Directly edit files of an FTP server using Atom - ftp

I have tried time and time again to get remote-edit working within atom. I have added my known working FTP server, click on the Browse Hosts button, and attempt to connect. I am 100% sure the username and password are correct. I don't know what kind of data to provide, other than it worked once, but has never worked again.

From a look at the source, remote-edit prints all errors to the console. To open the console, open the View menu, then browse to Developer and click Toggle Developer Tools. Or use the shortcut CmdAltI (it's probably CtrlAltI on Windows.) This should help finding the cause of your problem.


What does "workspace id:s" do in an RDP file?

I am debugging an RDP connection, and in the .rdp file there is a flag
I see this parameter included in examples in many places on the internet like StackOverflow and in Microsoft support. But, no one ever explains what it does. It is not even listed in the official docs for RDP.
So, does anyone know what the workspace id:s: setting does in an RDP file?
This value seems to appear in remote application session when mouse is over rdp icon in task bar. For example see the icon where i set: workspace id:s:test
enter image description here

How to try to understand why the connection to hosts in PhpStorm occurs?

The situation is as follows: everything worked perfectly, PhpStorm worked without problems with FTP on the Remote Host tab. But at some point, it suddenly stopped doing it and when I open the project and try to view the contents of the host(s), this happens:
I can not click the [...] button to check the host(s) settings. If I connect to host(s) through another ftp client, everything works fine.
Question: how do I understand what the problem may be, and eliminate it?
Based on your idea.log file the issue seems to be with KeePass file that IDE is uses to store your credentials (logins and passwords). You can check the path to that file at Settings/Preferences | Appearance & Behaviour | System Settings | Passwords
It's either inaccessible (has access permissions issue .. or wrong Master password) .. or is somehow corrupted.
Try this: close IDE, go there, backup that file (just in case) and try to open it with some another program that understands such KeePass format. That's to see if it's good inside.
If it's bad/cannot be used -- just delete it and IDE will create a new one on next launch.

How can we make a ftp link open in windows explorer on Windows?

Been trying to find a way to do this for a while.
Opening a link in an windows explorer window instead of a browser.
For example using this link :
And opening it in Windows Explorer.
Is it possible to dictate how windows should react when clicking on that link in a email ?
Thank you Fabian H!
Your solution works fine for me :-)
I made just a small change to your code, infact I wrote:
#="C:\\Windows\explorer.exe" %1
Instead of:
#="C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe %1"
This second one didn't work for me :-(
But now I can finally enjoy using explorer.exe as the default FTP Client!!
Tested on WIndows 7
Save these lines in a file with a file name ending .reg and double klick the file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe %1"
Tested on WIndows 8.1 64bit.
Thanks to Perneel for his link.
The Windows registry keys shown before didn't work for me, but this works:
Use Web Based FTP = "yes"
Just change value to "no".
(Windows 7 Pro x64)
I was fumbling around looking for how to do this and I ultimately decided to go with the "Add Network Location" wizard method as described here by "nhinkle".
However after doing so, I got a link that generated this shortcut:
More what it actually looks like:
Then was prompted for my login credentials, and thats it. Does not open in Chrome and I just did Send To > Desktop (shortcut) and moved that shortcut to the folder I wanted it in. Now I can open the FTP location from explorer by hitting the link instead of typing the address into the address bar, and it is not opening up in any internet browsers.
I only have one ftp account, dont know much about any background magic that the wizard may have done regarding registry/etc, and I feel like deleting the shortcut wont really undo any of that if it did happen, so if someone could test this and confirm whether or not it works, that'd be great.
Just my 2c :)
Check it out, i got the above answer working by deleting this entry
For regularly used FTP sites, if you don't want to make registry edits, create a shortcut using the following format and your site will open in Windows Explorer.
%windir%\explorer.exe ftp://

your preferences cannot be read

I have a problem every time I open the chrome.
I'm getting the error message:
Your preferences cannot be read.
Some features may be unavailable and changes to preferences won't be saved.
So, I have to sign in at chrome every fresh start.
I have search the web and the solution to reinstall chrome doesn't work for me. I find that the problem is a missing folder but I don't know who.
My operating system is Windows 8. Any help to overcome with my problem is more than appreciated.
Exit Google Chrome completely.
Enter the keyboard shortcut Windows key+E to open Windows Explorer.
In the Windows Explorer window that appears enter the following in the address bar:
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\
Locate the folder called "Default" in the directory window that opens and rename it as "Backup default."
Try opening Google Chrome again. A new "Default" folder is automatically created as you start using the browser.
fix, error: preference files cannot read."
go to control panel
click on program getting error.
click repair
this fixed my problem.
this problem can be solved easily.. once you have setup everything after the error message i.e bookmarks and sync, Run CHROME IN "ADMINISTRATOR MODE" every time you want to open chrome..that solves the issue..

What is a "Toggle Transcript"?

I'm having trouble downloading files from my client's development server.
They said that one of their connections is working just fine with the exact same FTP credentials.
To help resolve the problem they asked me to give them "Toggle Transcripts"
What are toggle transcripts and how can I get them from CyberDuck?
In my version, I have a "Toggle Log Drawer" menu option (under the View menu, I think). Selecting this reveals an extra window element, where information about the FTP session is printed. In your case, this window may contain information that your client can use to diagnose the problem. It's just a log of your activity when using Cyberduck.
