Sharing common resources between non-JAR maven projects - maven

I have several Maven projects, say a,b,c, inheriting from a single parent (let's call it parent), and also being modules (of a different project than parent, let's call it super).
These projects all have a pom packaging. Each of these projects has specific configuration, but they also have a common part. To be more speficic, each project two JMeter test configuration files: one specialized for the given project, and another one that is common and identical for all projects.
The problem is - how should I configure the POMs so this common config file is shared among the projects?
A workaround would be to merge all of them into super, and use profiles. However, in this case, I would have to do a separate build for each configuration manually (whereas now I can just build super).
There are similar questions, like this one, but they deal with the jar plugin, which is not relevant for this case.
Structure, for reference:
POM Inheritance:
| | |
a b c
File structure:

I have used the maven-remote-resources-plugin for a similar purpose. Create a separate resources project ( of type jar. Put the JMeter resource files in /src/main/resources.
/src/main/resources/ (your filenames obviously)
Follow the directions in the example to create the bundle.
Now, add this config to your parent POM (in a testing profile if you want):
Now, tell Maven these are test resources. If your test resource elements are consistent across the modules, this can go in the parent too, if they are different it goes in the module POM. (In my experience with Maven 3 resources defined in a child project take precedence over the parent's; they aren't merged.)
<!-- any other test resources here -->
In the child module, define the resources module property (this is module a):
Adapt this to meet your use case.
---- Edit ----
If the configuration is placed into a parent POM, the parent POM may fail to build depending on what configuration is provided by the child. When we are building the shared base/parent projects we don't want to require that all of the properties that should be provided by child projects (inheriters) are defined. So we activate this profile when building the shared projects to bypass anything that only applies to children.
To do this, add an empty file pom-packaging.marker to the parent project's basedir. Then add this profile to the parent POM. When the parent project is built, Maven will find the marker file, enable the profile, and disable all of the executions included in the profile. When a child project is built, the marker file doesn't exist, so the configuration in the main part of the POM will take effect.
I've used this technique with the Enforcer plugin as well - the parent defines the enforcer rules that should be applied to projects inheriting from the parent, but cannot satisfy the rules when it is built. If the plugin provides a "skip" property, you may enable that in this profile instead of using phase = none in plugin configuration.
<phase>none</phase> <!-- disables this execution -->
.... other plugin executions here ....

The idea with import scope dependencies is that you can put shared resources into a separate project, which is then imported by a number of other ones; I was thinking you could include your shared config file in this way.
You create a new project with packaging pom (maybe at the same level as the parent?), and then include it in the parent's dependencyManagement section with scope import. Each of your child projects can then receive it by inheritance. It might seem like overkill to make an entire project for just a single file, but I wouldn't have a problem with that.
I haven't actually tried this with a tree of pom-packaged projects, so you might have to play around a bit, but the approach I think is sound. There's a (very extensive) example here:
Importing Dependencies


Required to create Maven plugin or 'some kind of wrapper' or should I use a parent pom

We are using the frontend-maven-plugin in several (10+) projects.
These projects are build in combination with our own CMS. These projects are using a specific 'parent' in the pom, such as:
In this 'corporate pom', we have some predefined configuration and 'plugin management', such as:
<!-- Generic configuration for plugins used by (almost) all projects. -->
<id>install node and yarn</id>
This way we don't have to copy/manage all configuration in each project.
This works great.
But: we are now also creating more and more new applications (based on Spring Boot) which are independent from our CMS and where we cannot use this 'parent pom' because Spring Boot has it's own (spring-boot-starter-parent) and our 'corporate pom' also contains very specific plugins / configuration which only applies to our CMS (which we are not including in these Spring Boot projects).
So what I need is something more 'standalone' for the frontend-maven-plugin configuration (and maybe in the future more 'platform' independent config/plugins). As far as I know, it's not possible to have more then 1 parent, so are there any other options?
I thought of creating a new 'companyname-frontend-maven-plugin' which both contains the PluginManagement as all the (extendable) configuration for the Frontend Maven Plugin. But I don't know if this will work and also it's a lot of work creating and maintaining this in git / Jenkins etc.
Are there any other options I could look in to?
Thank you all for your time!
maybe you can use a profile.
You can create a "corporate" pom that inherit from spring-boot-starter-parent and that contains a maven profile with all the properties and plugins required by your cms. So, when you are working on the CMS you will enable the "cms-profile".
Kind regards.

Maven - Child Module Profiles

I have a maven project that has a similar structure to the following one:
(simplified for explanation purposes)
|-- child A (inherits from parent)
|-- child B (inherits from parent)
|-- child B1 (inherits from B)
|-- child B2 (inherits from B)
|-- child B3 (inherits from B)
Solely the children B1 and B2 have to be built using a certain profile that includes some extra build stuff. By consequence the profile has been specified in module B.
Logically the modules belong to module B and additionally inherit some dependencies etc. (aggreagtion + inheritance).
(imagine something like B = Frontend, B1 = UI, B2 = Themes, B3 = Something else)
Is there a possibility to still use a full build from the parent
pom and activate the according profile only in the correct
children? (would be my favorite solution)
Or do I need separate builds using advanced reactor
options (-pl, etc.)?
Or is there a completely other approach for such scenarios?
Edit as the question was identified as duplicate:
The problem is that the solution mentioned in the according question does not work.
If I activate the sub profile by using a property, it will be activated as well for module B (the parent), and for ALL children.
I only want it to be active for child B1 and B2.
If you want to have a profile which should be applied to sub-modules (and only some of them), defined in a centralized way in their parent project (pom) and yet not apply the profile to the parent itself, here is a proposed approach:
Define the profile in the parent pom, sample one:
<echo message="hello there!" />
Note what we are doing:
the plugin phase element is parametrized, so the binding of the plugin to a build phase will also be parametrized
We can now decide via property to which phase attach this plugin execution
We can now decide via property to attach this plugin execution to no phase (or empty phase)
So, in the same parent pom, let's define the property:
As such, the build running on the parent pom will attach the plugin execution to no phase (none is not a keyword or known-value, just a de-fact standard used for a non existing phase, you could leave it empty or put it any value you like, it would have the same effect) and hence skip it. It will also be skipped by default in all the declared modules. The profile will still be active in every module, but would be harmless since it would not execute any plugin by default.
Then, in modules where you want the plugin executions to be active you could re-define only the concerned property and the required phase:
When then activating the profile from the main build (the parent)
mvn clean install -Psample-profile
The parent will apply it to all modules, but the effective profile execution will only occur where the phase.prop value has a maven-meaningful value.
If you need to have different phases for different plugin executions, then you could define more than one property and apply the same pattern.
If you don't have a plugin execution but rather a global plugin configuration for a plugin already executed by Maven (as part of its packaging and default build), you could then re-define its execution overriding the default execution id.
Note that we could have done the same using the skip configuration element, but:
not all plugins provide the skip configuration entry
using the phase element is not related to any configuration and can be reused for executions attached to the same phase

Varying plugin configuration for each child module

I have a multi-module build which contains modules which can target either Java 5 or Java 6. I want to allow modules to opt-in to Java 6, and leaving the default to 5.
To set Java 5 as a target I need to configure the following:
maven-compiler-plugin: source and target set to 1.5
maven-bundle-plugin: configure the Bundle-RuntimeExecutionEnvironment to J2SE-1.5
To set Java 6 as a target I need to configure the following:
maven-compiler-plugin: source and target set to 1.6
maven-bundle-plugin: configure the Bundle-RuntimeExecutionEnvironment to JavaSE-1.6
I considered having two properties: java.compiler.source and osgi.bree which can be defined by each module, but this leaves place for error.
How can I override the configuration of these two plugins per module with a single switch?
I would personally structure your project so that Java 5 modules descend from one parent POM and Java 6 modules from another parent POM.
Global Parent (majority of global settings)
Java5 parent (just define source/bundle)
module A
module B
Java 6 parent (just define source/bundle)
module C
How about allowing child modules to set a property (or whatever you want it named) and embedding a Groovy script that sets version properties for the compiler and bundle plugins? Something like this in the parent pom:
<project ...>
<>1.5</> <!-- default Java version -->
<!-- set up properties in an early lifecycle phase -->
<!-- this can be as simple or complex as you need it to be -->
if ([''] == '1.6') {['my.compiler.version'] = '1.6'['my.execution.environment.version'] = 'JavaSE-1.6'
else {['my.compiler.version'] = '1.5'['my.execution.environment.version'] = 'J2SE-1.5'
<!-- now use the properties from above in the plugin configurations -->
<!-- assume that both of these plugins will execute in a phase later than 'initialize' -->
<!-- sorry if this part isn't correct; never used this plugin before -->
I don't think there is an elegant Maven way to solve this complex scenario, neither yours or Duncan's proposed solution are easy maintainable IMO, when number of sub module becomes tremendous.
For maximum maintainability, I would write shell script (and/or batch file on Windows) in case Maven can't do the job very well, for example, a (and set-version.bat) that loop all sub module and reset the default java.compiler.source and osgi.bree properties based on a version-feed.txt, the version-feed.txt gives you a single central place for manipulating your version varying. As you can see, the cons is this is really not a Maven solution, it requires running before mvn ... every time version customization is required.
In addition, For build/release standardization, I would use maven-enforcer-plugin to play/pause the build process based on a property version.set(which is flagged by and prompt some warning/error message if developer is not follow the correct procedure when doing build. The version.set also gives the flexibility if you prefer to use the default values defined in every sub module, instead of running, just directly set it to true in the parent pom.xml or from command-line parameter.
Sample directory structure:
... ...
Hope this make sense.

Order of maven multi module is not maintained for eclipse plugins

We have a bunch of eclipse plugin projects, features and update sites. We have created a master pom where we define the modules:
We wanted to preserve this order and as per Guide to working with Multiple Modules
As per the link above we assumed that the order will be preserved as per the order in which the module elements were listed.
Our requirement:
site1 produces a We wanted to take this zip file and wrap into around into a bundle which is what "b2" bundle does.
Our observation:
Maven reactor order which is printed at the beginning of the multi-module build is proper, however the build for every module is forked.
Because of (1) the bundle b2 get built before the site1 project is build and is able to produce a site assembly zip.
We tried adding a dependency in "b2"'s pom.xml to site1 but the build failed as it tries to build b2 first which has dependency on site1 which has not been built till now.
We observed the same behavior when we had unit test as osgi fragment. In the order we clearly specified that the host comes before the test fragment but when the maven build is invoked then it always built the fragment before the host and it used to fail.
Plugins that are defined in master pom:
<!-- enable tycho build extension -->
We are not sure if maven-tycho-plugin interferes with the reactor order, so any help would be appreciated.
Tycho resolves the dependencies from the Eclipse descriptor files (MANIFEST.MF, feature.xml, etc.) and re-orders the modules so that required artifacts are built first.

Maven test-jar for children

We have many modules in our project and we want to enable test-jar creation for some of those. I tried adding maven jar plugin to the parent pom's pluginmanagement
But, now it is creating test-jar for all the modules.
As per documenation: Plugin Management contains plugin elements in much the same way, except that rather than configuring plugin information for this particular project build, it is intended to configure project builds that inherit from this one. However, this only configures plugins that are actually referenced within the plugins element in the children. The children have every right to override pluginManagement definitions.
It should not create test-jar for the modules we haven't included in, but somehow it does. None of my modules has maven-jar-plugin added in its build module.
To stop it creating test-jar for all, I can add it only in the module I am interested in.
Is there any other better solution to achieve this?
Normally, what your describing shouldn't be possible. If I had to guess, I would say that since your packaging type is jar configuration for the maven-jar-plugin gets inserted into your effective pom. Then, since the configuration is there, it also uses the configuration from the plugin management section. Running mvn help:effective-pom might provide some insight into whether or not this is true.
I would also make sure that no parent in your hierarchy contains any concrete configuration for the maven-jar-pom that would be inherited by children. If the child inherits a concrete section, I think that will also trigger it to include the plugin management configuration.
