Run simple programme using unix shell - shell

I'm new to unix and its developing. In my script I wrote
and ran using bash
But I get the following errors line 1: =user: command not found line 2: =sekrit: command not found
How do I run that command and print the username variable in terminal?

USERNAME is the name of the variable. $USERNAME is the replacement (aka contents, aka value). Since USERNAME is empty, you effectively try to run a command named =user, which is what the error message tells you.
Remove the $ from $USERNAME=... and it will work.

As Jens notes in his answer, the problem is that an assignment to a variable is not prefixed with a $, so:
is the way to write what you wanted. You got an error because USERNAME was not set, so after expansion, the shell looked at the command as:
and it could not find such commands on the system (not very surprisingly). However, be aware that if you have previously written:
then the lines:
would have been equivalent to writing:
You could see that by running set with no arguments; it would show you the values of all the variables set in the shell. You could search for words such as USERNAME and archipelago to see what happened.
Now you've learned that, forget it. The number of times you'll need to use it is very limited (but it is handy on those rare — very rare — occasions when you need it).
For all practical purposes, don't write a $ on the left-hand side of a variable assignment in shell.


Use a variable on a script command line when its value isn't set until after the script starts

How to correctly pass to the script and substitute a variable that is already defined there?
My script
echo $1
When I enter:
bash https://example/$TARGETARCH
I want to see
but I actually see
What am I doing wrong?
The first problem with the original approach is that the $TARGETARCH is removed by your calling shell before your script is ever invoked. To prevent that, you need to use quotes:
./yourscript '$TARGETARCH'
The second problem is that parameter expansions only happen in code, not in data. This is, from a security perspective, a Very Good Thing -- if data were silently treated as code it would be impossible to write secure scripts handling untrusted data -- but it does mean you need to do some more work. The easy thing, in this case, is to export your variable and use GNU envsubst, as long as your operating system provides it:
export TARGETARCH=amd64
substitutedValue=$(envsubst <<<"$1")
echo "Original value was: $1"
echo "Substituted value is: $substitutedValue"
See the above running in an online sandbox at
Note the use of yourscript instead of here -- using .sh file extensions, especially for bash scripts as opposed to sh scripts, is an antipattern; the essay at has been linked by the #bash IRC channel on this topic for over a decade.
For similar reasons, changing bash yourscript to ./yourscript lets the #!/usr/bin/env bash line select an interpreter, so you aren't repeating the "bash" name in multiple places, leading to the risk of those places getting out of sync with each other.

zsh command not found error when setting an alias

Currently trying to move all of my aliases from .bash_profile to .zshrc. However, found a problem with one of the longer aliases I use for substituting root to ubuntu when passing a command to access AWS instances.
AWS (){
cd /Users/user/aws_keys
cmd=$(echo $# | sed "s/root/ubuntu/g")
The error I get is AWS:5: command not found ssh -i keypair.pem
I would really appreciate any suggestions!
The basic problem is that the cmd=$(echo ... line is mashing all the arguments together into a space-delimited string, and you're depending on word-splitting to split it up into a command and its arguments. But word-splitting is usually more of a problem than anything else, so zsh doesn't do it by default. This means that rather than trying to run the command named ssh with arguments -i, keypair.pem, etc, it's treating the entire string as the command name.
The simple solution is to avoid mashing the arguments together, so you don't need word-splitting to separate them out again. You can use a modifier to the parameter expansion to replace "root" with "ubuntu". BTW, I also strongly recommend checking for error when using cd, and not proceeding if it gets an error.
So something like this:
AWS (){
cd /Users/user/aws_keys || return $?
This syntax will work in bash as well as zsh (the double-quotes prevent unexpected word-splitting in bash, and aren't really needed in zsh).
BTW, I'm also a bit nervous about just blindly replacing "root" with "ubuntu" in the arguments; what if it occurs somewhere other than the username, like as part of a filename or hostname?

Execute command that results from execution of a script whose name is in a variable

When posting this question originally, I totally misworded it, obtaining another, reasonable but different question, which was correctly answered here.
The following is the correct version of the question I originally wanted to ask.
In one of my Bash scripts, there's a point where I have a variable SCRIPT which contains the /path/to/an/exe which, when executed, outputs a line to be executed.
What my script ultimately needs to do, is executing that line to be executed. Therefore the last line of the script is
so that $SCRIPT is expanded to /path/to/an/exe, and $(/path/to/an/exe) executes the executable and gives back the line to be executed, which is then executed.
However, running shellcheck on the script generates this error:
In line 7:
^--------^ SC2091: Remove surrounding $() to avoid executing output.
For more information: -- Remove surrounding $() to avoid e...
Is there a way I can rewrite that $($SCRIPT) in a more appropriate way? eval does not seem to be of much help here.
If the script outputs a shell command line to execute, the correct way to do that is:
eval "$("$SCRIPT")"
$($SCRIPT) would only happen to work if the command can be completely evaluated using nothing but word splitting and pathname expansion, which is generally a rare situation. If the program instead outputs e.g. grep "Hello World" or cmd > file.txt then you will need eval or equivalent.
You can make it simple by setting the command to be executed as a positional argument in your shell and execute it from the command line
set -- "$SCRIPT"
and now run the result that is obtained by expansion of SCRIPT, by doing below on command-line.
This works in case your output from SCRIPT contains multiple words e.g. custom flags that needs to be run. Since this is run in your current interactive shell, ensure the command to be run is not vulnerable to code injection. You could take one step of caution and run your command within a sub-shell, to not let your parent environment be affected by doing ( "$#" ; )
Or use shellcheck disable=SCnnnn to disable the warning and take the occasion to comment on the explicit intention, rather than evade the detection by cloaking behind an intermediate variable or arguments array.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# shellcheck disable=SC2091 # Intentional execution of the output
By disabling shellcheck with a comment, it clarifies the intent and tells the questionable code is not an error, but an informed implementation design choice.
you can do it in 2 steps
and it's clean in shellcheck

Script takes only first part of double quotes

Yesterday I asked a similar question about escaping double quotes in env variables, although It didn't solve my problem (Probably because I didn't explain good enough) so I would like to specify more.
I'm trying to run a script (Which I know is written in Perl), although I have to use it as a black box because of permissions issue (so I don't know how the script works). Lets call this script script_A.
I'm trying to run a basic command in Shell: script_A -arg "date time".
If I run from the command line, it's works fine, but If I try to use it from a bash script or perl scrip (for example using the system operator), it will take only the first part of the string which was sent as an argument. In other words, it will fail with the following error: '"date' is not valid..
Example to specify a little bit more:
If I run from the command line (works fine):
> script_A -arg "date time"
If I run from (for example) a Perl script (fails):
my $args = $ENV{SOME_ENV}; # Assume that SOME_ENV has '-arg "date time"'
my $cmd = "script_A $args";
I think that the problem comes from the environment variable, but I can't use the one quote while defining the env variable. For example, I can't use the following method:
setenv SOME_ENV '-arg "date time"'
Because it fails with the following error: '"date' is not valid.".
Also, I tried to use the following method:
setenv SOME_ENV "-arg '"'date time'"'"
Although now the env variable will containe:
echo $SOME_ENV
> -arg 'date time' # should be -arg "date time"
Another note, using \" fails on Shell (tried it).
Any suggestions on how to locate the reason for the error and how to solve it?
The $args, obtained from %ENV as you show, is a string.
The problem is in what happens to that string as it is manipulated before arguments are passed to the program, which needs to receive strings -arg and date time
If the program is executed in a way that bypasses the shell, as your example is, then the whole -arg "date time" is passed to it as its first argument. This is clearly wrong as the program expects -arg and then another string for its value (date time)
If the program were executed via the shell, what happens when there are shell metacharacters in the command line (not in your example), then the shell would break the string into words, except for the quoted part; this is how it works from the command line. That can be enforced with
system('/bin/tcsh', '-c', $cmd);
This is the most straightforward fix but I can't honestly recommend to involve the shell just for arguments parsing. Also, you are then in the game of layered quoting and escaping, what can get rather involved and tricky. For one, if things aren't right the shell may end up breaking the command into words -arg, "date, time"
How you set the environment variable works
> setenv SOME_ENV '-arg "date time"'
> perl -wE'say $ENV{SOME_ENV}' #--> -arg "date time" (so it works)
what I believe has always worked this way in [t]csh.
Then, in a Perl script: parse this string into -arg and date time strings, and have the program is executed in a way that bypasses the shell (if shell isn't used by the command)
my #args = $ENV{SOME_ENV} =~ /(\S+)\s+"([^"]+)"/; #"
my #cmd = ('script_A', #args);
system(#cmd) == 0 or die "Error with system(#cmd): $?";
This assumes that SOME_ENV's first word is always the option's name (-arg) and that all the rest is always the option's value, under quotes. The regex extracts the first word, as consecutive non-space characters, and after spaces everything in quotes.† These are program's arguments.
In the system LIST form the program that is the first element of the list is executed without using a shell, and the remaining elements are passed to it as arguments. Please see system for more on this, and also for basics of how to investigate failure by looking into $? variable.
It is in principle advisable to run external commands without the shell. However, if your command needs the shell then make sure that the string is escaped just right to to preserve quotes.
Note that there are modules that make it easier to use external commands. A few, from simple to complex: IPC::System::Simple, Capture::Tiny, IPC::Run3, and IPC::Run.
I must note that that's an awkward environment variable; any way to ogranize things otherwise?
† To make this work for non-quoted arguments as well (-arg date) make the quote optional
my #args = $ENV{SOME_ENV} =~ /(\S+)\s+"?([^"]+)/;
where I now left out the closing (unnecessary) quote for simplicity

Passing values that the commands in a shell script are going to expect

I am writing a shell script which has a bunch of commands, out of which some commands expect user input. For instance, if I want to push my changes to git, I use the command git push, which then asks me for the username and password. A traditional shell script halts for user input when it expects username. What I want to do is, pass this username and password as a command line argument, and the command should pick up that value.
Please note:
1. The above question is not in context to git, I have just used it as an example. I understand that I can always store my credentials in the configuration file specific to git, and then it won't prompt me for the credentials. I only want to know the technique of how such thing is done.
Once again, in regards to the example above, security is not a concern. Currently, I am not concerned about passing the password as clear text from command line.
I tried to google it, but didn't get satisfactory results. Any ideas on this will be helpful.
You need to use the "expect" command to send password.
Refer this answer
using expect in bash script
Command name parameters in shell are referenced by $n where n is the number of parameter starting with 0 which is the name of the script. For instance the following script:
echo $0 #name of the script
echo $1 #the first parameter
echo $2 #the second parameter
will print name of the program and parameters
