Confirm "pop-up" message in casperjs - casperjs

I'm trying to automate a Cloudflare cache purge of my websites with casperjs.
The button to purge cache has this source code:
<a class="button green mini" id="Purge" name="PurgeButton"><span class="label">Purge cache</span></a>
but when I click on it, a "pop-up" message asks me to confirm:
I have no clue how to click on "Yes, purge everything". I don't see this text anywhere in the source code and actually I don't even know what happens when I first click on "Purge cache" !
How can I validate this popup?
Edit: Solved: the "view source" option in Firefox doesn't allow to see the full source code, instead install the developer toolbar add-on and go to "View source > View generated source"


Sonar Cube- Code view not visible for Bugs fixing

I am not able to see code snippets for issues reported in sonar cube. It is showing message as "if code is not visible Due to security settings, no source code can be displayed."
Anyone know how to enable code view
Instructions assume you have access to the "Administration" tab/page in Sonarqube, else you will need a friendly Sonarqube admin to enable this
Your Sonarqube instance > Administration > Projects > Management
Then search for the project you want to change this for. On the right hand side of the row for that project click the setting cog, and then select "Edit Permissions"
If the you don't have the "Edit Permissions", then they are probably missing "Administer" privilege for this project. So instead on the right hand side of the row for that project click the setting cog, and then select "Restore Access", this should give you the "Administer" privilege
Assuming you have found and clicked "Edit Permissions", you should be on the Permissions page and this should show a list of users and groups that Sonarqube recognises. Find the user(s) and or groups that are afflicted by this problem and then TICK "See Source Code"
Now you should be done, retest to see if you can see the source code
Note at the top of permissions page you should also see 2 radio buttons [public and private], you could toggle from private to public, and this would be an alternative fix.
BUT if you do this, consider that anyone who can login can probably see this project now!
Link to sonarqube documentation about "Security" and "Project Permissions"

How to see generated source on firefox quantum?

I ask here because it's full of developers and so maybe someone has figured it out. Since Quantum, the developer tools extension (plugin) does not have the 'view generated source' tool. The firefox dev tools never had one, as far as I know. So what chance do we have now to see a full page generate source? Anyone knows?
Just found a work around for Firefox thanks to Ben Pleysier at the Adobe forums.
Select all (Ctrl / Cmd A) and right click to "View Selection Source".
If you select part of a web page and conext-click, you'll see a context menu item labeled "View Selection Source", that behaves just like "View Page Source", except you only see the source for the selection.

VS2013 re-enable "Don't show this dialog again"

I was trying to update my service reference and I think there was a dialog that appeared warning about write/overwriting a read-only file. I check the "Don't show this dialog again" and now I want it to reappear. Where is the setting for this?
BTW: Everytime I right click and choose Update Service Reference, it does its think and a DING sound occurs but no updates took place. I would like to see the dialog again.
Try Tools > Import/Export Settings > Reset All Settings

Visual Studio 2010 Preview in multiple browsers

Is there any extension or feature in VS2010 for previewing in multiple browsers (at the same time) the same as there is in Microsoft Expression Web 4? I know there is the "Default Browser Switcher" extension but this only lets you view one browser at a time.
When you right click on the page to do the "Browse With...", you can set multiple defaults. Once you have added in multiple browsers to the list, you can CTRL Click each one you want (to highlight multiples). Once the desired ones are highlighted, click "Set as Default". From then on, whenever you hit "Browse" it should open in all your "Default" browsers you highlighted.
I have found a solution on how to preview a MVC application in multiple browsers by adding a few answers together.
What you do is add an .aspx page into your project and set this as the startup page when you run the project.
Then with your project set it so that you are automatically redirected to another page, be it "Login" or a "Home" page.
The last step is to use #Walls answer
When you right click on the page to do the "Browse With...", you can set multiple defaults. Once you have added in multiple browsers to the list, you can CTRL Click each one you want (to highlight multiples). Once the desired ones are highlighted, click "Set as Default". From then on, whenever you hit "Browse" it should open in all your "Default" browsers you highlighted.
Now when you run the project it will start up all of your default browsers for testing.

firefox error console inside Web Developer

Is there a way to rename or remove a menu in Firefox. My Error Console is hidden under the Web Developer Menu and I want it to be under the Tools instead. Please see screengrab:
THank you.
You can try installing this plugin and see if it enables what you are trying to do.
Firefox Menu Editor
You can also install Toolbar Buttons and you'll have additional set of buttons that you can put in various places. Right click e.g. on 'Refresh' button, select 'customize' and here you go. Console is a red button with exclamation mark.
