I need a regex so that it captures these:
/articles/123/something_else doesnt' matter
and doesn't these:
where 123 is integer
I tried this:
%r{^/articles/\d+} and %r{^/articles/\d+/*} but it also captured this /articles/1a
Use this:
Conditionally match the end of the string using the $ character.
Here's a regex101 to play around with: https://regex101.com/r/dA1wD4/1
Hello I have the following text:
some text,+
this field is another parameter
this is the final of the field
I would like to match the following two lines:
the rule is that these words begin with 't' and end with 'p',
I tried:
grep -e t*p testing
however I got:
this field is another parameter
So I really would like to appreciate support to overcome this task,
Using grep, to avoid matching strange lines and the perfect match, the code below
grep "^t[0-9]*flp$" testing
This matches the below lines,
This doesn't match the lines as below,
this field is another parameter
these dont grep
Hope you get resolved..
Following should do the work:
grep ^t.*p$ testing
^ indicates begining of the line, .* indicates any character
and $ indicates end of line.
I'm writing ruby and need some help with regex. And I'm really noob in regexp.
I have a string like this
I would like to #gsub this string to change the second slash to %2F.
The challange for me to ignore the first slash and to change only the second slash.
I tried this one
but it chooses not clean slash but o/ in
Please, help me. Thanks!!
You can simply capture the character before the slash in a group and use that in the replacement, for example:
"/hello/world".gsub(/([^\/])\//, '\1%2F') #=> "/hello%2Fworld"
Or if you just want to match any / that appears after the first character, you can simplify this to:
"/hello/world".gsub(/(.)\//, '\1%2F') #=> "/hello%2Fworld"
Or like this:
"/hello/world".gsub(/(?<!^)\//, '%2F') #=> "/hello%2Fworld"
And now for an uglier, regexless alternative:
I'll see myself out.
You need to use subpattern within () for find substring:
this pattern excluding first character. And then replace / in this substring
http://rubular.com/r/IRWptAJdLs is a a working example.
change the second / to %2F:
'/hello/world'.sub /(\/.*?)\//, '\1%2F'
#=> "/hello%2Fworld"
I was trying to work out a regular expression in IRB and got some unexpected output.
The goal was to match everything up until the last dot in a FQDN.
So, for example, if I was trying to match the string "flowtechconsulting.com",
I started with the following:
s1.sub(/^(.*)\\./, "\\1") #=> "flowtechconsultingcom"
However, the sub function simply returned everything but the dot, instead of the first matching group.
If I add two matching groups it works:
s1.sub(/^(.*)\\.(.*)$/, "\\1") #=> "flowtechconsulting"
I'm just not sure why the first doesn't work. It seems like it should.
/^(.*)\./ only captures everything up to the dot. The "com" is not captured and thus not replaced in the substitution.
Forget about sub, and do something like:
"foo.bar.baz.com"[/(.*)(?:\.)/, 1]
# => "foo.bar.baz"
I am building a project which users should be able to generate links easily by putting: #this is the link#. And i am trying to catch strings in between 2 # symbols with regex. I have tried,
it works perfectly if only 1 link in users string, but if there are more than 1 links like,
#asdfasdf asdf# asdf asfasdfasdf asd fasd fasdf #asdfasdf asdfasdf asdf asdf#
it catches the whole string. But i need them separately, so i can substitute them with tags.
This is called "greedy regex". By default regular expression matches the longest string possible. You can make it non-greedy this way:
Demo: http://rubular.com/r/7WWyaUApFt
Use non-greedy match
It will catch indivisual ones.
I want to use regex in bash at line of variable assignment
oldip_a="" //How to use regex on this line.
How to use regex to del all '\' in $oldip? Then assign to new value to $oldip_a.
Do you have any idea?
I believe you want to use string replacement like this:
Or something like that... Of course there's always some battle escaping backslashes!
A more obvious example:
search for "replace all matches" on this page:
Here's how you can do it:
oldip_a=`echo $oldip | sed 's/[\]//g'`
echo $oldip_a