How to add a build timestamp to the title of an application built with Tycho - maven

Is there a way to have the product name, which is shown in the title of the started application, set by the Tycho build?
Currently, the title of my application is the static product name set in the product configuration file. However I want to add a build number or timestamp to that title to better distinguish the different builds of the application.
So instead of My Application, I would like to have My Application (<buildNr>-<date>) with the build number and date expanded.
If this is not possible with Tycho, any other solution is welcome.

I am not sure if it is an ideal solution but I did the following:
To properly set the application title the product name has to be set, as it is also used in the About <productName>-menu item, furthermore it is returned when Platform.getProduct().getName() is called. (Which is used sometimes in my legacy product.)
To set the product name while building I do the following:
read the product name from the file
modify the with Tycho (Maven)
1. Read the product name from the file
To make it easier to modify the product name via Maven, that String is externalized to
In the plugin configuration file and in the plugin.xml, the product name should be set to
Then in the add the following line:
If you start your product now, the application title should be #productName#.
2. Modify the with Tycho (Maven)
To change #productName# to the desired text the Maven filtering is used. Eclipse can not start the product anymore if the standard filter delimiters (${productName}) are used, therefore I use the Ant like delimiters. This snippet needs to be added to the pom:
<delimiter>${*}</delimiter><!-- to keep the default behavior -->
<delimiter>#</delimiter><!-- to add Ant-like tokens style, this is needed as RCP has problems with the accolades -->
I found this solution here on SO.
To replace #productName# with the actual value the Maven property <productName> has to be defined in the pom:
<productName> can contain any value e.g. ${buildNumber} from the Build Number Maven Plugin.
Now the the only missing part is the following snippet which activates the filtering:


Use maven filtering in server.xml without breaking mvn liberty:dev

I would like to use maven filtering, in my src/main/liberty/config/server.xml without breaking the use of liberty:dev from the maven-liberty-plugin. My biggest problem seems to be that the liberty-maven-plugin does not honor filtering.
For example, consider this webApplication element:
<webApplication id="${project.artifactId}" contextRoot="/"
Without any other guidance, this file is copied to target/liberty/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/server.xml without any filtering, so the runtime cannot find the WAR file.
Let's say I manually turn on the filtering using maven-resources-plugin:
Now the filtering works and the file is in the correct location. Unfortunately, I observe that when I run mvn liberty:dev, this gets overwritten by the unfiltered server.xml from src/main/liberty/config/server.xml.
Is it possible to use maven filtering in a server.xml?
This is essentially not supported today. The liberty-maven-plugin doesn't let you do this, and the way in which the liberty-maven-plugin manages and controls the Liberty config also doesn't make it easy for you to use standard Maven plugins like 'dependency' or 'resources' plugin either.
Since this issue was raised before I shared a sample approach which you might find useful, though it has the feel of a workaround.
Basically, although although we can't substitute into server.xml itself via filters we can substitute into a config snippet that gets included by server.xml, and copy this into place using the resources plugin, rather than liberty-maven-plugin.
Say I wanted to use a "filter"-style Maven variable substitution ${tidal.url} for a URL in Liberty server config.
1. src/main/filtered-config/environment.xml
First define a config snippet, which we are going to apply the filter to.
<server description="environment">
<!-- Expect to come from filter -->
<variable name="tidal.url" value="${tidal.url}"/>
2. pom.xml
Configure an execution of resources:copy-resources copying the "environment.xml" snippet above to the shared config dir location, target/liberty/wlp/usr/shared/config, with filtering enabled:
<!-- This location can persist across a server recreate, where the refresh can annoyingly wipe out your earlier copy -->
3. server.xml
In your main server.xml config file, add an <include> of the config snippet you copied into the shared config dir via "copy-resources".
Also shown is how we finally use or "consume" the value applied via the filter, here in this <jndiEntry>, in this sample:
<include location="${shared.config.dir}/environment.xml"/>
<!-- This is how I'm ultimately going to "consume" the filtered value -->
<jndiEntry jndiName="url/tidal-api" value="${tidal.url}" id="TidalJNDI" />
4. Run dev mode, invoking the extra goal first, and activating your filter somehow
mvn resources:copy-resources liberty:dev
As far as activating your filter, maybe you have a filter defined in your build (via build.filters.filter like in my sample repo) or maybe you're just using -Dtidal.url=<value>.
Besides being complicated a significant limitation of the above is that you only get a single chance to apply the filter. You cannot iterate through different values in a single dev mode "session".
Feel free to give feedback on the issue:
Also I will note we are considering enhancing filter support for general resources and web resources here.
If all you need is a dynamic way to select, at build time, one set of Liberty config values vs. another you don't necessarily need to use filtering.
You could instead use the support which maps Maven properties to Liberty config.
E.g. for this example you could have one profile which defines
and another profile defining the same property with a different value.
This would parameterize my sample:
<jndiEntry jndiName="url/tidal-api" value="${tidal.url}" id="TidalJNDI" />
just fine.
The problem though is if you wanted to use the same sets of properties in other contexts with other plugins that did fully support filtering. Then, you want standard Maven filtering.

How to access for resource filtering

I am using maven 3.0.4 and would like to make the build timestamp accessible to my application. For this, I'm putting a placeholder in a .properties file and let maven filter on build. While this is working fine for ${project.version}, ${} is not substituted on filtering.
The property seems to be available on build - I can use it to modify the artifact name:
So why is it not available for resource filtering? And, more importantly, how do I make it accessible?
I have discovered this article, explaining that due to a bug in maven, the build timestamp does not get propagated to the filtering. The workaround is to wrap the timestamp in another property:
<>yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm</>
Filtering then works as expected for
I can confirm as of Maven 3.x {} is "working" now. They work arounded the problem, apparently. No additional properties workaround needed anymore.
However, be careful your "filtering" plugin (maven-resources-plugin) is up to date. It needs to be relatively new, so if mvn help:effective-pom shows an old version (ex: 2.6), bump it to something newer, fixed it for me, 3.x ex:
<properties><timestamp>... workaround is no longer required...
This also cleared up, kind of, why it was working in IntelliJ but not the command line. IntelliJ probably uses their own "modified/internal" maven constants, so it was working there, but not from maven command line.
Also note if you add a filtering resource directory to you pom, you may need to also "re-add" the default directory, it gets lost, ex:
<directory>src/main/resources-filtered</directory> <!-- to get "" into resource properties file -->
<directory>src/main/resources</directory> <!-- apparently have to add this is you have the other... -->
NB if you're using spring boot as your parent, you have to use instead. Also note if you're using spring boot there's a file META-INF/ that is optionally created by the spring-boot-maven-plugin that you can read (spring provides a BuildProperties bean for convenience reading it).
In order to enrich the Stackoverflow content for others, that like me, found this post as a way to solve the "problem" of ${}. This is not a maven bug, but an expected behavior of m2e, as can be seen in this post.
Therefore, I believe that we can not expect the solution to be "corrected", since, from what I understand, the correction involves conceptual issues.
In my case, what I did was use the plugin (buildnumber-maven-plugin) as described in this other post.
Adding Maven properties at the pom project level doesn't take into account correct local Timezone, so timestamp may appear wrong :
Using the build-helper-maven-plugin applies the correct timezone and current daylight saving to the timestamp :
<pattern>yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss</pattern>
When packaging, Maven will replace any token timestamp in /resources folder, e.g. resources/ :
You can then load this properties file in your Application.

Sharing common resources between non-JAR maven projects

I have several Maven projects, say a,b,c, inheriting from a single parent (let's call it parent), and also being modules (of a different project than parent, let's call it super).
These projects all have a pom packaging. Each of these projects has specific configuration, but they also have a common part. To be more speficic, each project two JMeter test configuration files: one specialized for the given project, and another one that is common and identical for all projects.
The problem is - how should I configure the POMs so this common config file is shared among the projects?
A workaround would be to merge all of them into super, and use profiles. However, in this case, I would have to do a separate build for each configuration manually (whereas now I can just build super).
There are similar questions, like this one, but they deal with the jar plugin, which is not relevant for this case.
Structure, for reference:
POM Inheritance:
| | |
a b c
File structure:
I have used the maven-remote-resources-plugin for a similar purpose. Create a separate resources project ( of type jar. Put the JMeter resource files in /src/main/resources.
/src/main/resources/ (your filenames obviously)
Follow the directions in the example to create the bundle.
Now, add this config to your parent POM (in a testing profile if you want):
Now, tell Maven these are test resources. If your test resource elements are consistent across the modules, this can go in the parent too, if they are different it goes in the module POM. (In my experience with Maven 3 resources defined in a child project take precedence over the parent's; they aren't merged.)
<!-- any other test resources here -->
In the child module, define the resources module property (this is module a):
Adapt this to meet your use case.
---- Edit ----
If the configuration is placed into a parent POM, the parent POM may fail to build depending on what configuration is provided by the child. When we are building the shared base/parent projects we don't want to require that all of the properties that should be provided by child projects (inheriters) are defined. So we activate this profile when building the shared projects to bypass anything that only applies to children.
To do this, add an empty file pom-packaging.marker to the parent project's basedir. Then add this profile to the parent POM. When the parent project is built, Maven will find the marker file, enable the profile, and disable all of the executions included in the profile. When a child project is built, the marker file doesn't exist, so the configuration in the main part of the POM will take effect.
I've used this technique with the Enforcer plugin as well - the parent defines the enforcer rules that should be applied to projects inheriting from the parent, but cannot satisfy the rules when it is built. If the plugin provides a "skip" property, you may enable that in this profile instead of using phase = none in plugin configuration.
<phase>none</phase> <!-- disables this execution -->
.... other plugin executions here ....
The idea with import scope dependencies is that you can put shared resources into a separate project, which is then imported by a number of other ones; I was thinking you could include your shared config file in this way.
You create a new project with packaging pom (maybe at the same level as the parent?), and then include it in the parent's dependencyManagement section with scope import. Each of your child projects can then receive it by inheritance. It might seem like overkill to make an entire project for just a single file, but I wouldn't have a problem with that.
I haven't actually tried this with a tree of pom-packaged projects, so you might have to play around a bit, but the approach I think is sound. There's a (very extensive) example here:
Importing Dependencies

I can't get maven to use properties defined in ~/.m2/settings.xml?

I am using ~/.m2/settings.xml to store a number of property names used throughout the pom.xml files in my project. If I make the XML invalid (by adding another < for example), maven immediately generates an error, saying that it cannot parse that file. If I leave the XML valid, settings in my appBeans.xml file do not pick of references to properties defined in settings.xml.
Has anyone experienced this problem? I am sort of at my wits end here.
Reflecting properties from Maven configurations works by resources filtering.
Make sure your settings.xml, project pom and the target xml file contain correct configurations and reside in correct places.
If I understood correctly, you want to store a property name and value in the settings.xml so the props can be used in your project files. I'll provide a working example:
Define a default profile and properties in settings.xml:
Define resource folder's filtering=true in pom.xml:
Define the property in the xml file (that resides in the src/main/resources folder):
After this you should see the filtered result e.g. in target/classes/appBeans.xml.
Bear in mind that if you're using Eclipse & m2eclipse or similar plugin, it probably won't start using the updated settings.xml without restarting Eclipse and it's automatic build will sometimes overwrite your files in the target folder. I'm talking from experience here :)
Maven properties do not get reflected in miscellaneous XML files.
If you add one of these properties to the <properties/> element of the specific pom that runs the specific plugin that reads allBeans.xml, does that work? I believe that it will not, and your problem will turn out to be adding to the <configuration/> for the plugin to pass the maven properties to it.
If you edit your question to show the plugin that processes appBeans.xml I can make this more specific.

Where should a custom Netbeans Platform conf. file be so that maven finds it?

Applications built on top of the NetBeans platform have a <myappdir>/etc/<myapp>.conf file determining, among other things, application JVM parameters. Historically, this file was a part of the NetBeans IDE installation (as far as I could tell), but starting with NB 6.9, custom files are now supported.
I am having trouble packaging a custom configuration file using Maven to build the application.
I imagine the app.conf property should have been set in the project's pom under project/build/pluginManagement/plugins like so:
The maven module representing my application contained no prior source, so I created the src/main/nbm folder and placed myapp.conf in src/main/nbm. This isn't picked up by nbm-maven-plugin. and putting the conf file into src/main/resources doesn't make a difference.
So, can anyone explain how a NetBeans Platform application with a custom configuration file can be built using maven?
With Tim's prod in the right direction, I found the answer documented on Geertjan's blog. The solution is to configure the nbm-maven-plugin like so in the application module pom:
BTW, if you need a second name with Geertjan, you're not really a NetBeans platform developer. ;)
Have a look at the documentation of the nbm:cluster-app plugin, specifically the part on the conf file.
As per my understanding that should allow you to replace the default one with a custom one that you create.
