Can a script be too new for a google sheet? - debugging

I work on a google sheet that has several departments looking at and/or adding data to all day long every day. I have been working on making scripts to make my departments life a lot easier.I created an exact duplicate of the sheet so I could make sure it works before executing new scripts.
I have one that sets up an order, sends an email and puts it on the calendar all in one click. It works great.
In the email we need to send a link to a job folder. So we have a script to find that folder and get the link to it.
var folder = DriveApp.getFoldersByName("12345 - Help me")
var in =
var link = in.getUrl()
In my testing grounds this works exactly how it should. When I put it into the actual sheet that we work in I get an error
"Error Exception: We're sorry, a server error occurred. Please wait a bit and try again."
I have been trying to figure it out for 4 days so far and am getting nowhere.
I had the "owner" of the sheet transfer it into my ownership incase that was the problem.
I moved it to a shared drive.
Made a copy of the whole spreadsheet to test it; it worked in the copy just fine.
To change over to a new spreadsheet will be a lot of work that would have to take place after work hours when no one should be using it. I am hoping there is a way to refresh the spreadsheet in such a way that we need to reapprove scripts (or something). The spreadsheet in question was created in 2018. I am wondering if its just to old for the script; not that that makes any sense but, I cant think of anything else.

From the question
The spreadsheet in question was created in 2018. I am wondering if its just to old for the script; not that that makes any sense but, I cant think of anything else.
Nowadays Google Apps Scripts supports two runtimes, the old (Rhino) and the new (V8). There are posts sharing that changing the runtime to the one or the other fixed an issue. Considering this, the first thing to check if what runtime are being used on each Google Apps Script that are being used as "testing grounds" and in production as sometimes one of the source of "confusions" is to use different runtime.
Another thing to try is to create a standard Google Cloud Platform Project (GCP) to replace the default GCP project. On this project enable the Google Drive API.


MS Access 2010 subreports run fine, but main report freezes, only for user, not for dev. Why, and how to fix?

I am using MS Access 2010 on Windows 7, in a moderately locked down corporate environment. I have developed a report that calls several subreports, and one subform, which in turn has several embedded graphs. The various subentities pull data from multiple queries that build on other queries, some of which are parameterized. The two parameters (Year and Month values) are taken from a single form that includes buttons to preview and print the report. All data tables are local to the .accdb file; there is no server back end.
I developed the file locally, then copied it to a shared network folder and tested. Everything works as expected for me -- the report takes a few seconds to run, as the data work is admittedly a bit clunky, but it still displays in a timely fashion. I am in California, the shared folder is somewhere in the Midwest or South, and my coworker is in Texas. I asked coworker to open the file, enter values in the form, and run the report. He got a warning saying the file was read-only, but the form still ran, but the report locked up. Specifically, the report starts to run, the progress bar moves to about 1/3rd or 2/5ths across, then just stops. There is no error message given.
I had coworker force-close Access, deleted the lock file, gave coworker full permissions on the file, and had him try again. Same results, minus the read-only error. Entering values in the form and running the report directly, rather than using the buttons, gives the same result. I had him go through the other database objects, and all of the tables, base queries, subreports, and subform open "instantly", with the expected data and record counts. For some reason, though, bringing it all together just crashes Access every time.
Coworker was doing a screen share for the initial tests, so I know he was following directions correctly. We tried it without, in case the bandwidth was an issue, with no improvement.
I've tried searching variations on "ms access report locks/freezes/hangs" via Google and SO, and got a bunch of stuff about record-locking, which I think is not the issue here. If anyone can suggest better search terms, I'm game to try them.
The data used is confidential, so I'm reluctant to post code, but can work on sanitized versions if that's necessary for a solution.
Since the file is locked in Read-Only, any calculations that are done which in any way write data to a table are not going to work. I suggest you double check the security permissions the user has to the network folder. That includes both the NTFS security and the shared folder security.
He needs write permission to the entire network folder (not just the database file) because Access will try to create the laccdb file and write to it within the network folder. If he does not have write permissions on that folder access will not be able to edit the laccd file.

Malicious code hidden in image

I've come across a dodgy file upload on our server. It is an image and the MIME TYPE checks out, though on the server it was also uploaded with the extension .asp and .cer.
On the surface its a photo some weird chinese symbols and the letters asp, though I am sure it is hiding malicious code. I did a google search by image and it came out in a few possibly unsecure directories in some other sites.
This is out of my league to even verify. Out of interest I opened the file in notepad and it has the clear string "Google" which only makes me believe more that it is malicious.
All I need to know is
1- is it malicious?
2-did it run and what did it do?
3- how do i protect against it?
I cant give the link to the actual file on my server since Its been removed, but I can zip and mail it to anyone who wants to take a look.
If anyone has some advise on where to start I would appreciate it.
Heres a link to the same image, which came up on my google search though this one most likely has different code injected;.jpg&w=135&h=111
After alot more research I have found that it had a modified header to inject code. I run it through and my suspicious were confirmed.
What it does or whether it executed is still unknown
OK, the file was malicious it contained encoded php, all of which im not sure of there were far too many encoded layers. It created a backdoor that fetched and executed remote code. This file was not detected by any of our antivirus software, what gave it away way was <% eval(. was the only part not encoded.A hacker took advantage of a vunerability in an old version of FCKeditor to add and execute it. I am still looking for a way to prevent it in the future.

Local file link to shared dropbox files

Since this is my first time posting a question on stackexchange, please excuse me if I've not included anything. Suggestions for a better post are very welcome!
I'm looking for a way to create a file:// link in e-mails with a specific purpose. In my company we're all using Macbooks with Outlook as our e-mail-client. As soon as a specific document is updated, I would like to be able to e-mail a colleague saying: "here is the to the file". My personal link would be: file:///Users/<MyUserName>/Dropbox/Filepath.ext. However, this does not evaluate correctly on my colleagues computer. I have made it to work with a manual username change, but I'm hoping that there is a way to automatically fill in the username of that person.
My Question:
How can I make the link in such a way that it will always refer to that user's specific user folder?
Resources explored
I've tried working with file://~/ but that always gives a 'can't find the document' error. I've tried googling it but Dropbox and other services only point towards URL-links or to their website. Stackexchange hasn't provided me with an answer so far (Internal links / ":file//" links is without answer). Searching for 'computer independent file links' haven't given me any solace either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
not sure if this is what you want. You can check the dorpbox API and read a bit about it. But an easier way might be IFTTT, a free tool which launch triggers. So basically you need to create a folder in dropbox for each user and then use this tool to make triggers for each user. You can send an email and include the new dropbox link and as well you can program the IFTTT to send a file://Users//Dropbox/USER_DROPBOX_FOLDER/{{FILENAME}} whenever a file is placed in his folder.

Does my Sparkle appcast need a sparkle:dsaSignature field in order to be valid?

I have been troubleshooting an 'Update Error!' for a few days now with Sparkle and have made little progress. I modeled my appcast after a working sample as closely as I could but I couldn't get it to work. Finally, I just decided to use the sample appcast in my app to test:
When I put that as my SUFeedURL, voila, it works. So I copied and pasted the contents of that XML to the file on my server and it doesn't work. Looking over the diff closer, the only material difference is the sparkle:dsaSignature, which I don't have a valid value for.
Reading over the documentation, however, I got the impression that I only needed to deal with the dsaSignature stuff if I am not signing the app myself with my certificate. When I am deploying the build of this app, I am exporting it from Xcode and signing it with my dev identity, and then zipping it up and putting it on the server.
Do I need the sparkle:dsaSignature field in my appcast if I am signing the app myself? I can't figure out why this isn't working.
WOW. My SUFeedURL started with www, not http://www. That was causing the crash and took several hours of head scratching to track down. Hopefully this helps someone in the future.

Record Level Spotlight indexing with Coredata

I've read the tutorial at so many times now, I can't seem to get it for some reason.
I've tried creating the spotlight importer, manually copying it to ~/Library/Spotlight with no success.
Can anyone be point me to a working sample of CoreData-Spotlight-OSX app? a remotely basic thing would suffice.
The xcode template default-stores .importer in the bundle-resources folder, I've read in other places that it should be in a Library/Spotlight folder if the app is sandboxed.
again, tried & failed.
I’ve written a CoreData / Spotlight importer. It’s always a bit of a struggle, even in the best of times. I wrote mine before those docs, and before they’d written the daemon that writes out the records for you. When the CoreData team first did their version of my solution theirs had several critical bugs which prevented me from using it, so I reported them and switched back to mine—I hope by now they are fixed, but this is something to be aware of.
The other thing to know is that a lot of app-makers (including me) have found Spotlight importing of CoreData records is broken on Mavericks, apparently because of changes in the sandbox. This has been widely reported and I’ve filed a bug. If you’re on Mavericks you might be hitting this problem as well.
But, to debuggin:
The first thing you should do is add some NSLogging to your importer, and check your Console after you make a change to your database. Wait to see if any process that starts with “md” (metadata) reports errors, or if you see the logs your wrote.
Also, do a man mdimport and the run mdimport from the command-line on your plug-in with one of the record files. With mdimport’s -g option you can test your importer wherever it is, and with -d4 you’ll get a lot of debugging info.
You can also do a mdimport -L to see if your importer is being seen by the system.
In general, you need to find out ⑴ does your importer work or does it just crash (by running it directly with mdimporter) ⑵ does the system see your importer and recognize that it’s in charge of stubs with your chosen filetype (mdimport -L) and ⑶ does your importer have permission to see the record files (by running your app and watching the Console).
