Identify logos on PNG without AI Services - image

So, I don't believe that exists someway to "read" a PNG through its binary code, or something like that, but I have zero knowledge on Image Processing or Computer Vision, and so, I can't be sure if that are ways to do it or not.
To be clear: I want to know if there are ways to identify the image of a Logo using an image of the Logo as reference but through methods that use only the binary of the image.
Thanks in advance

If the logo is known, and not distorted a lot (logo printed on a scarf is not as good as on a flat surface), there is technologies that can achieve that:
It is a template matching problem, see


How would I go about swapping different transparent images with others in visual basic 6?

So I have a programming project that I have to do for my school. What I have to do is setup a 2 player dice game. I could have gone the easy way and just display the number of the 2 die, but I was thinking of using images that I made in photoshop instead. However, the problem is that I do not know how to change images in an efficient way.
My first option is using the visibility tag on several images laid on top of eachother and change it accordingly as such
image1.visible = false
image2.visible = true
However, I do not think that is very efficient. Images also do not support changing the image with code from my research.
Secondly, I could use a PictureBox instead, which do support changing the image as the program is running. However, it does not support transparency, and the die images are transparent. Plus it gives me the invalid image file error, I guess due to the transparency in the gif files.
There is also the cheap workaround of me making the background of the images the same as the form background.
So is there a more efficient way I am missing out? I know that the cheap workaround would be the best option for this case, but I would like to have this knowledge for future use like semi-transparent pixels that blend in and such.
And before you ask, no, I cannot use another programming language as visual basic 6 is what my school teaches. Thankfully they are changing it soon, but I am stuck with this for now.
Turns out you CAN change the pictures of Images, while keeping transparency and stretch. I am going to properly show it:
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture("YOURPATHHERE.gif")
This is what I get for believing what I've seen on some forum.
Also, the error of invalid image file was due to the images being corrupted for some reason.

How can I Make a Steganographic Image

I want to make a steganographic image using some very simple software. I want to demonstrate the principle by opening up a bitmap image file in an editor that will let me see the binary that encodes the colours of individual pixels. I want to change the last couple of bits for some pixels to hide my secret binary message, then re-save the image. I have seen that there are a few applications available that can create steganographic images, some of which are free, but they seem to hide what is really going on. I want to see and edit the 'raw' binary for myself. I hoped something like Notepad++ or Cyberchef would let me do this, but apparently not. Can you suggest something I can use please?

How to detect if the image taken is selfie using image processing

I am doing a project,where I need to determine if the image is self taken or not? I am confused whether to use machine learning approach or image processing ? Machine learning approach may not give me very effective results.I am looking for image processing method.Can anyone help me out here..?? I can detect the faces in the image but that is not enough.
Machine learning will work way better in my opinion. With few exemples you should get a correct result. But it won't be perfect.
If you want something more occurate you will need other detailed. For exemple if it is a smartphone application you know if the front camera was used. Maybe another great source of data is the accelerometer because selfies are not taken the same way of regular picture.
If you have faces in the picture and another relevant indicator you probably can state that the picture is a selfie.

How to easily crop the same image multiple times

I have a set of really big images out of which I need to crop little snippets. These snippets are all exactly the same size but don't follow a strict pattern so I can't do this programatically.
Ideally I would like to open up one of the big files and be able to point and click on say, the top left corner of a snippet and have that automatically be saved to disk without even having to enter a file name, and then continue on with the rest. (Of course this would be the ideal way which I know is probably way off the real possible way!).
I started doing this in Photoshop CS4 but cropping a snippet, saving, undoing (to get to the full image), and starting over again takes way too long.
Maybe someone has a better way to do this in photoshop or in some other software.
Thanks for reading!
Instead of cropping and undoing, you could:
make (or resize) a selection
copy the selection to a new image
save the image
close the image
You might need to split it into two actions, I don't know enough about programming Photoshop.
Thank you everyone for your input.
I ended up doing this with a suggestion a colleague of mine came up with. It consisted of creating a Photoshop "slice" over the first region I wanted to crop and then cloning that region over the rest of the other sections. After that, using Save For Web (and ofter hitting Continue when PS complained about how that image was way beyond Save For Web's capabilities) I could save all images at once.
This was the fastest and easiest method I could find. Until then I was going with Mark Ransom's method.

How would you generate default user profile pictures?

I've been admiring StackOverflow's default quilt-like profile pictures (which I notice are also on the Fail Blog) and am curious what program both are using to generate them.
But what I really want to know is: If you were to design the system to create default profile pictures, how would you do it?
I'm looking for ideas on what algorithm you'd use, as well as things like how you would related the image to the user, be it related to their username, or some portrayal of their progress (ie the image gets more complex, or larger, as they gain reputation).
FWIW, the default pictures are generated by gravatar, which is why you'll see them on more than this site.
It's called an Identicon. On Stackoverflow it Gravatar uses your IP address to generate the image.
This is an editorial, not necessarily an answer.
Those auto-generated avatars on this site come from a service (Gravatar) that focuses exclusively on providing avatars and is therefore the core of their business. For apps that aren't specifically intended to generate and display avatars, I would just go with an empty placeholder (like Facebook). It's a neat feature, but is it worth your development time when a simple placeholder would be just as effective?
A very good source of images would be flame fractals. They are rather computationally expensive, so simply sourcing them from a project like electric sheep or having them be rendered by the user's computer should be considered to offload the work.
Who wouldn't want default profile pictures like these?
alt text alt text alt text alt text
Use a Julia set or something like that and set the initial conditions to a hash of the user's email address.
I'd use a jpeg server tool (aspjpg or similar) to manipulate the image on load so it displays their badges within their profile pic.
In fact, using any tool to dynamically generate images is pretty cool. Applying some sort of 3d or flash technology to dynamically create images using random variables for eye spacing or facial structure would be pretty wicked as well.
But ya this is a weird question. hah!
I did something similar years back, I used POV-Ray to generate little 3D scenes with torusses (torii ?) and spheres. There were lots of parameters to tweak such as the position, size and colour of each object.
POV-Ray is a scriptable 3D render engine, you can find it here.
Unfortunately my images all looked too similar to each other. I love Gravatar's identicons as uses on this site. I think the symmetry helps and the shapes are unique enough that you can identify users fairly clearly.
In ruby there have a library to generate it!
