I cannot pull php files into a webpage using the include statement.
The include_path is .:/opt/php55/lib/php.
I have made these directories in public_html, and placed files within this include_path using FTP.
However, when using within a index.html file the header.php file is not display in the browser.
Any hints or suggestions will be appreciated.
I have a GoDaddy web hosting account with a cPanel access. I am trying to figure out where should i upload my php files.
I have created a new folder inside the public_html folder as fortnox_invoicing and have copied all the code (PHP/HTML/JS) files in that folder.
But when i try to browse the php files it doesn't work instead i get "ops, this page does not exist" message.
Following is how the public_html directory looks like for now:
You can upload your PHP files in public_html if you want to browse your website like:
You can also upload PHP files in subfolder if you wish to browse it like
If you are receiving error 404 while browsing subfolder, locate .htaccess file and check if there is any rules that are restricting index.php to load and causing 404 page. If .htaccess file is hidden, you'll have to enable the show hidden file in while opening cPanel File Manager. Try renaming .htaccess file and load your website again. Also make sure that root folder contains index page and it is listed as default page in .htaccess file.
You see this page because your website doesn't have "index.php" or "index.html" file in public_html folder.
for example
Most service providers use the above hierarchy.
I am using Ubuntu 14.04LTS. Here is what i have done till now:
I have installed composer using curl,
move this composer.phar file to usr/local/bin directory
Created project laravel in my root folder i.e. var/www/html
Change the permission of app/storage folder.
Created the file name as laravel.conf like 000-default.conf in etc/apache2/site-avaliable directory.
edit that laravel.conf file from terminal and save that file.
disable 000-default.conf file and enable laravel.conf file.
restarted the apache2 service.
Here is my problem: now i am trying to run it from my localhost but it does not show index.php page of my project laravel.
Any help to sort this, will be highly appreciated.
Laravel builds its own output based on your controllers, generally utilizing view files (blades) as templates. Unless you specifically tell it to in your controller, it will not return a static or dynamic index.php page. If this is your first Laravel project, I recommend reading up on how routing works at http://laravel.com/docs/5.0/routing .
I'm trying to upload files to my domain that I'm hosting with Dreamhost. I connected to the server with FileZilla and I'm pretty sure I put the files in the right spot.
Their tutorial says to create a directory with your domain name like this: 'mydomain.com' and put your files in there. I put an index.html, p.css, register.php, login.php, and logout.php file in there. However, when I navigate to mydomain.com in Google Chrome, all I see is this:
Does anybody know what could be causing this?
BTW I didn't actually create a directory called "mydomain.com" I used the domain I own.
The directories are set up like this:
Can you make sure you have group read permissions on the file you are attempting to fetch?
You want permission each file has a 755 permission, here is how you would change a file permission in FileZilla.
Also, make sure everything is in the public_html file.
Try adding a file named .htaccess to your public_html directory. In this file, put the following line:
DirectoryIndex index.html
Assuming the webserver is Apache (or a work-alike) this tells the server to send index.html whenever someone asks for /.
I finally figured it out. For some reason it wasn't working when the directory was labeled mydomain.com. I changed it to mydomain_com and it fixed it for whatever reason. Thank you to cevaris and Amazed for helping me.
I am using Cyberhost.in to host a JSF application. The problem that I am facing is that whenever I am trying to access image files from public_html folder I am getting a 404 error. I have kept my war file in webapps folder. I am using c-panel, the thing is that I want to take backup of files for my website so I have kept them in public_html folder. Initially I was saving the files under webapps/[WAR FILE NAME] but when ever I was trying to overwrite webapps/[WAR FILE NAME] I was getting permission denied error.
You should upload image files on their location that you have mentioned in your code, otherwise you should change the location in website code of the same.
Also check permissions/ownership of files
I'm using Jekyll to make a simple static site.
When I have Jekyll HTML files on the root of my project (in the same folder as the _layouts folder & config file) they render perfectly and I can preview them on http://localhost:4000/welcome.html instantly.
I'm starting to get alot of files on the root and want to organize the dynamic files into folders.
So, when I move a file into a subfolder Jekyll stops updating it. I can see my previous edits ( from when it was on the root ) but if I make any edits, it doesn't update.
http://localhost:4000/mydirectory/welcome.html - returns a 404
Should I be editing the config file to check for these folders? Something like -
source: [mydirectory1,mydirectory2]
Or am I missing something obvious?
I assume you've run jekyll --server to check this?
I just checked my directory settings and I don't have anything in config.yaml that tell it where to look. If you run jekyll --server from the directory where you are storing everything it just recursively looks through everything and processess it according to the rules it has for each file type.
Are you running jekyll --server from the right directory?