into x parts and then merge them into the final result.
So it knows that words will have to be sorted which will require at least part of them in memory at a given time.
After that it evaluates that such a sorted list will require all words mapped to (word, 1) pairs to start the calculation.
It works through steps 3 than 2 than 1.
Now the trick relative to Hadoop is that it knows in Step 3, which in-memory cached items it will need in 2. and in 2. it already knows how these parts (mostly K-V pairs) will be needed in the final step 1.
This allows Spark to very efficiently plan the execution of Jobs, but caching data it knows will be needed in later stages of the job. Hadoop working from the beginning (mapping) to the end without explicitly looking ahead into the following stages, simply cannot use memory this efficiently and hence doesn't waste resources keeping the large chunks in memory, that Spark would keep. Unlike Spark it just doesn't know if all the pairs in a Map phase will be needed in the next step.
The fact that it appears that Spark is keeping the whole dataset in memory hence isn't something Spark actively does, but rather a result of the way Spark is able to plan the execution of a job.
On the other hand, Spark may be able to actually keep fewer things memory in a different kind of job. Counting the number of distinct words is a good example here in my opinion.
Here Spark would have planned ahead and immediately drop a repeat-word from the cache/memory when encountering it during the mapping, while in Hadoop it would go ahead and waste memory on shuffling the repeat words too (I acknowledge there is a million ways to also make Hadoop do this but it's not out of the box, also there is ways of writing your Spark job in unfortunate ways to break these optimisations, but it's not so easy to fool Spark here :)).
Hope this helps understand that the memory use is just a natural consequence of the way Spark works, but not something actively aimed at and also not something strictly required by Spark. It is also perfectly capable of repeatedly spilling data back to disk between steps of the execution when memory becomes an issue.
For more insight into this I recommend learning about the DAG scheduler in Spark from here to see how this is actually done in code.
You'll see that it always follows the pattern of working out where what data is and will be cached before figuring out what to calculate where.
Spark uses lazy iterators to process data and can spill data to disk if necessary. It doesn't read all data in memory.
The difference compared to Hadoop is that Spark can chain multiple operations together.

Write to a single file from multiple reducers in hadoop

I am trying to run Kmeans using Hadoop. I want to save the centroids of the clusters calculated in the cleanup method of the Reducer to some file say centroids.txt. Now, I would like to know what will happen if multiple reducers' cleanup method starts at the same time and all of them try to write to this file simultaneously. Will it be handled internally? If not is there a way to synchronize this task?
Note that this is not my output file of reducer. It is an additional file that I am maintaining to keep track of the centroids. I am using BufferedWriter from the reducer's cleanup method to do this.
Yes you are right. You cannot achieve that using existing framework.
Cleanup will be called many times.and you cannot synchronize. Possible
approaches you can follow are
Call merge after successful job.
hadoop fs -getmerge <src> <localdst> [addnl]
2 Clearly specify where your output file(s) should go. Use this folder as input to your next job.
3 Chain one more MR. where map and reduce don't change the data, and partitioner assigns all data to a single reducer
Each reducer writes to a separate file. Multiple reducers can never modify the same file.
Since the centroids are relatively few you can write them into zookeeper. If you had a high read/write load you would probably need HBase (which you can also use here but it would be an overkill)
Also note that there are several k-means implementation on Hadoop like Mahout. Some of these implementations are more efficient than map/reduce like Apache Hama which uses BSP or Spark which runs in-memory

How does Hadoop/MapReduce scale when input data is NOT stored?

The intended use for Hadoop appears to be for when the input data is distributed (HDFS) and already stored local to the nodes at the time of the mapping process.
Suppose we have data which does not need to be stored; the data can be generated at runtime. For example, the input to the mapping process is to be every possible IP address. Is Hadoop capable of efficiently distributing the Mapper work across nodes? Would you need to explicitly define how to split the input data (i.e. the IP address space) to different nodes, or does Hadoop handle that automatically?
Let me first clarify a comment you made. Hadoop is designed to support potentially massively parallel computation across a potentially large number of nodes regardless of where the data comes from or goes. The Hadoop design favors scalability over performance when it has to. It is true that being clever about where the data starts out and how that data is distributed can make a significant difference in how well/quickly a hadoop job can run.
To your question and example, if you will generate the input data you have the choice of generating it before the first job runs or you can generate it within the first mapper. If you generate it within the mapper then you can figure out what node the mapper's running on and then generate just the data that would be reduced in that partition (Use a partitioner to direct data between mappers and reducers)
This is going to be a problem you'll have with any distributed platform. Storm, for example, lets you have some say in which bolt instance will will process each tuple. The terminology might be different, but you'll be implementing roughly the same shuffle algorithm in Storm as you would Hadoop.
You are probably trying to run a non-MapReduce task on a map reduce cluster then. (e.g. IP scanning?) There may be more appropriate tools for this, your know...
A thing few people do not realize is that MapReduce is about checkpointing. It was developed for huge clusters, where you can expect machines to fail during the computation. By having checkpointing and recovery built-in into the architecture, this reduces the consequences of failures and slow hosts.
And that is why everything goes from disk to disk in MapReduce. It's checkpointed before, and it's checkpointed after. And if it fails, only this part of the job is re-run.
You can easily outperform MapReduce by leaving away the checkpointing. If you have 10 nodes, you will win easily. If you have 100 nodes, you will usually win. If you have a major computation and 1000 nodes, chances are that one node fails and you wish you had been doing similar checkpointing...
Now your task doesn't sound like a MapReduce job, because the input data is virtual. It sounds much more as if you should be running some other distributed computing tool; and maybe just writing your initial result to HDFS for later processing via MapReduce.
But of course there are way to hack around this. For example, you could use /16 subnets as input. Each mapper reads a /16 subnet and does it's job on that. It's not that much fake input to generate if you realize that you don't need to generate all 2^32 IPs, unless you have that many nodes in your cluster...
Number of Mappers depends on the number of Splits generated by the implementation of the InputFormat.
There is NLineInputFormat, which you could configure to generate as many splits as there are lines in the input file. You could create a file where each line is an IP range. I have not used it personally and there are many reports that it does not work as expected.
If you really need it, you could create your own implementation of the InputFormat which generates the InputSplits for your virtual data and force as many mappers as you need.

Not getting performance with MapReduce

I am new to Map-reduce and I am using Hadoop Pipes. I have an input file which contains the number of records, one per line. I have written one simple program to print those lines in which three words are common. In map function I have emitted the word as a key and record as a value and compared those records in reduce function. Then I compared Hadoop's performance with simple C++ program in which I read the records from file and split it into words and load the data in map. Map contains word as a key and record as a value. After loading all the data, I compared that data. But I found that for doing the same task Hadoop Map-reduce takes long time compared with plain C++ program. When I run my program on hadoop it takes about 37 minutes where as it takes only about 5 minutes for simple C++ program. Please, somebody help me to figure out whether I am doing wrong somewhere? Our application needs performance.
There are several points which should be made here:
Hadoop is not high performance - it is scalable. Local program doing the same on small data set will always outperform hadoop. So its usage makes sense only when you want to run on cluster on machine and enjoy Hadoop's parallel processing.
Hadoop streaming is also not best thing performance wise since there are task switches per line. In many cases native hadoop program written in Java will have better performance

Synchronize data to HBase/HDFS and use it as input to MapReduce job

I would like to synchronize data to a Hadoop filesystem. This data is intended to be used as input for a scheduled MapReduce job.
This example might explain more:
Lets say I have an input stream of documents which contain a bunch of words, these words are needed as input for a MapReduce WordCount job. So, for each document, all words should be parsed out and uploaded to the filesystem. However, if the same document arrives from the input stream again, I only want the changes to be uploaded (or deleted) from the filesystem.
How should the data be stored; should I use HDFS or HBase? The amount of data is not very large, maybe a couple of GB.
Is it possible to start scheduled MapReduce jobs with input from HDFS and/or HBase?
I would first pick the best tool for the job, or do some research to make a reasonable choice. You're asking the question, which is the most important step. Given the amount of data you're planning to process, Hadoop is probably just one option. If this is the first step towards bigger and better things, then that would narrow the field.
I would then start off with the simplest approach that I expect to work, which typically means using the tools I already know. Write code flexibly to make it easier to replace original choices with better ones as you learn more or run into roadblocks. Given what you've stated in your question, I'd start off by using HDFS, using Hadoop command-lines tools to push the data to an HDFS folder (hadoop fs -put ...). Then, I'd write an MR job or jobs to do the processing, running them manually. When it was working I'd probably use cron to handle scheduling of the jobs.
That's a place to start. As you build the process, if you reach a point where HBase seems like a natural fit for what you want to store, then switch over to that. Solve one problem at a time, and that will give you clarity on which tools are the right choice each step of the way. For example, you might get to the scheduling step and know by that time that cron won't do what you need - perhaps your organization has requirements for job scheduling that cron won't fulfil. So, you pick a different tool.
