zsh command not found error when setting an alias - bash

Currently trying to move all of my aliases from .bash_profile to .zshrc. However, found a problem with one of the longer aliases I use for substituting root to ubuntu when passing a command to access AWS instances.
AWS (){
cd /Users/user/aws_keys
cmd=$(echo $# | sed "s/root/ubuntu/g")
The error I get is AWS:5: command not found ssh -i keypair.pem ubuntu#ec1.compute.amazonaws.com
I would really appreciate any suggestions!

The basic problem is that the cmd=$(echo ... line is mashing all the arguments together into a space-delimited string, and you're depending on word-splitting to split it up into a command and its arguments. But word-splitting is usually more of a problem than anything else, so zsh doesn't do it by default. This means that rather than trying to run the command named ssh with arguments -i, keypair.pem, etc, it's treating the entire string as the command name.
The simple solution is to avoid mashing the arguments together, so you don't need word-splitting to separate them out again. You can use a modifier to the parameter expansion to replace "root" with "ubuntu". BTW, I also strongly recommend checking for error when using cd, and not proceeding if it gets an error.
So something like this:
AWS (){
cd /Users/user/aws_keys || return $?
This syntax will work in bash as well as zsh (the double-quotes prevent unexpected word-splitting in bash, and aren't really needed in zsh).
BTW, I'm also a bit nervous about just blindly replacing "root" with "ubuntu" in the arguments; what if it occurs somewhere other than the username, like as part of a filename or hostname?


Getting groovy syntax issue in my Jenkins pipeline

I have a simple script that i need for my pipeline :-
sh '''podname=$(kubectl get pods -n my-namespace --template '{{range .items}}{{.metadata.name}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}' | grep my-pod)
echo "my name is $podname"'''
All i need to invoke through my jenkins declarative pipeline is the value of that kubectl command that i can use later in my script. If i run the same directly on the linux server it works just fine, but somehow through groovy shell invocation always results in syntax errors with respect to unterminated quotes, illegal dollar literal, etc.
How do i fix this?
The syntax looks fine to me, except for this, in the middle of the command:
This will be interpreted as an actual new-line, which may not be what you want? Perhaps try this instead, to let the \n sequence be passed to the command:
If that still doesn't help...
according to the docs:
Runs a Bourne shell script, typically on a Unix node. Multiple lines are accepted.
An interpreter selector may be used, for example: #!/usr/bin/perl
So another suggestion is to try adding the appropriate shebang to your script... as there's no reason the result should be different from when you run this on the shell.

How to create an bash alias for the command "cd ~1"

In BASH, I use "pushd . " command to save the current directory on the stack.
After issuing this command in couple of different directories, I have multiple directories saved on the stack which I am able to see by issuing command "dirs".
For example, the output of "dirs" command in my current bash session is given below -
0 ~/eclipse/src
1 ~/eclipse
2 ~/parboil/src
Now, to switch to 0th directory, I issue a command "cd ~0".
I want to create a bash alias command or a function for this command.
Something like "xya 0", which will switch to 0th directory on stack.
I wrote following function to achieve this -
cd ~$1
Where "$1" in above function, is the first argument passed to the function "xya".
But, I am getting the following error -
-bash: cd: ~1: No such file or directory
Can you please tell what is going wrong here ?
Generally, bash parsing happens in the following order:
brace expansion
tilde expansion
parameter, variable, arithmetic expansion; command substitution (same phase, left-to-right)
word splitting
pathname expansion
Thus, by the time your parameter is expanded, tilde expansion is already finished and will not take place again, without doing something explicit like use of eval.
If you know the risks and are willing to accept them, use eval to force parsing to restart at the beginning after the expansion of $1 is complete. The below tries to mitigate the damage should something that isn't eval-safe is passed as an argument:
xya() {
local cmd
printf -v cmd 'cd ~%q' "$1"
eval "$cmd"
...or, less cautiously (which is to say that the below trusts your arguments to be eval-safe):
xya() {
eval "cd ~$1"
You can let dirs print the absolute path for you:
cd "$(dirs -${1-0} -l)"

Run simple programme using unix shell

I'm new to unix and its developing. In my new.sh script I wrote
and ran new.sh using bash new.sh
But I get the following errors
new.sh: line 1: =user: command not found
new.sh: line 2: =sekrit: command not found
How do I run that command and print the username variable in terminal?
USERNAME is the name of the variable. $USERNAME is the replacement (aka contents, aka value). Since USERNAME is empty, you effectively try to run a command named =user, which is what the error message tells you.
Remove the $ from $USERNAME=... and it will work.
As Jens notes in his answer, the problem is that an assignment to a variable is not prefixed with a $, so:
is the way to write what you wanted. You got an error because USERNAME was not set, so after expansion, the shell looked at the command as:
and it could not find such commands on the system (not very surprisingly). However, be aware that if you have previously written:
then the lines:
would have been equivalent to writing:
You could see that by running set with no arguments; it would show you the values of all the variables set in the shell. You could search for words such as USERNAME and archipelago to see what happened.
Now you've learned that, forget it. The number of times you'll need to use it is very limited (but it is handy on those rare — very rare — occasions when you need it).
For all practical purposes, don't write a $ on the left-hand side of a variable assignment in shell.

rsync run from bash script not preserving ownership

I'm trying to create a bash script which will sync a directory specified as a command line parameter to a remote server (also specified by a parameter). At the moment, I'm using eval, which solves a parameter expansion problem, but for some reason causes rsync not to preserve ownership on the remote files (apart from being Evil, I know). Running the rsync command with all the same flags and parameters from the command prompt works fine.
I tried using $() as an alternative, but I got into a real mess with variable expansion and protecting the bits that need protecting for the remote rsync path (which needs both quotes and backslashes for paths with spaces).
So - I guess 2 questions - is there a reason that eval is preventing rsync from preserving ownership (the bash script is being run as root on the source machine, and sshing to the remote machine as root too - just for now)? And is there a way of getting $() to work in this scenario? The (trimmed) code is below:
RSYNC_FLAGS="-az --rsh=\"/usr/bin/ssh -i \${DST_KEY}\"" # Protect ${DST_KEY} until it is assigned later
SRC=${1} # Normally this is sense checked and processed to be a canonical path
# Logic for setting DST based on command line parameter snipped for clarity - just directly assign for testing
TARG=${DST}${SRC//' '/'\ '} # Escape whitespace for target system
eval ${RSYNC_CMD} ${RSYNC_FLAGS} \"${SRC}\" \"${TARG}\" # Put quotes round the paths - even though ${TARG} is already escaped
# All synced OK - but ownership not preserved despite -a flag
I've tried changing RSYNC_CMD to sudo /usr/bin/rsync, and also adding --rsync-path="sudo /usr/bin/rsync to RSYNC_FLAGS, but neither made any difference. I just can't see what I'm missing...
The correct way to do this is to use an array. -a should already imply -o.
RSYNC_FLAGS=(-az --rsh="/usr/bin/ssh -i ${DST_KEY}")
${RSYNC_CMD} "${RSYNC_FLAGS[#]}" "${SRC}" "${TARG}"
Using RSYNC_RSH instead of --rsh, you can export the variable before you set its value. This at least lets you put the export in the same area where you set the rest of the flags. Then you can defer completing its value until after you have the correct identity file.
export RSYNC_RSH="/usr/bin/ssh -i %s" # Use a placeholder for now; set it later
RSYNC_FLAGS=( -a -z )
# Later...
RSYNC_RSH=$( printf "$RSYNC_RSH" "$DST_KEY" )
${RSYNC_CMD} "${RSYNC_FLAGS[#]}" "${SRC}" "${TARG}"

passing command line arguments to a shell script doesn't work

I want to write a script that will change to different directories depending on my input. something like this:
ssh machine001 '(chdir ~/dev$1; pwd)'
But as I run ./test.sh 2 it still goes to ~/dev. It seems that my argument gets ignored. Am I doing anything very stupid here?
Bash ignores any variable syntax inside the single-quoted(') strings. You need double quotes(") in order to make a substitution:
ssh machine001 "(chdir ~/dev$1; pwd)"
The parameter is enclosed in single quotes, so it isn't expanded on the local side. Use double-quotes instead.
ssh machine001 "chdir ~/dev$1; pwd"
There's no need for the (...), since you are only running the pair of commands then exiting.
