Getting Coda to connect FTP via Applescript? - ftp

I have scoured Google and can't even come close to an answer but, Panic Coda support staffs says this can be done.
We use WHMCS as our billing system for all of our hosting clients. With 100's of clients, it's not practical to create Coda sites to connect via FTP, with passwords changing all the time.
What we've done so far....
So, we created a WHMCS hook to create a FTP link within that system so that when we can click that FTP link, it launches Yummy FTP and connects to the site. Easy.. Then we can double click any file and have it open in Coda.
What we want to do...
Is have an Applescript to catch that same click, get the FTP url (which is formatted like, then start coda and use that FTP url to open the remote FTP site.
This way we have FTP and editing all within Coda instead of having to cmd-tab all day to edit files.
Coda support says this can be done but, we have NO clue as to where to start on creating an applescript that does this.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!


Directly edit files of an FTP server using Atom

I have tried time and time again to get remote-edit working within atom. I have added my known working FTP server, click on the Browse Hosts button, and attempt to connect. I am 100% sure the username and password are correct. I don't know what kind of data to provide, other than it worked once, but has never worked again.
From a look at the source, remote-edit prints all errors to the console. To open the console, open the View menu, then browse to Developer and click Toggle Developer Tools. Or use the shortcut CmdAltI (it's probably CtrlAltI on Windows.) This should help finding the cause of your problem.

Open Excel files on a remote computer

I want to programmatically open Excel files on a user's computer, read what is in the first cell, then save this to a mysql db on my webapp with the following info:
cell content (text)
file_updated_date (date)
Is this possible?
Will the user have to install a desktop application for me to open files on their computer, or can I get permission to run a script and return information from a website?
What language or technologies are available to open Excel files, read content, and send to an http endpoint? Is this a Ruby program?
RailsCast is going to be your friend. Learn it, like it, love it. That link should take your straight to his CSV/Excel importing video that can walk you through basically exactly what you're trying to do. As far as reading from the file goes anyways. As for writing back to the webserver, if the webserver doesn't move you can embed the address into your code and work from that. HTTPClient should be able to help you with that part.

Windows send file to browser with the "Send to" shortcut

I would like to use the "Send to" menu of Windows to upload files to a server. There is a lot of solutions to achieve that like ftp but I need to use the default Web browser of the computer.
I wrote a simple test script that is able to:
Receive the files with their full path
Open the browser to a specific page
My questions are the following:
Is it possible to send and action/arguments to the browser that allows it to access to this files ? If yes how does it works and is it cross-browser ?
My only requierement is to use the browser to upload the files but I can use any kind of third party software to pass the files to the browser. So is there any way to do that with a java applet or something similar ?
Thank you for your time !

How to automatically FTP files that I am editing

I'm trying to figure out how to autoftp with Filezilla. Are there any other programs that do this right off the bat?
I use WinSCP for some of its amazing benefits. I connect to my FTP server with WinSCP and let it monitor my local folder /website/public_html.
Any changes I make in my local folder automatically get uploaded to my FTP server by WinSCP. The feature is called Keep remote directory up to date:
As for SCSS, I also use it:
I have a script that opens a console window to watch my /website/scss files and compiles them to /website/public_html/styles/. WinSCP sees the CSS file has changed (or is new) and automatically uploads it.
Notice: The only downside is you cannot reach your error_log as that is automatically generated on the server by PHP. To do this you can easily instantiate another WinSCP to connect to your website. Now you have 1 WinSCP monitoring your local folder and 1 WinSCP where you can access your site map.
If by "autoftp" you mean "update the file on the server whenever I save it" and you're working with code, then I'd recommend the wonderful Notepad++
Notepad++ certainly is wonderful for this particular function and it even saves a cache of the whatever has been accessed and modified from the remote server.
The downside however (for me) is that Notepad++ will not auto-upload preprocessed CSS files like .scss or .less. I tried actually opening the resulting .css files in Notepad++ to mimic the act of editing them, but that still puts an extra step in the process. I have to click over to the tabs and manually save them (after the 'your file as changed prompt').
Currently, after I make changes, I click over to FZ and upload the files manually.
This response is late, but hopefully it will be helpful to those looking to get past Filezilla's "do you want to overwrite" prompt every time a file being edited locally is saved. Unfortunately, the Filezilla developers are staunchly opposed to making this behavior optional. It is a problem for many, especially when working with limited desktop space, since every time the prompt appears, one must expose the hidden filezilla window just to click okay.
Anyway, the answer is WinSCP. It is also free and is so similar to filezilla that I needed no learning to use it immediately.
There is an easier way to do that with NetBeans IDE, there is an option to upload files with FTP or SFTP on save, manually or on Run
Right click on your project and click Properties
Click the second category run configuration
Run As: Choose Remote Website (FTP,SFTP)
Project Url: put your website live link eg
Upload files: Choose On Save
Remote Connection > Manage > Add > Connection name (put one) > FTP
Now add your ftp details. Make sure your Initial directory path is correct, (your website path) so you will not accidentally replace any files from other website in the file manager
Unfortunately there no option on filezilla can auto agree upload when file has been changed.
Mobaxtern can do that. You can choose "always upload" when file has been changed.
You can edit the file with any editor, whenever you save, it will upload.
I like to use WebDrive ($40) which mounts a remote server (S)FTP/SSH/Cloud to a local drive (eg. X: on Windows). You can then just do everything to drive X: as if it's a local drive and WebDrive automatically uploads the changes to the remote server.

Customizable Windows right-click file uploader?

I'm looking for a "right-click upload" application like RightLoad - an application that can upload media files to a remote FTP server from the Windows Explorer's context menu. I want to customize the application to serve as a customized image uploading tool to a PHP-based CMS.
The user would upload images and other media files to a defined FTP account (I'm also very open for other methods of transport, as long as they are supported by run-off-the-mill web hosting stacks) that they could then use in the CMS they log in to.
For me to be able to do these customizations, the application would have to be Open Source - RightLoad is "only" Freeware. Alternatively, I'm open for closed-source and commercial suggestions as long as they allow "pre-packaged" server settings that can easily be deployed to the user.
Does anybody know such a tool compatible with at least the most current versions of Windows (XP, Vista, 7)?
Thanks all for the great input. In the case at hand, I decided it's easiest for me to stick with RightLoad and create a workflow in which the URL presented by RightLoad after the upload is copy+pasted into the CMS. I am putting a bounty on this because I think it's a worthy question for future generations, and I want to be the first one to put up a 500 bounty under the new bounty system :)
You could just use the send to menu using window's My network Places like this
I think WinSCP might have everything you want:
Open Source under GNU GPL
Windows Explorer's 'Send To' Context Menu
Drag 'n Drop Shell Extension
lots of additional features
and it can be scripted and is more secure than FTP due to using SSH
If you insist on open source, why not create a custom context menu handler and send it using some open source FTP client?
I would have to check the details, if it's really viable, but I would start with it.
I just had an idea, tested and working:
use regedit to edit HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*/Shell
add a key in shell called FTP to Mysite, in the default value set it to FTP to Mysite.
then add a key to the FTP key you just created called command, in the command default value use:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
what this will do is open IE and the address\path\to\file.jpg
now using $_GET you can get the file address, upload it via php to where ever, even add an interface...
now when the user right clicks on any file, they can upload it via your web site by clicking FTP
1) another software is RightLoad , i use it that this moment!
2) The nice software I used over years, was FLING. It adds Right Click menu in windows explorer... However, I have left the software, because till today (version 2.35) fling DOESNT support SFTP (And nowadays on all sites I use SFTP!!)
3) I DONT like SEND-TO menu! (because I think passwords saved in WINDOWS can be easily stolen by virus..)
