Difficulty upgrade from version 3.4.1 to 4.5.2 - sonarqube

Hi I'm trying to upgrade Sonarqube from 3.4.1 to 4.5.2 but had some issues.
I ensured that the sonar.properties file and the wrapper.conf file were both the same and changed them accordingly on the newer version. To install it we simply moved 4.5.2 onto the server and changed the symlink, this worked until it tried to upgrade the database then it stated 'Upgrade is impossible'
After this we couldn't get Sonar to start again, so we rolled it back to a previous version..
So our current predicament is whether or not to create a new version of Sonar on the latest version or to slowly upgrade the old one but from 3.4.1 to 3.4.2 etc..
What would you suggest?


which one is the latest version of maven to use

I am trying to use maven in our project and am new to it.
checking this https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi
3.6.0 version is latest version to download.
Someone was saying there is maven 4 is latest. Not sure where to download this from and can we use this for java 8.
Which one is latest version to use?
From https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi
Apache Maven 3.6.0 is the latest release and recommended version for
all users.
Works nicely with Java 8. Note that your IDE may bundle an older version in the unlikely case you run into problems.

Hudson Sonar error

I am using Hudson 3.1.0 version and sonar 3.7.4 version. SInce yesterday I am getting this weird error while doing sonar analysis:
This was working fine until yesterday. sonar-maven-plugin- version is used.Can somebody help here?
You are using a version of the SonaQube Scanner for Maven that is too recent ( You should lock this version (in your POM) to an older version to make sure this keeps on working correctly.
As a side note, please consider upgrading to more recent software:
SonarQube 3.7.4 is 4 years old and no more supported (which means nobody will help you in case of trouble)
Hudson is kind-of dead - the best option for you is to move on Jenkins

How can I downgrade Xcode from version 7.0 to 6.4?

How can I downgrade Xcode from version 7.0 to 6.4?
I have recently upgraded the version of Xcode to the latest one (7.0) and I start having corresponding compilation errors. I want to come back to 6.4.
You can download Xcode 6.4 from here: http://developer.apple.com/devcenter/download.action?path=/Developer_Tools/Xcode_6.4/Xcode_6.4.dmg
You can download the 6.4 version and install it alongside Xcode 7. Just give the 6.4 app version a new name.

Need to Install Specfic version (4.5) of Sonarqube in linux

I Specifcally need to install a version of 4.5.2 of SonarQube in Linux System.
I dont wnat the latest Version.
Try below link to install SQ 4.5.2, if that's your question.

XCode. How Do I Run Two Versions on the Same Dev. Machine: Version 3.2.2 (Pre-release) & Version 3.2.1

Could someone walk me through the setup to run one version of XCode for iPad development - version 3.2.2 prerelease - and another version for iPhone/iPodTouch development - version 3.2.1
The reason I ask is because the pre-release version does not support building < 3.2 iPhone OS. Or if it does I haven't figured out the magic handshake to make that happen. If you know please pass it along. Cheers.
You can actually change the install location when installing the beta versions... make it something like /DeveloperBeta instead of /Developer, then you can choose which version of the dev tools to run.
