How can I downgrade Xcode from version 7.0 to 6.4? - xcode

How can I downgrade Xcode from version 7.0 to 6.4?
I have recently upgraded the version of Xcode to the latest one (7.0) and I start having corresponding compilation errors. I want to come back to 6.4.

You can download Xcode 6.4 from here:

You can download the 6.4 version and install it alongside Xcode 7. Just give the 6.4 app version a new name.


Install XCode on MacOS 10.15 Catalina

I'm getting an error where I can't install XCode because my MacOS version is 10.15 when the requirement is version 11 or higher.
I don't want to upgrade my mac version because this is a company laptop so my other development tools might get affected.
How do I create a workaround for this?
The latest version of Xcode you can run on Catalina (10.15.4) is Xcode 12.4 and Command Line Tools 12.4.
You can download older versions of Xcode and the Command Line Tools from Apples developer site.
You can check which Xcode version is supported by your OS here;
You can download all versions of Xcode from this site

I can't upgrade Xcode. What can I do?

I have Xcode version 8.3
macOS: 10.12.6 (I can´t upgrade)
rect-native: 0.59.5
watchman: 4.9.0
I can't upgrade because my Mac is too old and the project that comes with the react native is for the new version of Xcode.
What can I do?
All this is because I can´t program in react-native that is not compatible white Xcode 8 the new version and I can´t use and oldest version.
I have looked for previous versions I downloaded from Github. RN Version 0.55.4 there says that is for Xcode 8.3 but that doesn't work.
how do you program?
You can download any previous or current version (from 7.0 up to 10.2) of XCode using links, listed here:
You will need to sign in with your Apple Developer account at, tho.
According to Xcode Releases, the latest Xcode that runs on macOS 10.12.6 is Xcode 9.2.

Updating Xcode 6.3 to 6.4 at time of installing

I am not able to install xcode 6.4. After downloading now, it's showing this for two hours. I am not able to open xcode and it's not installing also. What can I do? Any idea how to solve this issue?
Xcode 6.3, it asks it can't mount the device since it's running 8.4 version due to this.
Any suggestions how to solve this?
Xcode 6.3 not running iOS 8.4 - update to 6.4 fails
Open a terminal. copy this: xcode-select --install
After that in App Store you can see that is posible update your Xcode.
I did that and I can update my Xcode from 6.3 to 6.4.

Xcode 6.3 not running iOS 8.4 - update to 6.4 fails

I have upgraded my iOS to 8.4, then I tried to run Xcode 6.3, it asks it can't mount the device since it's running 8.4 version (".. running a version of iOS that is not supported by this version of Xcode.")
When I try to upgrade Xcode to 6.4 - update fails every time with error message (try again using purchases).
Any suggestions how to solve this?
Delete /Applications/
Download Xcode 6.4 from the Apple Developer Download site.
Mount the .dmg and extract into /Applications.
You don't need to delete /Applications/
Open a terminal.
Copy this: xcode-select --install and paste it in the terminal
After the install has completed, you can see in the App Store that is possible to update your Xcode.
I did that and I can update my Xcode from 6.3 to 6.4.
What I've done and worked..Open the Mac App Store, search for the Xcode, check that it shows the latest version and then click install. It will start to downloading and installing the latest version.

What is the latest version of xcode I can use on 10.6.8?

What is the latest version of xcode I can use on 10.6.8? Is there any way to download it? I currently have the first version of xcode 4 (i.e. not even 4.2)
Can i upgrade?
It's xcode 4.2, you can download it in the dev center but you won't be able to use any newer version than that on snow leopard.
Xcode 4.2 Snow Leopard
4.2 for snow leopard seems to not be available any longer. 3.2.6 is
You can learn more from this:
What is the compatible IOS and XCODE for MAC 10.6.8?
